Friday, April 26, 2013

Hair Makeover with Makarizo Arpil 2013

Hi everyone,

It's been a roller coaster days for me, last week I have a blast with all the events and opportunities, and few days ago I have to went through a surgery to remove an embryo stuck in the right fallopian tube. It was a really painful process of recovery for me. But I believe God has a plan for me and will help me get through it all :)

And I want to raise a glass for every women who went through a surgery like me (kinda like a c-section) and has walk through it (literally and in quotes), kudos!

Now, let me share one of the fun parts of an event right before the surgery. The makeover with Makarizo!!!

These are my images of before the makeover haha! I'm in desperate need of makeover.


The colors has faded, lost their charms and wits, I'm bored ^0^ I need a pro touch. Makarizo hair makeover come in a right time. They called me for a makeover and I immediately said yes! Then they arrange an event for 12 beauty bloggers, which I must say, they carefully prepared everything well, so all of us who came that day, get the right attention, without any single second wasted.


Without further ado, below is my after look ^___^ My hair looks so much healthier, stylist and no more boring colors.


And here are the process from before to after.

I came around 10 AM. 10 trainers are ready to give us a look we are looking for. So to make sure it happens before a makeover is done, we have to consult our desire to the team. What kind of hair style do we want or look for? What colors looks best on us? What happen to the colors on a hair like mine, where it was bleached, perms, etc? Will it last? Etc?


Due to the condition of my hair which is weaken to the core. perming is highly avoidable. Colors such as blue, orange and green are avoided as well, by me hehehe! I don't think I look good in any of those colors. Fret not! The staff and trainers from Makarizo also carries the same value as me and focus on my personalities and style that works for me (and each of us who came that day). The trainer who assist me also help me understand my hair condition and why colors wont last that long on my hair, so she gave me tips on which colors may last longer, we came to a conclusion that an ombre of deep purple and daring red will be the right combination for me.


Pretty isn't it?! Heehee, and the best thing is, the process only took one cycle. No need bleaching, color the red first, followed with purple all over the hair and rinse well.


Ms. Nurma carefully making sure I get what I want, 2/3 of deep purple from root to almost the end and 1/3 of daring red at the ends. Look at how dry and brittle my hair was, you'll see at the after photos, my hair doesn't look dry anymore. Say hello to radiant full colored hair.


It was a very fast and rewarding experience for me. Oh and I don't feel any sting, pain, or other discomfort throughout the whole process.


This is my image after the wash. But during the rinsing process, Ms. Nurma added some color protector (kinda like a mask) so the colors stays ON longer and better. The hair also become glossier and less tangled after the treatment given by her.


Then she dried the hair using a blow drier, I see the silkiness, moist and a radiant glow from the hair. I love it!


I took a lot of images after the makeover is done haha! I'm so happy with the result. The whole process is around 3 hours: 30 minutes for consultation, 1 hour for applying the colors, 20 minutes of leaving the colors to penetrate into the hair, 15 minutes of rinsing and treatment, the rest will be for drying, styling and taking pictures for Makarizo ^__^ quite fast right?!


But the team of Makarizo doesn't want me to go home empty handed. They gave me a bunch of products for the newly colored hair. A series from MK3. Shampoo, Gel Conditioner and a Cream.


A beautiful light white cream in a pot (oh, how I wish it's in a tube), that smells good and as a leave-in protection for the hair to stay silky, less tangled and protects the colors too.

The cream is used after the shampooing is done, the conditioner are given and rinsed out. So on a towel dried hair apply a small amount of cream (around walnut size for medium-long hair) especially from the middle part all the way to the ends. Avoiding the roots.


These are the texture of the shampoo and conditioner. Ms. Nurma already warned me about the 3 days rule of not washing the hair so the colors may stay longer on the hair and really sets in. But on day 2 I can't help myself and rinse it anyway due to the oiliness. But The second wash was done 4 days later (since I went into a surgery and unable to take a shower). She also reminds me about the first few washes where there colors will stain the water and anything it touches when wet, such as towels.

So far I've done 3 washes and the colors are keep coming out whenever I wash the hair. But my hair is still almost the same as when they are colored last week. So, everything that Ms. Nurma said turn out to be true and I thank her for that ^__^ so there's no 'surprises' afterwards. She prepares me for process and what happen next.

Okay, back to the review . . .
The shampoo is light and easy to lather on. Giving the hair and scalp a cleanliness without striping them dry. The gel conditioner is a unique light conditioner that helps the hair to stay soft and smooth. They smells quite strong and stays for hours after the wash. My husband compliment on the scent as well when he's around me, so it was really a noticeable scent.


Thank you so much Makarizo for my hair makeover and the products that help support the colors to stay vibrant and healthy. You have a wonderful team that help me with the transformation and I can feel all of you are passionate in what you do and put a lot of efforts making sure all the beauty bloggers get the style/colors/hair design that matches them. It was an honor for me to experience the makeover and hope to see you guys again soon!


  1. waaaa ci carnellin keliatan lebih fresh dengan rambut merah. huhuhu. setelah cat coklat ombre, tiba - tiba pas pulang mamiku suru aku cat merah aja, lg oke skg -.-

    btw ci, aku juga loch keramas pas hari kedua! hahahaha. ga tahan sama bau kimia yang super menyengat ituhhh. duhhh. H+4 juga aku keramas lagi tapi tueteppp ini bau kimianya masih bertahan aja ya. duhhh :(

    btw cici cepat sembuh yaaa :) setauku itu namanya kehamilan ektopik ci. bed rest dulu ci biar recoverynya makin cepet. get well soon cici :)

  2. cute banget warnanya :D cocok deh

    do you want to follow each other on gfc and bloglovin?
    visit my blog ^^

  3. Hi Neni,

    Iya betul kehamilan ektopik :) dokter gw kaga saranin bed rest, harus cepet2 aktivitas katanya biar cepet pulih...

    Oh kamu diwarnain coklat, seru donk, warna coklat juga seru n awet dibanding merah. Gpp next time ya cobain yg lebih ngejreng XD
