Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Vichy Cellu Destock

Just for interlude, almost 2 weeks ago I received Vichy CelluDestock from a Singapore Women's Weekly magazine. The product is said to have an effect to fight cellulite on our lower area such as thighs, hips and buttocks.

VichyCelluDestock Advanced Anti-Cellulite Care contain 5% pure caffeine and Lipocidine. It is said (based on SWW June 2010 page 220) it can minimize the appearance of sluggish, orange peel skin. The cream is paraben-free and in:
7 days of using: less dimpled skin
14 days: better-toned skin around buttock area
28 days: slimmer thighs.

This is my review:
The cream is green but not so creamy, I would say it is a thick green gel, since it is easily spread during application and absorbed around 30 minutes (skin left completely soft and no residue). Each time I used about 50 cents coin (SGD), massage it thoroughly my thighs, buttocks and hips.

The scent is pleasant, not overwhelming, like a normal body lotion. But don't compared it with fragrant body lotion from CrabTree and Evelyn or perfumed based body lotion, okay?!

When I first applied them for about a day or 2 I didn't really notice a feeling of a bit warmth on the area applied, but after that I try not to use the product after shower and it feels different, then when I applied them on I feel those warmth sensation. I used another brand that said to fight cellulite too but can not bear the extreme heat and redness. With Vichy CelluStock I can say, it is a pleasant feeling using it.

So far after 7 days of using Vichy CelluDestock I found no allergy reaction such as itchy, redness, or anything. But I still do recommend to wash your hands properly after using and cover the area (sufficiently, no need extra protection) so that you won't accidentally rub your eyes or other sensitive area or other people too :)

For modesty reason I can only take pictures of my left thigh but I'll still give review for buttocks and hips area.

Using CelluDestock my skin becomes softer, that's the first noticeable effect that I know, you can feel it like from the 2nd time of using and first I though it just some left-over cream but it's not, I can still feel the softness even after shower and before application. I use the product 2 times a day, after shower and when the skin is still damp.

After 7 days, I can see a vivid result on my thigh, the fine cellulite are smoother, can clearly see the orange peel skin reduced significantly. But the deep cellulite on my hips and stretch marks on my tummy area are still there, slightly reduce but only like less obvious. So does my buttocks. My conclusion so far the 'thicker' area need more time.

I know the product is not specifying them-self as a stretch marks fighter, but I just want to see whether they have extra benefit on me.

I will continue to use the product since the 7 days result for me is pretty good and I would love to see more change on my hips and buttocks as it claim it to be. The reviews will come after week 2 and week 4.

Thank you for reading ^_^.

Hi all you can find the result of week 2, 4 and after finishing the whole tube ---> HERE


  1. thank you for this review! I have been looking for one for a while

  2. Thank you!! i needed a review :) i will follow up! xx

  3. Just what I needed to see Thanks !!

  4. Hi All,

    Thanks for reading my blog and found the info useful, but I think this is necessary, please do read the following post for what happen after I use the whole tube

    and for those who email me, thank you :)

  5. How was the end result...after week two and four? Did it help your buttocks and thighs significantly?

  6. Hi Anon,

    You can read it here:

    Thank you for reading ^_^
