Hello lovelies,
invited by Change.org, a world platform for change (for the better) and in the celebration of Canada 150th Anniversary.
150th anniversary of Canada. 2017 marks a significant moment in the History of Canada. 150 years ago, Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia – united to create the Canadian Confederation, called the Dominion of Canada. ... Memorable events will be held throughout the year in Canada and throughout the world.
The event was held on the 20th of December 2017, and I was pretty happy with the whole event, there are some delays in the starting but in the end, watching the movie, it is worth the wait. What is this movie I mentioned about? It's a movie about our planet, earth, "A Beautiful Planet".
After a short greeting, introduction and Q&A session from Canada Embassy representative like the Ambassador himself (do check out my instagram account @Carnellin), the movie start at around 7.30 and finished around 8.30 with the wraps and Q and A's again for after the movie.
The theater is filled with medias and guests invited by Change.org and Canada's Embassy in Jakarta. And without further ado, the movie, "A Beautiful Planet" is played.
Presented in awe-inspiring IMAX® and IMAX® 3D, “A Beautiful Planet,” narrated by
ACADEMY AWARD® Winner, Jennifer Lawrence, gives moviegoers a never-before-seen
glimpse of Earth from space and provides an increased understanding of our planet and
galaxy. Made in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), the film features stunning footage of our magnificent blue planet — and the effects
humanity has had on it over time — captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space
Station (ISS), a research lab, training facility and observatory, built in orbit by 16 countries
and powered by the sun.
From space, Earth blazes at night with the electric intensity of human expansion — a
direct visualization of our changing world. As startling representations of such change, the
deforestation in places like Madagascar and the Amazon, the nighttime scene of fracking fires
in the Gulf of Mexico, and the glacial melting in Greenland are all visible from the ISS. But it
is within our power to protect the planet. As we continue to explore and gain knowledge of
our galaxy, we also develop a deeper connection to the place we all call home.
“A Beautiful Planet” presents a breathtaking view of Earth with footage conceived, in
part, and shot by the astronauts aboard the ISS themselves; and through advanced computer.
I'm sorry if these images is like blurred but it is actually a 3D movie, hence a 3D glasses is needed to see these pictures. I also put them on my instastory (many of the clips) which I find to be astonishing. I felt so small, like really, really small, like my presence as a being is, well, rather insignificant. Not to sound so depressed, but we are like so tiny, and we feel like our problems and our life was huge, God was probably like, no you're not. So instead of being too focused on life drama, let's take a big breath and see the universe, how great and big it is, yet everything will fall on its place. Just do our best, make the positive efforts and go with the flow.

We have a beautiful planet to live in, enjoy and be very happy, as long as we keep in mind to not be greedy, be kind and remember to keep things as needed. The thing about greed is that it corrupt, it's just the way it is. We tend to be greedy instead of living our rights, the industry nowadays told us that. Being irresponsible and exploit the land more than we can give back is destroying our future.
The earth shows their aging, through the raising heat. The needs for energy and our consumption is beyond the supply, we need new reliable energy with no or less radiation. Safe, plentiful and clean.
The image below is earth is the view of some cities in the world during night time. The lights are mesmerizing yet in the same time reminds me of how big the energy being used also.
There are some dark places too like in North Korea, it does looks sad compared to the bright South Korea.
And about the energy, it's sun, Canada and many leading countries has started to use more solar energy for a better world ahead. Did we still have time? We hope so. By stop doing what's wrong and listen to the climate change.
These are the view of the sun, up close. Imagine the immense heat and energy.
Below, we see the magnet and those reflections of lights shown how our earth protects us from radiation. This planet is livable because of that, other planet are suffering the radiation, coldness and dryness hence no living being is possible. Only the earth that have all the right element, from temperature, water, protection from radiation and so on. So it is not a coincidence we can all live here, everything has meanings and purpose.
So here we are, living our life, remembering, that we all have meanings and purpose.

Looking at the huge universe, looking at our life, looking at how fragile we are if suddenly something happen, either a star falls on the earth or perhaps the earth looses its balance. So we all needed each other, we need to took care each other, not just for us, but for the future too.
I'm looking at some of the newsletter given from the Canada Embassy, seems like they put so many efforts in the environment and as helping hand for humanitarian act. Hopefully, Canada continue as a country that encourage loving our planet with true, living way of life.
Do watch a clip of the movie at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jbj302_mOeU
Thank you so much Change.Org for having me during the event, this is one of the most popular platform to make petition, right now there's a lot of petition going on where you could make a change, bring impact, and perhaps like that one girl said, 'When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.' Malala Yousafzai.
And for Canada, Happy 150th Anniversary. Hope to someday visit this red maple leaf country. For sure, I want to see Quebec, where they shoot Goblin :D
Thank you everyone for reading this post, see you again soon.