Hello lovelies,
This time I want to share with you dairy products from KIN.

Some of you perhaps wondering what is KIN has got to do with beauty, oh babe, everything that is healthy, made you pretty for sure. We need to take care our overall health to achieve that wholesome beauty. You can always be sure that beauty is from within as well as seen from the outside. Like imagine yourself getting sick most of the time, you wont be able to go outside and do as much as those who are healthy, yet we need to expose ourself to fresh air and the delightful morning sun.


These are KIN Fresh Milk that comes in three variant, chocolate, coffee and fresh milk in original as in plain.
I don't really drink milk on daily basis, what, why? I don't feel comfortable in taking them, especially when they are on their own, mostly since it can gives me like a diarrhea. It's not severe, but it's not really convenient from time to time, especially when I'm on the go, traveling or during an event. I don't want to go to the toilet over and over again in a day. It's troublesome. So I avoided all milk at all cost... turns out, there's a different kind of milk, an A2 cows.
Let me explain the table above, it shows that nowadays the protein in the cow's milk is mostly A1, which is the type of protein that cause the stomach to feel uncomfortable while protein A2 is the type that was used to be served. Bloaty feeling and other discomfort also mostly caused by protein A1. Now, KIN Fresh Milk is the type of milk with Protein A2 and 100% pure without any addition or anything taken, hence everyone can drink KIN Fresh Milk in comfort. Including me heehee, finally I can have a taste of fresh milk again without worry.
These high class cow are the source of all KIN Fresh Milk and the reason will be getting protein A2. If you;re still curious, do check out their website and instagram account:
• Website : www.kindairy.com
• Instagram : @kindairyid
And Kin Fresh Milk is now available at mini market / supermarket near you. Convenient right?!
Here's a bit of Pers Release to understand about KIN Fresh Milk even better
Jakarta, September 2018 – Kemajuan penelitian dan teknologi telah banyak menghadirkan terobosan yang memberikan kebaikan bagi kehidupan manusia. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pengembangan industri susu sapi perah telah menemukan sapi jenis A2 yang dipercaya dapat menghasilkan susu yang lebih baik bagi tubuh manusia.
Berdasarkan data Kementerian Pertanian tahun 2016, konsumsi susu di Indonesia saat ini masih lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan negara ASEAN lainnya. Sebagian orang melewatkan manfaat dari susu sapi segar karena merasa mual, menimbulkan diare, atau karena alergi. Sementara manfaat susu sangat penting untuk pemenuhan nutrisi. Susu mengandung nutrisi lengkap yang terdiri dari protein, lemak, dan karbohidrat sebagai sumber energi, mineral, dan vitamin untuk mendukung fungsi tubuh.
Pakar gizi, dr. Rizal Alaydrus, MSc. menjelaskan, “Gejala mual, kembung, dan/atau diare setelah mengonsumi susu terjadi karena kandungan protein beta casein A1 dalam susu yang bereaksi dengan protein pencernaan lainnya di dalam tubuh, sehingga memicu gejala yang menyerupai intoleransi terhadap laktosa, seperti ketidaknyamanan perut, flatulensi (akumulasi gas berlebih dalam perut dari usus besar), kembung, dan diare yang terjadi setelah mengonsumsi produk susu.”
Susu sapi pada umumnya memiliki kandungan protein A1 dan protein A2 dengan rasio 40% dan 60%. Awalnya sapi di seluruh dunia hanya menghasilkan protein A2 saja, namun seiring berjalannya waktu dan adanya mutasi genetik, saat ini semakin banyak sapi yang menghasilkan susu dengan kandungan protein A1.
Saat ini, susu A2 tengah mendapat perhatian dari dunia kesehatan karena potensinya dalam menjadikan susu sapi lebih baik dari segi nutrisi maupun dari segi toleransi oleh sistem pencernaan. Susu yang hanya mengandung protein A2, dipercaya lebih mudah dicerna oleh tubuh dan nutrisinya lebih mudah diserap. Sapi A2 didapat dari proses seleksi alami dengan melalui seleksi tes DNA, tanpa rekayasa genetik.
PT ABC Kogen Dairy percaya bahwa setiap orang berhak mendapatkan nutrisi terbaik dari alam, oleh karena itu PT ABC Kogen Dairy menghadirkan terobosan baru lewat KIN Fresh Milk, susu segar dari sapi A2. Untuk menjamin kualitas susu yang dihasilkan, peternakan yang dikelola oleh PT ABC Kogen Dairy hanya memelihara jenis sapi A2, yang menghasilkan susu dengan kandungan protein A2 saja. Sebagai satu-satunya peternakan sapi terintegrasi yang menghasilkan susu dari sapi A2 secara eksklusif di Indonesia, seluruh sapi di peternakan KIN menjalani proses pemeriksaan ketat, dimulai dari kualitas kesehatan, kondisi hidup, hingga pemeriksaan DNA untuk memastikan susu yang dihasilkan tidak mengandung protein A1.
Anton Budiharjo, Marketing Manager KIN menjelaskan, “Sebagian orang banyak mengalami reaksi pada tubuhnya sesaat setelah mengonsumsi susu dan menganggap hal itu adalah normal. Reaksi yang dirasakan diantaranya adalah rasa tidak nyaman di perut seperti rasa kembung, eneg, bahkan mulas. Padahal seharusnya minum susu sama seperti kita mengonsumsi minuman lain yang tidak menimbulkan respon di perut. Banyak orang menduga hal ini disebabkan karena mereka lactose intolerant, padahal bisa jadi karena tubuhnya tidak dapat mencerna protein A1 yang terdapat dalam susu.”
Tiffany Pratiwi Suwandi, Brand Manager KIN menjelaskan, “KIN Fresh Milk merupakan produk susu segar pertama di Indonesia yang berasal dari sapi A2 dan hadir sebagai pilihan yang lebih baik bagi konsumen, karena tidak menimbulkan rasa eneg atau kembung akibat minum susu. Susu dari sapi A2 ini adalah 100% susu segar, tanpa ada yang ditambahkan atau dikurangi pada kandungannya. KIN Fresh Milk hanya mengandung protein A2 yang lebih bersahabat untuk perut, sehingga lebih mudah dicerna dan diserap dalam tubuh”.
KIN Fresh Milk hadir dalam 3 rasa favorit, yaitu Full Cream, Chocolate, dan Coffee. KIN Fresh Milk juga merupakan satu-satunya produk susu yang dikemas dalam botol dengan UV light barrier untuk menjamin kualitas produk tanpa bahan pengawet.
“Dengan ragam rasa Kin Fresh Milk yang tersedia, konsumen memiliki kebebasan untuk menikmati manfaat murni dari susu sapi segar tanpa khawatir akan timbulnya rasa eneg atau kembung. Kin Fresh Milk juga hadir sebagai pilihan yang lebih sehat bagi para penggemar susu dan aman untuk dikonsumsi anak usia 2 tahun ke atas,” tutup Tiffany.
KIN Fresh Milk comes in a 200 ml bottles. It was shaped like a bottle which made the product appear different from other milk on the market. On all of the bottle (no matter what the flavor is) it is always written "Shake first before consuming", so don't forget to shake the bottle well before drinking so all the nutrients and consistency of the milk become one.
I've been trying the milk for days now and my stomach does feel different. I'm no longer afraid of the side effect that other milks do thanks to the A2 protein.
The flavor of their fresh milk is yummy, I'll share more with you the other flavors on my next post, for this one let's read about my first impression with KIN Fresh Milk.
On supermarket, they are usually sold in a cooler area, so it does taste better when served cold, but I don't mind drinking it at any temperature. But once opened do consumed it immediately so the product stays fresh. Since (like any other product) it was really fresh, so it was processed using aseptic technology that guarantee freshness and quality as long as it stays closed and sealed, haven't been exposed to open air and in the given date before expiration.
You can drink it directly from the bottle, or like me using a cup, or adding some ice cubes, or as an additional like when eating cereal, strawberry or even pudding. The texture of the milk is slightly ticker than other milk on the market, which made the milk taste more delicious than the rest, perhaps it is due to the A2 protein. And on the composition is also listed as 100% Fresh Milk, this is surely more assuring.
Details in the nutrition facts are written clearly on the bottle, from Vitamin A, D, B1, B2, B5, calcium, phosphor, magnesium, iodine, and zinc too. It is also said to make sure that the bottle is always in a cool and dry places, heat is never good for vitamins, same goes with our skincare and other food items. Fresh veggies and fruit will also goes bad faster, dryer too, when put in a hot direct sunlight.
So always keep your KIN Fresh Milk bottles on a cool places like perhaps the fridge.
The seal on the bottle will help you know that the freshness is sealed within, always remember to check upon purchasing.
I'm not the only one in my family that loves the taste and texture of KIN Fresh Milk, the kids are also drinking it, they always argue who gets the last sips. We enjoy the comfort of protein A2 from KIN Fresh Milk and I'm happy that nobody gets an upset stomach while consuming. It's an enjoyable and nutritious experience and hopefully we can boost the level of drinking high quality milk in our own family.
Thank you so much KIN Fresh Milk to come into our life, and you for reading my post, see you again on my next post ya about KIN Fresh Milk Chocolate and Coffee, yums!
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