Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Update on Rudy Hadisuwarno Hair Growth Serum

Please read my previous post regarding the details of the products: HERE

Hi all,

I've been using Rudy Hadisuwarno until they are finished now and I haven't buy some more, will I? I think yes. Why? It does help strengthen up my roots so less hair fall during usage, my floor looks clean-er and on the hair brush less hair trapped there. But I'm still looking for a new grown hair felling, you know the tiny hair in the places I've been treated with the serum.

I've used other product which cost 5 times more expensive than Rudy's and the result also, well . . . almost 5 times faster too. In less than a month I can feel new grown hair, like a sprouts of tiny hairs on the scalp which I haven't experience in this product. Either yet, or will not I do not know. So my review on Rudy Hadisuwarno products are they are good helping the roots to be stronger, help the reducing of hair fall. But for the re-growth . . . I'm not there yet.

And now, I haven't been using them since they are finished (personal activities that choked me these days) and haven't got a time to buy any hair growth treatment, and I look that my hair fall is back on track, yes, in a saddest way.


  1. ops... i thought i click 'post comment' few days ago to ask you something.. emm... actually i would like to ask which brand that you use that have 5 times effective compare with Rudy?

  2. Hi Anon,

    it was Rene Furterer, so far the best brand that help my hair to stop falling and grow.

  3. Hi,
    I am search a product that can re-growth my hair. Can you have any experienced about this product (product name and cost). Thank you very much. Please email me your answer

  4. Hi Mr Toto,

    please leave me your email address here ^_^ but in case you are reading this blog again, there are some products that I've used:

    Rudy Hadisuwarno serum (around Rp.60.000), Neril Hair serum (around Rp.80.000), Neril Aminexil Serum (around Rp.100.000), Redken hair advance (around 60SGD), Rene Furterer hair growth serum (around 300SGD), but it's all depends on how severe your condition is, can you be more specific please?

    Some of the products can be use accordingly, depends on your budget and scalp condition, what works for me doesn't' necessarily works for you. And you have to use the whole range for best result from shampoo, conditioner to serum and tonic.

    Thank you.

  5. Hi clevergirl,

    the Rene Furterer that u use is it "Complexe 5 Regenerating Plant Extract ( Tones the Scalp/ Strengthens the Hair ) - 12x5ml/0.16oz"?

  6. Hi Anon,

    Yes, I use complexe 5 and the rest of the range:

    but I do not use complexe 5 as the regrowth serum (please do read on my previous post, the link are given above)

    Complexe 5 is a pre-shampoo treatment. Rene have RF80 to re-growth hair.

    Take note: they are best to be used together as a synergy and faster result.

    Thank you.
