Hi everyone ^0^
I have great news for all my readers around the world. It's another worldwide giveaway with the prizes kindly given by ULINX
If you want to know more about ULINX please do click HERE, where you'll read about their Classic and Lux Collection, now, ULINX has keep creating more collections and variations to our delight. The Mosaic and Symbols Collection has arrived.
This giveaway will be all about their newest addition, the Symbol Collection ^__^
Here they are:

And, like always ULINX gives us freedom to choose any symbols we like in any design we choose.
Just mix and match ^0^

I made mine and called it "The Everlasting Love of Butterflies"

ULINX jewelry are great as a gift for someone special or a present for yourself.
Want to win one?
ULINX kindly sponsored not just one or two prizes, but three, yes, 3 winners worldwide to win these wonderful goodies where each worth around $75.
Very easy, follow these steps:
1 . Be a follower of my blog
2. Like my Facebook page, click ---> HERE and Follow my Twitter account: @c13v3rgirl and the winner (later on) will be announce via Twitter
3. Comment on this post with your answer of "why is this the season to be jolly and how ULINX can help you with that?".
4. Tweet with: Hey @ (tag your friends), @c13v3rgirl is having giveaways & I want to win a @ULINX_Jewelry , do you ?
You may tweet as much as you want.
2 winners will be chosen based on most tag and tweet
1 winner will be chosen based on the answer on the comment of this post.
The contest is ON from now until 22nd of Dec 2012. So, yes, there's not much time, so hurry and participate!
There will be 3 winners worldwide
Winners are allowed to create their own bracelet accordingly and prizes will be shipped to their home address
ULINX and me are not responsible for any lost mails or any mishaps during the giveaway.
So everyone, please behave and play fair ^__^
Thank you so much ULINX =^0^=
I have great news for all my readers around the world. It's another worldwide giveaway with the prizes kindly given by ULINX
If you want to know more about ULINX please do click HERE, where you'll read about their Classic and Lux Collection, now, ULINX has keep creating more collections and variations to our delight. The Mosaic and Symbols Collection has arrived.
This giveaway will be all about their newest addition, the Symbol Collection ^__^
Here they are:
And, like always ULINX gives us freedom to choose any symbols we like in any design we choose.
Just mix and match ^0^
I made mine and called it "The Everlasting Love of Butterflies"

ULINX jewelry are great as a gift for someone special or a present for yourself.
Want to win one?
ULINX kindly sponsored not just one or two prizes, but three, yes, 3 winners worldwide to win these wonderful goodies where each worth around $75.
Very easy, follow these steps:
1 . Be a follower of my blog
2. Like my Facebook page, click ---> HERE and Follow my Twitter account: @c13v3rgirl and the winner (later on) will be announce via Twitter
3. Comment on this post with your answer of "why is this the season to be jolly and how ULINX can help you with that?".
4. Tweet with: Hey @ (tag your friends), @c13v3rgirl is having giveaways & I want to win a @ULINX_Jewelry , do you ?
You may tweet as much as you want.
2 winners will be chosen based on most tag and tweet
1 winner will be chosen based on the answer on the comment of this post.
The contest is ON from now until 22nd of Dec 2012. So, yes, there's not much time, so hurry and participate!
There will be 3 winners worldwide
Winners are allowed to create their own bracelet accordingly and prizes will be shipped to their home address
ULINX and me are not responsible for any lost mails or any mishaps during the giveaway.
So everyone, please behave and play fair ^__^
Thank you so much ULINX =^0^=
Hi Ci ^^
ReplyDeletejoin yah
Season this very frustrating because the hot and rainy day can change dramatically but no problem,
This month I will be celebrating Christmas this year was very different and I am happy ..
I am very hobby of collecting accessories, and I hope to have ULINX for chrismast this year!! wish me luck^^
thank you ci :*
Hi Dewi,
ReplyDeleteIya, terima kasih untuk partisipasinya :)
Bulan ini membuatku sangat gembira karena desember adalah saatnya Christmas day hampir dekat dan yang terpenting, yaitu wedding anniversary ku, dan tahun ini adalah tahun ke-3. Smoga pernikahanku tetap langgeng sampai kakek nenek dan keluarga kecilku selalu diberkati oleh Tuhan dalam sgala hal. Dalam kesempatan ini, smoga aku bisa memenangkan aksesoris dari ULINX sebagai Christmas gift dan wedding anniversary gift karena aku pecinta berat dengan sgala aksesoris yang membuatku selalu cantik di depan suamiku.
ReplyDeletewhy is this the season to be jolly and how ULINX can help you with that?
ReplyDeleteIt's the season to be jolly because for us we spend it with family and Celebrate the birth of Jesus! I love the season also because people seem to be more happy!
peasblog AT hot mail DOT come
This is the time of year to be jolly because I have a lot to be thankful for, and if you are thankful then being jolly is the best way to express that feeling.
ReplyDeleteI love the ULINX brand and would be incredibly thankful and even more jolly if I was one of the winners.
This season is jolly because I'm getting older in December,celebrating Christmas with family and also always bring my memories about my super mom. She passed away 5 years ago,now she's my guardian angel,watching me and whole family from upthere and she also was born in December. Bring back our memories about my bday,her bday and our christmas memories while praying for her is such a jolly for me.
ReplyDeleteULINX can help me,because I'm an accessories lover,like my mom.I feel and..just brokeup my favourite bracelet, so I think I can give myself a birthday present from ULINX which is super lovely.
Thanks ce^^I hope I can win and may love-jope-joy of this season always stays in heart forever . GB
"why is this the season to be jolly and how ULINX can help you with that?"
ReplyDeleteBulan Desember / musim dingin / hari dimana Tuhan Yesus lahir merupakan hari yang sangat menggembirakan bagi saya. yah walau di indo bukan musim dingin bersalju tapi kan setidaknya masi adem2 ujan lah yah. Pada bulan ini juga kita diingatkan akan kelahiran Tuhan Yesus yang biasa nya kita rayakan bersama bukan hanya dengan keluarga dekat namun juga dengan saudara seiman. Hal ini mempererat kasih diantara kita begitu pula Ulinx dengan magnet nya yang sangat kuat yang menyatu satu dengan lainnya. Ulinx juga menggambarkan KasihNya yang begitu besar dan melekat begitu kuat menjaga dan menyayangi kita tanpa pamrih.
that's the jolly in this season for me and how Ulinx can help me remind every love and grace that Jesus always give me with Ulinx Magnetic Charm.
why is this the season to be jolly and how ULINX can help you with that?
ReplyDeleteThis season is jolly because in this season i can celebrate it with my complete lovely family plus God give me extra bonus, My lovely boyfriend. I can celebrate it with my whole family inside. And for every christmas i always pray that Santa will come into my room then give me many presents as were i am a kid. Have you watched "The Rise Guardians" on cinema? Yeaa! That's me when i were a kid until now. Waiting for Santa's coming. But as i am getting older, i want Santa come into my room to whisper me, " You're in peace". I do love this season. Rainy day. Hearing christmas music everywhere i go..
Anddd ULINX can help me with this beautiful present. I am collecting some accesories. So, would you mind being my Santaaa come into my home with this present inside the box? *prayy* yaiyy. Thank youuu
"why is this the season to be jolly and how ULINX can help you with that?"
ReplyDeleteThe season is my favorite!! <3
Saya berulang tahun di bulan ini, tepatnya 8 desember. hehe.
Lalu natal, natal adalah salah satu hari yang paling saya tunggu, karena natal sangatlah meriah dan banyak hadiah :D #salah
Lalu, liburan panjaaa~ang!
Nah, saya hobi bikin craft dan sebagainya, jadi ULINX itu salah satu jewel favorit saya karena saya bisa berimajinasi dengan baik dengan ULINX. Apalagi dengan ini, hurray! <3
Bulan Desember adalah bulan yang penuh dengan keceriaan. Selain Hari Ibu yang jatuh pada 22 Desember nanti, juga akan ada perayaan natal yang pastinya sangat meriah. Kumpul bersama keluarga dan kerabat juga akan menjadi sangat mudah di libur panjang nanti :) Tentu saja ULINX akan sangat membantu ku untuk lebih menceriakan bulan yang sudah ceria ini. Jika aku yang beruntung mendapatkan Special Gift dari giveaway Kak Carnellin dan ULINX ini, aku akan hadiahkan ke Mama ku sebagai Hadiah di hari ibu. Dan itulah bagaimana ULINX dapat membantu saya ♥
ReplyDeleteHi everyone,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all of your participation, I will have to calculate the tweets and found out the best comment as well. Stay tune!
The giveaway is officially closed ^__^