Tuesday, January 22, 2013

TALIKA Lipocils & Black

Hi everyone,

I'm so excited about this product, it's amazing and works really well...... superbly well.

Details from talika.com

Eyelash Lipocils & Black

2 x 2.5ml / 2 x 0.08 oz | Ref. : 8990

Longer, Healthier lashes in just 28 days

The Story:
For over 60 years, Talika laboratories have specialized in eyelash growth.

In 1948, Talika launched the 1st treatment for eyelash growth. In 2010, Talika innovates again with LIPOCILS EXPERT®, the 1st formula which stimulates eyelash growth, intensifies natural lash pigmentation and enhances curls.

In 2012, Talika reveals its game and takes its legendary Lipocils range one step further for those who want to look their best while waiting for their natural beauty to emerge. On one side, the classic conditioning formula grows lashes naturally longer and fuller; on the other, the keratin-stimulating mascara provides instant results.

The Product :
2-in-1 eyelash growth stimulator + mascara

Step 1: L I P O C I L S ®
The legendary formula for natural eyelash growth
Containing 12 botanicals Stimulates growth

Step 2: B L A C K M A S C A R A
Exclusive mascara formula
Gorgeous deep black look Lengthens, volumizes and curls Stimulates keratin synthesis

The Results :
IN JUST 28 Days :
Stimulates growth: 80%*
Thickens lashes: 74%*
* Test results - 30 volunteers - 28 days

Longer, Fuller, Darker lashes

The Directions :
Each Morning:
1/ Apply Lipocils® treatment to cleansed lashes.
2/ Apply Black mascara when desired.

Each evening:
1/ Cleanse lashes, optimally with Talika Lash
Conditioning Cleanser.
2/ Apply Lipocils® treatment to cleansed lashes.

This is the Lipocils the one that helps the lashes to grow (you may read my previous post made 3 years ago HERE regarding Lipocils and the result after using it HERE)


Now, they made a mascara, a very lovely one too. The blackest one with the smoothest formula ever tested (by me heehee), gives instant curls, length and volume as well.

The liquid glide smoothly on every lashes and feels so wet, put a name card on the lids when applying the upper lashes and under the lower lashes during application of the lower lashes and it will protect your skin. Wait for a while for the mascara to dry before blinking.


Or it would be like this, but fret not, use a cotton bud to clean the mess after the mascara is dry and noticed that they were like fibers, I love it. The mascara is proven waterproof and for all its benefit I think this is probably the best mascara I've used.


Smudge-proof, water resistant and waterproof, tear-proof, heat & humidity proof, sweat & perspiration proof.

Add length, curl and volume plus still build-able for more curl, volume and length. Deep dark color. Lovely formula and very smooth liquid on the lashes. Stay on with me the whole day and cleaning it also so easy with an eye makeup remover.

Last but not least, this is my final look, after the whole makeup and using the TALIKA  Lipocils & Black to the thickest possible by keep reapplying (no fake lashes needed) like they creating fibers. Dark , black, luscious fibers.



  1. Do you know how much the product costs in IDR? :O

  2. Hi Thea,

    The last time I checked the product is still under registration, so the price in IDR haven't come up.

  3. kayak pakai falsies ci di foto terakhir ^^


  4. Hi Lyne :)

    efek eyeliner-nya juga, dibikin super tebal.

    Lalu TALIKA Lipocils & Mascara nya dipakai berkali kali, agak lama pakainya. Pertama sekitar 3 kali coating. Tunggu kering (sekitar 5-10 menit) lalu apply lagi, terus diulang (apply, tunggu kering, apply) sekitar 30 menit lebih untuk hasil ini dan tidak boleh dalam keadaan panas atau humid karena sulit kering dan nantinya akan 'patah-patah'.

