This is a long overdue post but it need help for my sister and her keratosis pilaris condition ^^ to see the effect for using this particular lotion for at least a month.
Details from
Weightless Body Treatment with 2% Beta Hydroxy Acid
Produk body lotion inovatif yang mengkombinasikan
bahan Salicylic acid yang mampu mengangkat sel kulit mati dan sebagai
lotion anti-jerawat dengan kandungan lainnya yang melembabkan dan
mencukupi kebutuhan kulit akan bahan-bahan antioksidan yang canggih.
akan dengan segera melihat perbaikan dan peningkatan secara bertahap
pada tekstur dan warna kulit yang lebih halus merata tanpa noda dan
bekas jerawat serta benjolan merah-merah pun bisa memudar
- Mengangkat sel kulit mati dengan 2% Salicylic acid dengan kadar pH efektif (3.2-.3.6)
- Tekstur selembut sutra-sangat mudah diratakan dan menyerap dengan cepat
- Hasil akhir yang ringan dan matte sangat ideal bagi kulit yang rentan jerawat
- Mengurangi dan meredakan radang pada kulit yang memerah secara signifikan
- Sangat sempurna untuk mengatasi benjolan merah-merah (keratosis pilaris)
- 100% bebas pewarna dan pewangi
For those curios about what is keratosis pilaris, below is the image of the skin affected by the condition:
There's bumps of redness which sometime can be itchy, the condition just develop when she grow over puberty, she tries many different brand and ingredients too. From scrubbing, exfoliating, using aloe vera, creams and recently there's a new treatment by doctor which cost millions of Rupiah per visit (laser treatment) and it needs at least 6-7 visits.
Imagine the high cost and I'm getting a product from Paula's Choice Indonesia ^^ she is happily tries Weightless Body Treatment which I can't use. I have sensitivity to the ingredients, it made my skin feel numb and unpleasant tingling. But not on her.
On her she says it was like ordinary body lotion, light, comfortable and can be used daily, 2 times a day.
Within 2 weeks the lotions gave her a real result. The skin soften, the redness bumps loosen and not as stiff as it used too. Below is the image of after using the product after a month.
I think it is a major progression for her skin, look how her skin develop from before to after. I'm glad it work on her and now she is more confident in using sleeveless clothes as the bumps are reduced by far.
Thank you Paula's Choice Indonesia
Dear mau nanya donk, itu redness yang ada di lengan yah ? nimbul gak redness nya ? berapaan yah harganya ? Curious so much
ReplyDeleteHave following you, mind to follow me back yh dear
Hi ithiene,
ReplyDeleteyes, ada di upper arm, bisa menyebar ke lengan jika kondisinya memburuk (tapi sepertinya jarang).
Itu bukan redness tapi kondisi yang di stated oleh dokter (bukan kira2 sendiri) jadi tanyakan dokter ya jika ada kecurigaan tsb.
Last but not least, I completely dont understand the concept of I follow, u follow back. sorry. I think you should follow anyone you want to follow disregard the person follows you back or not.