I've been wanting to try Kenzoki skincare products for quite some time and happily given a chance when I purchase Kenzo spray deo at OG.
These words are from the tiny pamphlet inside the small box:

I feel that the words are so beautiful, somehow
This is my review:

A small tube that just perfect for one application. It is white and creamy but not too creamy. It still feels light. Small beads are felt.

The smell is just gorgeous, very fragrant, flowery...maybe this is also why white lotus are so loved, the scent is lovely. When I first applied there's a tingling sensation, a bit sting but in a minute or two it subside into a calming sensation. 10 minutes pass by so fast, at the right picture above that's how the mask turn into transparent after 10 minutes.

The left side picture is my facial skin condition before mask, the face is clean and dry. The right side is my after mask, the skin look whiter, matte, bright, my nose area looks less congested, I like it.
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