Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Croc Oil Cream

Hello everyone,

this is Crocodile Cream. It's unorthodox alright but seems like traditionally made products are on the rise lately. In Japan horse oil is very famous like cactus in Mexico, Korean with their snail slugs, now in Thailand, they also use Crocodile Oil for treatments on the surface of the skin.


I couldn't find anything on their website (Muku Group) related to the product, so the details on the packaging alone will be my guide. The ingredients mentioned are crocodylidae, niacinamide, tocophery acetate and shea butter.

Crocodylidae means crocodile, and I presume it's their oils that was been used.
Niacinamine means vitamin B3 for anti aging.
Tocopheryl Acetate means vitamin E
and Shea butter, a well known ingredients used in the cosmetic industry.

So there's really nothing to it, aside from the crocodile oil.


I'm trying them everywhere I can, on my driest part (heels) where it is chapped and desperately need help. On my scar, wounds post surgery and even add it a bit on my daily lotion for an overall experience.

The texture of the oil itself is like any other cream, doesn't have any distinct smell nor feel gamy. It's a relieve haha!

And the immediate effect is the moisturizing effect, I don't really see any healing abilities for the past two weeks, perhaps since I'm not really having an immediate post surgery scars. Most of the scars are already taken care of years ago.


Overall, it's a product that have heritage and beliefs from the people in Thailand. Some must have experience significant benefits hence this product is made, but for me personally, I'm just experiencing it's hydrating ability and 'heal' my dry skin even on the driest part. Of course, like any other skincare, a daily routine application is needed and not an instant gratification. Although, a mild relieving effects are felt right after on the very dry skin.


So far, I didn't experience any discomfort, sensitivity nor allergic reaction using the product.

Thank you Muku Group.

Do stay tune on my instagram account @carnellin for #carnellingiveaway for a chance to win hampers from Muku Group.

See you there!


  1. OMG! C®ocodile :O
    Sepertinya bisa jg dipakai di area siku dan lutut biar ga Kering kerontang :D

  2. Mantap bgt dah dibuat dari minyak buaya wkwk, beda negara beda ya obat tradisionalnya haha tapi emang juara bgt produk tradisional meski hasilnya kagak instan aka butuh waktu hihi. Nice review sissy;)

  3. menarik ya ci... gw suka nyobain krim aneh-aneh, mulai dari ekstrak uler, snail, sampe kuda. tapi baru tau ada croc oil juga :p

  4. Aku join di giveaway nya kaka... alesan aku pengen nyoba produk ini karena aku punya penyakit kulit eczema. Crocodile oil katanya dapat menyembuhkan eczema jadi aku ingin mencobanya kak

  5. Wohoo!! Btw I love your hair haha it looks lil bit messy but really suits on you♥Aku ada masalah dengan kulit kering di bagian siku dan lutut need this Crocs Oil btw ini agak serem juga ya kalo minyak buaya diekstrak nya dari apanya buaya ya?? Wkwk but hope I can win this awesome Croc Oil hihi xx

  6. Best choice for those who doesn't have time to go to salon. Nice review ❤
    I hope I can get one from your giveaway🙌

  7. Aneh sekali minyak buaya, but its ok. Pengen nyoba produk ini untuk tumit aku yang kering. Semoga bisa jadi salah satu pemenang di #carnellingiveaway
