Tuesday, May 21, 2013

PAC Liquid Eyeliner in Silver

Hello pretty ladies,

this is another item from the PAC eyeliner collection. I'm still figuring out since each of their shade have slightly different properties than the other.


The blue one stained, the golden one sparks and easily dry but not the silver. Somehow I have to wait a bit longer for the silver one to dry. Like usual, shake it before usage and gently use the brush to draw the line. I wait around 10-15 seconds like usual when using other liner and they are still pretty much wet.


The eyeliner get dry longer so it is better to observe it on my hand. The silver line is striking at first but when it is dry they slowly turn transparent and like glitters with clear gel backing. And when gently rub like perhaps by fingers, I'll get the sparkles alright.


I've been trying to get the liners 'work' correctly but so far I still have difficulties in getting them set on the lids.


So far above are the best results I can get in terms of using it on the eye lines.


  1. bagus nih eyelinernya..cocok dipake diwaterline untuk korean make up cii.. ^^

  2. Hi Dewie,

    Iyaaa, kayaknya lbh cocok begitu dibanding 1 straight line kaya eyeliner biasa ^^
