Saturday, June 16, 2012

Anna Sui Balancing Cleanser and Lotion


I'm back with Anna Sui ^^ This time it will be about Balancing Cleanser and Balancing Lotion.

Details can be easily found on under base make up, yes, it is the new series where magic comes to life . . . life of a beautiful person looking for flawless look.

Balancing Cleanser                   Balancing Lotion

These are the bottles. Aren't they adorable?! If they are twin, they are like identical twins where one is a boy and the other is a girl.

The cleanser is in pump bottle while the lotion is in screw bottle where you just pour it on your hands before using it. It is an all in one lotion from serum to moisturizer. Clever!

Here's a short clip of me using it, from full makeup and with the easiness  of the cleanser, I just pump it there a few times until the cottons are almost soaked and gently swipe it all over my face and all the makeup is removed, from waterproof to foundation and lipstick too. Balancing Cleanser by Anna Sui is super duper good and effective too without making my skin dry. I did use a lot of cotton pad, but it worth all the cotton ^0^, the skin feels cleans and hydrated in the same time and the scent is sooo good as well.

A bit rosy which is white rose and a whole lot of elegance in the air.

Don't be shy, click on each image you want to see it in larger view, I know I did ^^

I agree every worth it says, about the cotton pad, about the hydration, the effectiveness and the scent too. But one thing I need to remind you, do find a good cotton that doesn't contain bleach and other harmful chemicals. During the wiping, do it gently, numerous wiping action with cotton may aggravate your delicate skin (especially those with sensitive skin) if you use too much effort.

Let the product work for you, not your muscle ^__^ It also helps if you let the product sit for a while in tougher area, so pump a bit and let it sit for a while before wiping it of with the soaked cotton pad. Careful in the area nears the eyes, close your eyes when the pad is near the area and it is best to let the cotton pad soaked the Balancing Cleanser first so it wont accidentally drip down, it stings!

Now, no need to use a toner and serum, use this right after Balancing Cleanser, Ooooohhhhh! I can hear you there, your night routine has become a realistic goal now haha! I know, many of us who have spend the whole day in makeup, just want to come home and faint on our bed. But we still need to gives our skin it deserves after suffering with us more than 12 hours. They need us as we need them. So take good care of them. Balancing Cleanser and Lotion by Anna Sui is your key to a happy skin and happier you.

Imagine double cleansing, toning, serum, moisturizer compares to Balancing Cleanser and Balancing Lotion, that could means 5-10 minutes of more sleep. So now, you got no more excuse for keeping yourself dirty and unmoisturized.

Texture? Both Balancing Cleanser and Lotion is the same, slightly milky, slightly like a gel, like a between water and gel, where it still drip down but gently. The scent? Both are refreshing as a fresh white rose can be, comforting and a bit addictive for me \^0^/  Competence? Both do their job very well. The Cleanser cleans without the doubt and the Lotion gives hydration in a light undemanding way possible. But for those suffering dry skin, you will need heavier moisturizer as in cream.

Overall: A very highly recommended products. Perfect score!

Thank you Anna Sui Indonesia

And you for reading this review, see you soon!



  1. Hi, nice review
    I just wanna ask, how much are their price?
    Anna sui skincare has adorable rose scent :)

  2. Hi Penulis Amatir,

    I bet you're not as a amatir as you said :)

    Sorry utk harga bisa langsung ditanyakan di counter terdekatmu, tapi bocorannya sih sekitar 600k Rupiah.

  3. Thank u, infonya
    Mo ceki2 dulu (colek2 di konter) he he
    Saya belum pernah pakai anna sui skincare sebelumnya, jadi mupeng :)
    sepertinya kudu nyoba nich, dan packagingnya pun girly banget, bakal cantik nampang di atas meja rias :)
    thanx for reviewing

  4. Hi :)

    Iya, memang cantik banget, kalau soal packaging Anna Sui memang super passionate. Skincarenya cocok banget buat yang ga mau repot, yg suka multifungsi dan praktis :)
