Wednesday, May 11, 2011

L'Oreal Derma Genesis Pore Minimizing Smoother

Derma Genesis Pore Minimizing Smoother
(picture belongs to

Description from L'Oreal website:

Each day, smooth skin for refined pores. Younger looking skin, even close up.
Pore Minimising Smoother leaves the skin's surface feeling intensely smoother: fine lines and wrinkles appear reduced and skin tone and texture appear more even.

For optimum results, use after Derma Genesis Pore Minimising Serum. Skin feels plumper and tautened. Pores appear refined and minimised.

My review:
Derma Genesis Cellular Youth Nurturing Skincare
(pic from Google Search)

Like the original product of Derma Genesis Cellular Youth, it was able to make my skin feels smoother, but I like Derma Genesis better since the fine lines are plumped faster. During Derma Genesis moments I use the serum, day and night cream for a full month (until the product is finished) and since the first time using it the result are clear. My face looks younger.

So perhaps the Pore Minimizing Smoother comes up after those who achieve plumper looking skin from Derma Genesis (the original) wants more finer pores.

Unlike Derma Genesis, Pore Minimizing Smoother can be used anytime, it doesn't separated from the day and night. This bluish tube have a white gel cream that absorb fast and convenient to use, it's not sticky at all just after apply it gently like 2 seconds, your skin will feel softer and the pore do look minimize. The scent is delicate, I don't think anyone would've mind for being floral.

So if you are looking for a younger skin overall (less fine lines, plumper, less saggy, better radiance and glow) you can use Derma Genesis Cellular Youth but if you think your skin still young enough but have problems with gigantic pores you can choose Pore Minimizing Smoother. Or you can simply mix and match them. Like on the day time I still prefer Day cream from Derma Genesis since it provide me a good SPF, so it kinda all in one, then in the afternoon I use Pore minimizing Smoother, and at night before bed time I can use Derma Genesis Night Cream.

The serum itself is wonderful, it absorb so much faster and gives my skin the boost it need. I'm not really a fan of an eye cream/gel, I always prefer a mask, since it is easier and I hate how sometime it get into my eyes, I use contact lenses and sometime I rub my eyes, but if you need an eye cream/gel for those tiny wrinkle you can use Derma Genesis since from my experience it is good and the result can be immediate.

After a month using these products you will get used to seeing your skin tighter and smoother, so when you discontinue the product of course nature will take it's course and the aging process begin again.

Now why do I leave the toner? I didn't! For me I can't feel any obvious result when using it alone, so it's just to prepare the cleaned skin for moisturizing.

Conclusion: It does what it say.


  1. Hello! This is a very interesting article.. I want to follow your advice but I don't understand what you meant by "So if you are looking for a younger skin overall you can use Derma Genesis Cellular Youth but if you think your skin still young enough but have problems with gigantic pores you can choose Pore Minimizing Smoother"

    isn't the name of the product that you're reviewing "Derma Genesis Cellular-Youth Creator Pore Minimizing Smoother"? So... I have gigantic pores.. which product would you advice I should use?


  2. Oh oh! lu orang indo ya? hahaha.. well, just to translate.. tadi tu gw blg gw bingung.. di artikel, u blg "So if you are looking for a younger skin overall you can use Derma Genesis Cellular Youth but if you think your skin still young enough but have problems with gigantic pores you can choose Pore Minimizing Smoother"

    nah tapi kan produk yg u omongin disini tu namanya Derma Genesis Cellular Youth Creator Pore Minimizing Smoother"... Jadi sebenernya yang mana yg harus gw pake kalo pori2 gw gede..?

    Thankss! U have a nice blog =D

  3. anyway email gw in case u wanna email me directly =)

  4. Hi Madge,

    I'll explain in Bahasa okay :)

    Derma Genesis Cellular Youth dan Derma Genesis Pore Minimizing Ssoother adalah 2 produk yang berbeda. Awalnya L'Oreal membuat Derma Genesis Cellular Youth untuk mengurangi efek penuaan dini seperti kerutan halus, kulit kusam, warna kulit tidak merata, dsb, TIDAK spesifik untuk pori-pori membesar (yang merupakan salah satu gejala penuaan juga). Namun setelah itu (+/- 2-3 tahun) diproduksilah Derma Genesis Pore Minimizing yang fokus pada pori-pori yang membesar. Karena masih banyak wanita usia 25-35 tahun yang tidak memiliki kerut namun memiliki pori-pori yang besar.

    Tujuan review ini adalah selain membahas Derma Genesis Pore Minimizing Smoother juga membandingkan dengan produk sebelumnya yaitu Derma Genesis Cellular Youth.

    Jadi jika Madge memiliki kulit yang kusam, didapati kerutan halus, dsb, disarankan menggunakan Derma Genesis Cellular Youth

    Namun jika Madge hanya menginginkan pori-pori yang lebih halus, Derma Genesis Pore Minimizing Smoother

  5. Saya kok jadi bingung ya? Baru-baru ini saya membeli produk namanya Loreal Derma genesis cellular youth creator dan dibawah nya ada tulisan Pore minimising smoother gel cream. Itu artinya 2 produk tadi dijadiin satu? Trus kalo saya pake itu masih harus pake moisturizing cream lagi atau tidak? kalau iya pakai yg mana yak???



  6. Hi Eka,

    Produk yg anda beli, seperti gambar diatas bukan? seperti tabung yang berwarna biru muda?

    Produk tersebut tidak perlu menggunakan moisturizing cream lagi untuk kulit normal.

    Namun jika kulitmu sangat kering, bisa ditambahkan moisturizer setelahnya. Dan bukan, bukan 2 produk menjadi satu tetapi fokus produk Pore minimizing smoother gel cream adalah mengencangkan pori-pori, jadi pelembab ini fokusnya hanya di pori-pori saja.
