So happy to be back on the blog ^0^ I'm excited to share with you two new items from Japan. I guess by this point most beauty enthusiast are aware there are so many beauty products from Japan that has been a breakthrough. They keep inventing new products to makes our life easier and well ... prettier too!
The details are all in Japanese, so I'm going to share from my experience point of view. I'm learning Japanese language now, but still on the basic conversation level heehee, I haven't been able to read any kanji yet ^^. Okay, back to the product. The two items seems so simple, PG Kinuhada Komachi means PG Silk Skin Komachi, a peeling gel for the skin. And PG Uruoi Komachi = PG Moisture Komachi. An all in one moisturizer for the skin.
One as an exfoliating product, one for the moisturizer. I'm going to share about Kinuhada first, I've tried this kind of gel before, there are many brands and products on the market, it helps to remove dead skin cells without aggravating the healthy skin, however I can't seem to use some of them on my face, while some can, I think even thou' they claimed to be the same, there must be differences.
Some that can't, may cause acne and other discomfort. PG Kinuhada Komachi is one of the can ^^
This is the gel, a clear cute gooey gel. Put it on a dry skin and gently spread the gel. In a matter of seconds dead skin will start emerging, like shown on the image below:
Without the need of scrubbing or harsh movement, the dead skin cells just gathered easily. I don't feel any discomfort, any heat, pain or allergic reaction. It's even quite fun looking at the dead skin cells comes off in a jiffy heehee.
And the result is a clean soft and clear skin from all debris. This is super cool! It helps the skin to regenerate. I think it is best to be used like 1-2 times a week and not in the morning. Maybe when I'm taking shower in the afternoon so the 'new' skin have time to get used to the 'outside' world before meeting the sun.
And I'm following the routine with PG Uruoi Komachi, the all in one gel... which looks like a creamy snow. This is a moisturizer which can be used like an all on one, no need using toner, essence, serum, and emulsion, just this one is enough.
It is truly a refreshing option for those in a hurry but still want to take care of their skin very well.
I love love love the texture ^^
It's really is like melted snow on the skin, the cream like gel transform into gel and absorbed by the skin easily. The skin feels refreshed, loved and pampered at the same time. It is very light on the skin yet giving them enough moisture which I think perfect to be used in this tropical climate in Jakarta. I know many people dislike using moisturizer and other beauty products, as sometime beauty products (like emulsion, lotion, moisturizer) do give the skin a greasy, sticky and oily effect (even thou' it's not really oily) but I did understand their point of view. They like their skin soft to the touch with a velvety feeling and not sticky. PG Uruoi Komachi will be a good choice for them.
Still, this moisturizer may be added with another moisturizer if needed, which is why I think PG Uruoi Komachi is so flexible and easily loved by many.
Found out more details on the product (Uruoi) HERE and (Kinuhada) HERE.
After being sick for a while, finally I'm back with more products to be reviewed. A few weeks ago Kerastase Indonesia gave me a set of their new collection from the Elixir Ultime family, let's discuss the masque first.
A beautiful golden packaging which represent what's inside, it does reminds me a bit of a luxurious jewelery box. Golden encrusted with a whole lotta goodness for the hair.
The 24 carat smooth cream texture is just delightful, describe it as: INTENSE INFUSION TREATMENT
Enriched with a high concentration of precious oils, moisturising serum and lipidic compounds. Leaves hair feeling luxuriously nourished and soft to the touch.
There are a number of video by Kerastase for the products:
As seen it's not just about the masque but the whole ritual like the one I've shared during my visit to Irwan Team salon. But on this post alone, it will be about the masque. The sweet powdery and sophisticated scent felt so rich and ... expensive ^__^ like it was made for those who wants the best in life.
I must admit, the experience at home and at the salon is indeed different, it is far more relaxing there and we just need to sit and close our eyes. At home the product needs a bit more handling. First, make sure the hair is cleaned using the favorite shampoo or the one from the Elixir Ultime series, then gently dry the hair using the towel, which means it is still damp, then apply the mask from half way through the end, avoiding the scalp or any area nears it, let the mask work through the hair. If ones have long hair like in the video, it is easy, but if ones happens to have short hair, use the masque around one teaspoon and only on the ends of the hair.
If ones have medium length hair, use a spoonful and gently work the mask from the ends to almost the half way up. I found it to be most effective for the dry hair like on the ends as somehow the rich formula soften the hair in a way like no other masque or other hair treatment ever do. Using fingers alone 'massage' the masque into the hair strands. Slowly and enjoying the scent. I'm adding my beautifying oil with rose extract (also from Kerastase) for that added glow and wonderful aroma.
Let it sit for 5 minutes, no need 30 minutes of steaming, a good 5 minutes on its own and rinse them all away. I've noticed the hair become so soft and glowing. Dry them as usual and style it, they look luxurious and the gorgeousness stays within the hair while the fragrance still linger until the next day.
the mask make the hair not just tangle-free but adding volume, radiant and looks so much healthier than ever before in an instant.
last weekend beauty bloggers are invited for an event with Etude called, Etude Beauty Carnaval. Held at the atrium of Mal Taman Anggrek, it took all the center stage with most of their fluffy pink decor.
Everything looks so sweet and I want to take a bite on everything there \^0^/ from the delightful packaging to the sugary names, Etude know how to tease a girl or at least the girl inside every woman.
The venue is packed with female from pre-teens to adulthood. It is definitely irresistible. I truly wish they would make a bigger one next year outdoor, with more of these delightful pinky thingy.
Soon, an hour for the beauty bloggers started, they gave us a makeup demo with the help of a Korean Makeup Artist from Etude, the look for this season is something resembling sparkling candy. Using the CC and BB Cream from Etude for a light coverage and glowing effect, the model now has a Korean look we've seen on most Korean Drama ^__^
The look is a bit romantic and embracing a sweet innocent look. Now, it's time for the bloggers to compete against each other to create the look that inspire by the theme using all the products provided by Etude.
The main item is: The CC Cream and BB Cream!!
The definition of Etude CC Cream is Care and Correct with 8 in 1 function. It comes in two variation, Silky and Glow. Mine is in Glow. The product claim to be anti-aging, stress relief, hydrating, whitening, give the skin sun protection and tone up the skin, plus adding a smooth texture and luminosity.
Both BB Cream Cotton Fit and CC Cream contain SPF 30/PA++, the BB Cream Cotton Fit also helps in whitens the skin with an anti wrinkle look and anti-darkening. It comes in several skin tone, mine is Light Beige 02.
This is my before look, no makeup on, the skin start clean and fresh. Below is the products given as the makeup, sadly most of them are in really bad shape, used, uncleaned sponges, brushes and puffs, broken pencils, etc. It's a good think I brought my own brushes for just in case, and they really come in handy.
Within 30 minutes we have to create a look, hence sorry for not giving you step by step images as it is quite a rush, and hmm, I have to borrow some of the makeup from the surroundings too, it's like every 3 people we can find one decent product to be used together. I really hope they'll put more effort in providing the materials in the future.
Here's my after look. I'm focusing in creating a flawless dewy look with more radiance and those cotton candy kiss on the cheeks.
The lips is juicy and the eyes get enough attention without being too much.
Soon, it's time for the judges to deliberate, they gave us tips in how to use the products and do the makeup look. Here's some of it: 1. When applying CC Cream, do it little by little and avoid using the cream too much as it lightens the skin in an instant. 2. Apply BB Cream Cotton Fit afterwards without being too much as well. 3. Use a powder lightly dusted, so the 'glows' wont be covered. 4. Korean are a huge fans of straight, thick eyebrows so try giving the brows a bushy look instead of a thin curvy line. 5. During eyeshadow application, do it in one direction, example left to right and repeating the movement left to right, don't use a swiping movement like a wiper (back and forth) as it will erased and blurred the whole thing. 6. Different face needs different 'blush on' area.
And the winners are Shella and Tia ^^ Congrats!!!! They both won hampers from Etude with lots of goodies inside the bag.
There are nail polishes as well alongside with makeup heehee, I did take a peek inside.
Thank you so much Etude Indonesia, it is a fun event and hope to see you all again real soon!!!
Iya, khusus untuk Acer saya akan post pakai bahasa nasional kita, yaitu bahasa Indonesia. Jadi, sekarang tuh Acer sedang mengadakan kompetisi buat para blogger, tentang bagaimana Aspire P3 bisa bantu mewujudkan gelora/keinginan/hasrat yang tersembunyi dari diri kita (tentunya yg sesuai dengan moral dan faedah yang ada ya).
Daku mau ikutan donk, karena pastinya didalam diri juga ada keinginan yang ingin diwujudkan, yang tentunya kalau punya Aspire P3, pasti bisa terealisasi.
Nah, kayaknya dari liat postingan-postinganku yang lama, tidak lain dan tidak bukan hasrat diriku adalah menjadi beauty blogger terbaik dari Indonesia dan mungkin dunia nantinya. The best dalam istilah saya itu bukan soal rating, pencari sensasi terbesar, dsb, tapi lebih ke biuti blogger yang bisa dipercaya, dimana saat orang baca mereka menemukan kebenaran (caeelaaahh) bukan hanya kata-kata manis dibungkus pake kertas kado warna pink.
Awal saya mulai ngeblog itu tahun 2009 saat masih tinggal di Singapura, karena emang bakat bawel dan suka produk kecantikan terutama produk perawatan (makeup juga sih) seringlah diriku ini berbagi dengan teman-teman, sodara, dan khalayak umum, seperti di blog ini. Makin hari makin banyak yang bisa dishare. Dulu paling dapat sponsor hanya 1 bulan sekali, diundang event 2-3x dalam sebulan, sekarang udah hampir setiap hari dan produk rasanya makin menggunung. Jadi semakin harus sering bisa update status, post, dsb biar engga ketinggalan dan selalu menjadi yang pertama.
Emang sih di jaman yang super keren kaya sekarang ini, share post atau gambar atau update dengan sosial media yang ada udah engga sulit lagi, tapi (ada tapinya loh), jelas-jelas beda donk sama Aspire P3 yang canggih dan emang banyak fitur-fitur menariknya. Belum lagi kapasitasnya yang nampol. Cocok buat yang supersibuk dan sering bepergian.
Udah ga jaman donk kerja harus dibelakang meja, entah dirumah atau dikantor. Beauty blogger harus menghadiri event, harus sering bepergian biar wawasannya bertambah, harus bisa terus update dengan tren dunia. Kebayang gak sih, dalam satu bulan hampir semua brand mengeluarkan produk baru, yang lebih canggih, pakai teknologi baru, ada warna baru, kemasan baru, dsb.
Ini foto saat lagi ke Tokyo, satu toko isinya kosmetik semua, banyak banget. Satu item aja jenisnya bisa sampai puluhan, padahal bentuknya semua hampir-hampir mirip. Paling hanya beda merk dan kemasan. Nah, disaat-saat kaya ini nih rasanya pengen banget punya Aspire P3, karena Ultrabook ini sangat mudah dibawa kemana-mana, ringan, bisa terus nyambung ke wifi dan tentunya kerennn, liat deh video ini:
Seru ya, dia bisa terus beraktivitas dan memainkan musik, kualitas
suaranya juga bagus banget, Aspire P3 juga terlihat tahan lama, sampai
ada yang mengeluh kapan matinye?! Nah, Ultrabook kaya gitu yang
dibutuhin, kompatible untuk disambung dengan alat (device) lainnya dan
ada berbagai macam aplikasi yang menunjang untuk aktivitas di jejaring sosial. Kualitas gambar yang juga oke
banget. Baca aja detilnya di
Keren ya, saking kerennya sampai mendapat gelar Hybrid Ultrabook. Ada bluetooth dan duh, buat kita-kita yang lemah gemulai kaya saya ini, berat Aspire P3 yang hanya 0.79 kg tidak membebani pundak saat dengan manisnya dimasukkin ke shoulder bag-ku, sippp kan?! Eh enteng-enteng gini isinya sangat 'berat"
Perangkat ini hadir dengan dua pilihan prosesor, Intel Core i3 dan Intel
Core i5 yang bertenaga serta hemat energy dan dilengkapi dengan storage
SSD yang memiliki kemampuan 5x lebih cepat dari HDD standard. Untuk
konektivitas, Acer Aspire P3 ini dilengkapi dengan Acer InviLink Nplify
WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n dan Bluetooth 4.0 untuk terhubung ke perangkat
penunjang lain secara nirkabel. Di samping layar, terdapat port USB3.0
dan Micro HDMI yang mendukung fungsi dari Hybrid Ultrabook™ ini.
Layarnya lebar 11.6” dengan resolusi 1366×768 daannn ini mirip-mirip deh sama Acer-ku dirumah, Aspire V5. Karena saya udah terbiasa dengan V5, pastinya tetap mau donk fitur-fitur yang sudah ada bahkan sekarang dengan Aspire P3, serasa bawa V5 kemana-mana dan berasa lebih sophisticated plus tentunya profesional. ^0^
Kualitas gambarnya yang sama okenya, wah pas nih, satu buat dirumah, satu buat di jalan. Karena emang saya juga sering jalan-jalan keluar kota maupun keluar negeri.
Dan kalaupun engga, kondisi transportasi Jakarta sering kurang mendukung, mati kutu deh di jalan. Udah berapa banyak waktu yang kita buang di jalan setiap harinya? Bayangin, pulang pergi bisa 2 jam, belum kalau banjir, macet karena ini itu, dan sebagainya bisa-bisa 4 jam berlalu begitu aja. Dalam 4 jam aku bisa buat 2-3 post tentang perawatan kecantikan.
Misalnya, bagaimana cara pakai pelembab yang benar, pelembab apa yang cocok untuk kulit yang kering atau mungkin normal atau berminyak. Tips-tips mengurus kulit biar awet muda, dsb. Lalu bisa sambil cek email, menjawab pertanyaan pembaca, update status di Facebook atau Twitter, dan lain sebagainya. I can even make a video on the go ^^
Hidup terasa lebih bebas dan lebih berkualitas dengan semakin sedikitnya waktu yang terbuang.
Dengan Aspire P3 tidak lagi terikat oleh situasi dan kondisi.
Nah, sekarang selain kebebasan dengan menggunakan Aspire P3, aku juga tertarik dengan kualitasnya donk, yang pasti foto harus cuantikkkknya minta ampun. Kaya Aspire V5 , liat deh kualitas gambarnya, nah kurang lebih Aspire P3 kayak begini:
Warnanya bagus banget ya, banyak apps nya lagi. Baca-baca, Aspire P3 juga warnanya kinclong dan semua appsnya tersedia dengan baik, menunjang kegiatanku edit-edit foto hehe. Itu Skitch yang sering banget aku pake buat taro nama blog, kaya foto diatas hehe, selain itu bisa buat nambahin panah, blur gambar yang gak mau orang lain lihat, mudah banget lho. Banyak juga games, aplikasi yang mendukung hobi, yang berhubungan dengan fotografi dan travel juga ada. Belum lagi tools nya. Dari segi hiburan sampai urusan kerjaan semua ada, siap digunakan, kalopun butuh program Microsoft tinggal download dan hampir semua program bisa dijalankan tanpa ada masalah.
Ada webcam juga buat aku bisa bikin vlog (video blogging). Nah, ini nih yang dibutuhin banget dan sedang trend kan buat vlog, baca deh:
Acer Aspire P3 juga telah dilengkapi dengan dua buah kamera yang ada
pada bagian belakang dan depan (Horeeeeeeee!!!) Kamera di bagian depan bisa buat video conference juga merekam sampai 720p. Jadi aku enggak salting (salah tingkah) atau salah ekspresi sambil kebingungan bagaimana ya hasil videonya. Dengan kamera depan, aku bisa mengendalikan arah pandangan dan melihat langsung sejak dari proses merekam. Sementara di bagian belakang
diperkuat dengan kamera 5MP yang dapat mengambil gambar dengan Jernih (wow). Bisa untuk liputan saat ini event nih. Serasa jadi kamera-girl profesional yang mengambil gambar dengan baik dan kualitas yang oke.
Untuk kebutuhan tata suara, Anda akan dimanjakan dengan dua buah
speaker di bagian bawah perangkat ini yang telah memiliki sertifikasi
Dolby® Home Theater V4 dan mampu mengadirkan suara yang jernih yang
memukau. Cocookkk banget buat nemenin aku di saat bete gara-gara macet atau saat sedang menjadi host, entah berapa kali sound system tidak berfungsi dengan baik, Aspire P3 bisa menjadi penolong dikala kesulitan, tamu-tamu yang datang tetap ter-entertained (alias tetep happy) dan the show can go on!
Canggih kan!!!
Tambahan lagi pas lagi jadi narasumber atau host, dengan Aspire P3 memungkinkan deh bisa share live ke para readers yang dirumah dengan video conferences-nya itu atau aplikasi Skype, dsb.
Diatas saat event dengan salah satu merk parfum dan menjadi beauty blogger untuk mereka, dan foto dibawah saat diminta menjadi narasumber untuk salah satu produk kosmetik keluaran terbaru. Kalau buat video live dan langsung di upload ke youtube, pasti seru banget dan menjadi yang pertama dalam membagi informasi. Selalu menyenangkan menjadi yang pertama.
Udah keren, ringan, bisa terus up to date, Hybrid Ultrabook ini juga mirip seperti Aspire V5 yang multi touch screen loh sampai sepuluh jari. Hal ini sangat menyenangkan, bukan hanya untuk (ehm) main game, tapi saat ingin menjadi dj, mengedit video/foto, dan membuat screen Aspire P3 juga lebih responsif.
Satu persatu kecanggihan Aspire P3 telah kita bahas dan sekarang mari kita bandingkan dengan produk lain di pasaran. 178 derajat viewing angle atau sudut pandang-nya memampukan kita untuk melihat layar dengan cemerlang dari sisi yang lebih banyak. Dan,
Kinerja Hasil benchmark yang akan kami tampilkan di bawah ini adalah Acer
Aspire P3 yang menggunakan prosesor Intel Core i5 3339Y yang berjalan
pada kecepatan 1.5GHz dilengkapi dengan turbo boost hingga mampu
mencapai kecepatan 2GHz. Untuk menunjang kinerja prosesor telah
disediakan memori sebesar DDR3 2GB dan penyimpanan data, sudah
menggunakan SSD dengan kapasitas 120GB.Errrr, truth need to be told (kebenaran harus diungkapkan), aku sama sekali enggak mengerti dengan kata-kata diatas hehe, aku hanya tau pake dan menikmati fitur-fitur, fungsi dan semua kegunaan mereka dengan semaksimal mungkin. Tapi, kurang lebih begini ya, saat ini sudah ada Intel Core i7 tapi harganya kurang ekonomis dibandingkan i5 3339Y, tapi aku sih tidak khawatir karena sudah cukup untuk impianku saat ini dan kecepatannya yang 1.5GHz (max 2GHz) juga bisa dikatakan sudah sangat baik, program yang aku inginkan bisa "on" dalam waktu yang sangat cepat, hitungan beberapa detik saja lho. Memorinya juga menunjang untuk menyimpan data yang berat seperti video, foto editor dan bahkan video editing. Disaat yang bersamaan aku sudah bisa membuka beberapa program disaat yang bersamaan tanpa ada masalah dan semua program bisa berfungsi dengan baik. Lupakan masa-masa tempo 'doeloe' dimana komputer suka nge-hang ataupun 'crashed'.
Biasanya hal ini membutuhkan daya yang besar namun Aspire P3, enggak lho, makanya sesuai banget untuk mereka yang super sibuk dan sering harus berpindah tempat. Prosesor Intel Core Y series merupakan prosesor terbaru dari Intel
yang diperuntukkan untuk perangkat dengan mobilitas tinggi. Perbedaan
dari prosesor Intel seri ULV (Ultra Low Voltage) dengan prosesor Intel Y
series adalah TDP yang digunakannya lebih rendah sehingga Prosesor ini
hanya memerlukan TDP 13Watt. Walaupun mempunyai TDP yang rendah, kinerja
yang ditawarkan prosesor Intel core Y series ini cukup dapat diandalkan
untuk menjalankan aplikasi dengan baik.
Semakin terpukau kan?! Demikian data tahan baterai nya:
Daya tahan baterai Acer Aspire P3 ini menggunakan daya baterai sebesar 4800mAh yang bisa
dikatakan cukup besar untuk sebuah perangkat berbentuk setipis ini .
Dengan daya baterai itu, perangkat ramping ini dapat bertahan hidup
selama 4 jam 17 menit untuk menonton film HD 720P dan dapat bertahan
hidup selama 4 jam 8 menit untuk browsing melalui jalur data WIFI.
Seperti aku, beauty blogger yang suka dengan makeup yang awet atau tahan lama, kekuatan Aspire P3 untuk bertahan lama (bahkan 2x lebih lama dari produk lainnya yang setara) cukup membanggakan, patokannya bukan hanya berapa lama dalam posisi nyala atau stand by namun 4 jam 17 menit saat menonton video.
Sukaaaaa banget!! Aku bisa terus produktif disaat aktif kesana kemari dan terussss multi-tasking. Era dimana kita diharapkan sanggup memerankan berbagai fungsi dalam masyakarat, tentunya teknologi yang kita miliki harus menunjang. Selain jadi beauty blogger aku juga seorang istri dan ibu. Jadi tekanan yang ada semakin terasa berat, dalam sehari aku bisa mengelilingi kota Jakarta,
mulai dari mengantar jemput anak sekolah, les, membeli keperluan rumah tangga, menghadiri product launching event, menjadi host, membagi testimonial, fotoshoots, dan lain sebagainya, Aspire P3 pastinya dapat mengisi hidupku menjadi lebih "hidup", penuh musik, informatif (karena bisa terus melihat "dunia" melalui bacaan elektronik atau video streaming).
Sebagai beauty blogger dengan Aspire P3, aku bisa terus berkarya menjadi yang terdepan, menjadi yang pertama share tentang aktivitas maupun event, dengan Windows 8 nya aku juga bisa terus membuat hal-hal baru dan engga bete karena fitur-fiturnya yang amat sangat responsif, sangat mudah dijalankan, cepat dan tangkas. Ibaratnya main olahraga, Aspire P3 amatlah gesit dan tidak mudah lelah (alias kehabisan tenaga). bentuknya yang pas dan keren terlihat sangat profesional dan dinamis. Ringan pula, tasku yang sudah penuh diisi kosmetik tidak akan terbebani, hanya 0.79kg saja ,Aspire P3 juga bisa menggantikan kamera ku yang berat, berbagai gadgets lainnya dan tentunya video digicam.
(cantik tanpa encok dengan Aspire P3)
Proses pengeditan video dan foto bisa dilakukan langsung pada saat event atau setelah event (di dalam mobil, tanpa perlu khawatir akan guncangan), cepat, mudah dan para pembaca tidak perlu lagi menunggu lama untuk mendapatkan berita dari ku. Aspire P3 membantuku menghemat waktu dan kondusif dengan mobilitasku yang tinggi, saat pulang ke rumah, aku bisa langsung melakukan aktivitas lainnya, mulai dari menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga, atau pampering (memanjakan) diri sendiri, pastinya bisa tidur lebih cepat and get my beauty sleep.
Beauty Blogging jadi lebih cantik kan dengan Aspire P3?!
Psst!!! Jangan lupa untuk
setiap pembelian Acer Aspire P3 Hybrid Ultrabook, spAcer yang melakukan
registrasi di bisa mendapatkan aplikasi Virtual DJ yang
sudah berisi stem dari DJ Tiesto sehingga kita dapat menge-mix lagu
layaknya DJ superstar Tiesto. Nilai untuk aplikasi ini sebesar US$79 namun spAcer bisa mendapatkannya secara GRATIS melalui pembelian Aspire P3.
have you ever heard the brand called Bioderma? It's from France and this laboratory for dermatology has been for more than 20 years innovating more products for dry, sensitive or even baby's skin. They also carries hair and scalp products as well as some items for oily skin and many more. Please do read it more at
The first product sent to me is one of their famous item called Sensibio H20. A cleanser that cleanse the skin well from daily debris to tough makeup and also suitable for those with sensitive skin. It looks like water or H20, completely looks and kinda a bit feels the same but with powerful cleansing ability yet gentle to the skin.
I've tried the product for a few days now and I just can't seem to let go. It is THAT good.
from • At the
cutting edge of innovation, BIODERMA has pioneered micellar solutions.
Specially formulated for sensitive, normal to dry skins, the Sensibio H2O micelle solution gently cleanses face and eyes. It removes water-resistant make-up. The
micelles contained in its formula effectively micro-emulsify impurities
while maintaining the skin’s balance (soap-free, physiological pH).
• Soothing and decongesting active ingredients prevent the feelings of irritation often caused by cleansing.
•Sensibio H2O guarantees excellent cutaneous and ocular tolerance (tested under ophthalmological supervision).
Properties Fragrance-free formula. Alcohol-free. No phenoxyethanol. 250 ml bottle.
Let's see the test I've made today. I put a lot of makeup on my arm, wait for around 10 minutes or more so the makeup sets on the skin and dries up. When the makeup is set, it is a bit more difficult to remove them, that's why I need them set and completely dry ^^
Look at those eyeliners, eyeshadows, lipstick and I think all of us know how though it is to remove lip and cheek stain, and a mascara sometime difficult too. I put on 3 different brand which I've used and proven water resistant, waterproof and tough, as it is smudge and tear proof too beside being waterproof.
I put on some eyeliners too from the glittery ones to the conventional hard to crack black eyeliners, foundation, concealer, and primer, they cover the skin and filled in the lines and sometime pores too. I put lipstick too and rubbed it well, so it sticks on the skin.
I'm preparing the liquid just as much as I usually do when it's just to clean the daily debris. Damp a piece of cotton, but no need overdoing it until it drips off ^^
Just enough is the key. And a message from the Brand Manager of Bioderma Indonesia is to let the damp cotton sits for a while on a waterproof makeup, any waterproof makeup. When it is used around the eyes, it is best to closed the eyes ya.
After leaving for maybe 10-15 seconds, I do the first swipe, as always the product is comfortable, like it was just water, the feeling on the skin is refreshing and calming at the same time.
But it haven't clean all the makeup up, so I do several swiping over the area and seems like the cotton is overwhelmed heehee, I put so many makeup. I flip the cotton and do another swipe.
Now almost all of the makeup are off! Wow, even the waterproof, the one usually need cleansing oil to removed them. The one that usually several cleansing methods. Or at least need rinsing for the 'fresh' feeling.
Then, I picked up another cotton, damped it with Sensibio H20, it helps picked up all the leftover, but I still see some lip and cheek stain. It is hardly noticeable, but it's still there.
I'm still impressed, it cleans 99% of my makeup. The lip and cheek stain also faded even thou' not completely gone, but the rest are. The skin feels fresh and really comfortable. Suitable for anyone who doesn't have the time to clean the skin thoroughly or those sensitive to any kind of oil based cleanser.
Best of all is the fresh clean feeling without striking the skin dry like most cleansing facial foam, no oily residue like cleansing milk, no need rinsing like cleansing oil.
Just make sure to dry the skin after using Sensibio H20 with facial tissue or a clean towel, then pat a toner/lotion, use any serum, moisturizer and other skincare you have and that's it. So far, I can use this cleanser anytime of the day or night without worrying the skin will become too sensitive or strikingly dry (just use skincare after the cleansing ya).
Biotherm is famous with their moisturizer, the series called Aquasource is just amazing. I've tried the one for normal skin type and this time I have the chance to try on the dry skin type.
Pink in color, a bit milky and creamy.
The scent is a bit different than the normal one, the one that I really love. The normal Aquasource is more to the fresh flowery scent while dry Aquasource is more to the powdery flower scent.
The beautiful packaging and deluxe product looks refreshingly pink and perky. You may read the ingredients and other details on their website, any website around the world. Like the details from
Step 3 of BIOTHERM’S daily hydra-mineral moisturizing ritual, this rich,
deep hydration replenishing cream is specially designed for
dry skin. This hydrating cream instantly quenches dry skin with intense
miniaturization for 48 hours, non-stop.
An uniquely fresh and light cream texture that melts on the
skin. An invigorating fragrance of refreshing mint and citrus fruits
combined with Jasmine and Musk to help awaken the sense every day.
Hydration 5 layers deep for intense and long-lasting
hydration. Skin is hydrated for up to 48 hours, has a healthy radiance,
feels plump and bouncy.
Apply this cream to the face and neck morning and/or evening, avoiding the eye contour area.
With Mannose, a new exclusive patented hydrator – a sugar extract
responsible for stocking water in vegetal life and stimulating the
regeneration cycle of the skin.
Thermal Plankton Cellular Water – 36 nutrients-rich fluid responsible for preventing moisture loss from the skin's surface.
Paraben and Mineral Oil free. In France, all beauty products are not allowed to use Paraben as their ingredients now. It may cause cancer. So please refrain yourself from any products that contain paraben and actually mineral oil too. There are still a bunch of ingredients which is harmful or at least tested to be a bit harmful (depends on the concentrate) but in the end we just have to wait for the confirmation, like paraben. -*-
Now, back to This cream contains Magnesium just like the "old" formula but with the new formula, the hydrating level and sustainability increased. Not just water from the spa, but other source like Mannose. I'm using it daily now and even thou' the cream feels rich, on the finger touch is so soft and delicate. When the cream touches the skin, it glides smoothly without fail. -*-
It kept my skin hydrated for longer time, and so far I haven't see my skin getting dry, like with other products, usually after 6 hours the cheeks feels a bit tight or dry. With Aquasource for dry skin my skin stays in the comfort zone all day long. And the best part is there's no 'leftover' like greasy nor oiliness. Some high moisture products gives the skin the worst effect, like oils all over, but Aquasource for dry skin is perfect. It gives my skin high moisturizing effect and the skin able to absorb and taking all those nutrients in.
I love my Aquasource, always have, always will. It's like I can't seem to get over it nor replace the product, they are special, the normal one and now the dry skin type. I used my first Biotherm in 2000. 13 years later, I'm still a big fan, from the wonderful aroma to the sensation on the skin. The beautiful texture and color, irresistible!