Thursday, March 13, 2014

After Using Optilash by Apot.Care

Hello everyone!!

Finally, I can do this post ^__^ yes, I've been using Optilash for more than a month now, please do read the previous post on Optilash before reading this one (just in case you haven't):

Well as I am busy (sometimes lazy) I have to admit, I'm not using it twice a day, there are even days I forgot to use it completely, yet... here are the results:


The lashes does become longer and grew more length one than the other, it's not bushes yet, but it's getting there.


I really like how it fills in the gap, especially on the lower lids.



It is an effective product, safe to be used even for pregnant moms, the staff told me it doesn't contain hormone. The usage also easy and no need to be too fussy, just like making an eyeliner so there's no direct contact to the eyes or the roots to avoid the liquid getting into the eyes since it is a bit sting and makes you drop tear drops.

And of course the result will be much much better if I do actually using it 2 times a day for 28 days, I was like using it once a day. Imagine how long and bushy it would be if I'm more diligent. Conclusion, it works!

Optilash by Apot.Care available at Beauty Box (Jakarta).


  1. wahh it really works ya ce!
    Jadi pengen nyobain juga! Nice review ce :3

  2. Aku dari pada beli baru, blm tentu cocok, punya cece kalau sudah gak pake produk nya oper ke aku aja ceh... promise, deh aku rajin pake nya :)

  3. Wah jangan deh, bahaya kontaminasi lho pakai kosmetik second hand apalagi daerah mata begini.
