Thursday, January 17, 2013

ZAP Eye Treatment

Hello everyone!!!

Last week we went to ZAP at Woltermonginsidi branch and try on some of their beauty treatment there. Probably it's already no secret ZAP has open a beauty center (Click HERE), not just for hair removal but for other service relating to beauty. I've tried the eye treatment before and now, it's my husband's time to try. Yes, all the treatment is for any gender.

First, as usual, a consultation and skin diagnostic is done so the doctor may know which treatment suitable for client.

In an instant the computer tells us on the skin moisture level, pores, acne, lines and finally determine our skin's age.

My husband has an oily skin with lines. So his skin's age is older than his actual age.

Then the treatment is done on his left eye first. A cool gel is applied and the 'rub' by the tool is done gently. He doesn't feel the sting like I do, so definitely it was just due to my condition of wearing contact lenses.

I can see his fine lines is reducing and the skin under the eyes appears firmer. The tool has just activating his collagen and will keep on working for 3 months.


It's the right side turn. Same process, same time and same procedure.

After the both side is done the doctor gave him an eye gel which according to her was a light botox ... ooohhh! It gives the eye bag a firmer effect instantly. The eye gel is a clear light gel, feels cool and does have that firming action on the skin. They recommend us to put it inside the fridge.

This is my husband's before and after picture, the fine lines are reducing and the eye bag seems firmer. And he's glad this treatment is super fast, not because he didn't enjoy it but he's a man . . . he feels uneasy on any treatment heehee but if he is please with this, I think anyone will too ... (he's fussy ^__--).

Thank you hubby for sharing your testimonial and give me permission to upload your images here.

Thank you ZAP for having us and see you all real soon!

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