Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blog About Estee Lauder and Get Invited

Hi everyone,

I've got an exciting news for beauty bloggers, especially those who are a big fan of Estee Lauder. You could win an invitation to attend Estee Lauder's event on Sunday, 7th of April 2013 at Mal Taman Anggrek.


Not just that, the winners will receive products from Estee Lauder for FREE on the day of the event. One lipstick and one Eye Shadow Duo of which every winners may choose they own favorite shade. PS: NOT SAMPLE SIZES. So they are the real/original/full sized products \^0^/

1.       Pure Color Long Lasting Lipstick Rp. 280.000,- 




2.       Pure Color Eye Shadow Duo Rp. 360.000,-
How you say? (Read carefully this whole post since I will not answer ANY silly question)

Make a blog post on (You may choose one or more topics):
1. Why do you love Estee Lauder?
2. Which item do you think 'a must have' in the entire collection (may be more than one)?
3. How many Estee Lauder products do you have?
4. Why do you want to be invited to the event?

Then, on that same post, share about this contest and don't forget to put my blog URL as well. Share about this contest everywhere you please (but no spamming), on twitter, facebook and other social media you have. Don't forget to tag me in each of your sharing activity.

Comment in this post that you have participated and would like to win an invitation.


1 . Be a follower of my blog
2. Like my Facebook page, click ---> HERE  and Follow my Twitter account: @c13v3rgirl and the winner (later on) will be announce via my Facebook Page. There will be 10 winners handpicked by me.

Contest runs from today until 5th of April 2013 at 12noon where the winners will be announced at 6 PM on the same day. So hurry and make a post ^0^

Contest is open for beauty bloggers who provide their own transportation to the event.

Winners will be chose based on creativity of the post, shares in multiple social networking system, have followed all the T&C's, write a post in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Every winners will have to attend the event, details as mentioned above, at MTA, 7th of April 2013, be there at 12 noon sharp and personally collect the products after the event is finished (around 2-3 PM).

Thank you and hope to see you all real soon!

*Shades are depends on availability

Introducing Shu Uemura and The Cleansing Oil

Hello beauty lover, 

this post will be about a particular someone whose name no longer need further introduction, Shu Uemura san, a person and a worldwide well known brand in leading cosmetic Industry. He is a Japanese, and we all know a they tend to create perfection or at least try to reach an impeccable level in everything they do.


The brand continues to develop and creating more even thou he has passed away. Same passion and driven move the company forward. The skin and all their complexity.


Yes, it's the cleansing oil. A product that begin unveiling Shu's world to the customer.


Unmask, a cleansing oil that able to clean all heavy makeup in ago, delicate to the skin yet tough on makeups.


Over the years, the product change packaging and making better formula and adding different ingredients to add more variations and range to support varieties of skin conditions.


These are the reasons why they are sought after.


The principles behind the oil and how it works on the skin.


Like a soft white cloud, it removes all impurities from the skin.


Natural plant extracts and ingredients, it's not just a cleanser, it's a skincare as well.


Based on research and high technology, the formula are made, and below are the ones we may find on Shu Uemura's counters all over the world and official online store.


A simple introduction on how to use the product as 1-2-3-4.

Use it on dry skin, massage the oil in a gentle and circular motion. Add a bit of water after all waterproof makeup has broke down. Emulsify and then rinse well with clean water. The skin stays moist and dewy unlike other makeup removal.


 Stay tune for more and all the images here can be clicked for larger view.

Courtesy of Shu Uemura Indonesia.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Makarizo Hair Recovery, Hair Repair, Anti-Frizz, Hair Eenergy Shampoo (Royal Jelly), and Honey Dew Nutriv Serum

Olaaaaa ^^

I'm back with more review for Makarizo, it's like this week is full of trying and using their products, some are brand new, while some I've been using for the past decades.

Let's start reading them one by one with the details provided by Makarizo Indonesia.



Makarizo Hair Recovery dari MAKARIZO, berfungsi melindungi kutikula rambut

dengan cara membentuk heat shield (lapisan pelindung), sehingga rambut terlindung dari

PANAS hair dryer, alat catok dan sinar ultra violet. Hasilnya?, rambut menjadi tidak kering,

tidak kusam, dan mencegah ujung rambut bercabang.

Mengandung multivitamin dan silk protein serta 3 keunggulan yang Instant, Praktis,

Tidak Lengket dan Tidak Berminyak, Vitamin Rambut Makarizo mampu menjadikan

rambutmu lebih indah, sehat dan terlindungi.

Gunakan sesaat sebelum menata rambut, untuk melind

dryer atau catok, juga sesaat sebelum bepergian ke luar rumah untuk melindungi rambut dari

sinar ultra violet. Tidak perlu dibilas.

ungi rambut dari panas hair

Cara pakai : Bersihkan rambut dan biarkan setengah kering, semprotkan Makarizo Hair

Recovery ke seluruh batang rambut sehingga merata dan tidak perlu dibilas, atur rambut

indahmu sesuai yang kamu mau. Gunakan setiap saat kamu merasa perlu perlindungan

untuk rambut indahmu.

Tersedia dalam :

kemasan spray, 50ml (Rp. 79.000)

kemasan pump, 50ml (Rp. 79.000) dan

kemasan tube mini, 8ml (Rp. 9.000/ tube)

Note : Produk bisa didapat di Alfamart, Indomart, Giant, Carrefour, Hypermart, outlet-outlet seperti

Century, Guardian, Charmant dan Watson, toko kosmetik.


Since the details are pretty clear, like as clear as the product ^^ let me share my experience in using it.

The Hair Recovery I have are in tubes, the liquid is transparent, not as sticky as most serum, considered light and easy to be distributed, especially on damped hair before hair drying. It does help to smoothen out the hair and less tangled. The dryness of the coarse hair also reduced, best to be used before any 'hot' tools including hair straightener, curler tongs, etc. I can't say they 100% protected the hair from further damage but they do give a bit protection and add some shines to the hair. I think it is best to use the whole treatment series for hair overall well being.

Use it little by little and brush the hair before adding some more to avoid using too much.

Next item is:



Makarizo Hair Repair adalah masker vitamin rambut yang menutrisi korteks rambut.

Dengan kandungan Phytantriol, Pro Vitamin B5, dan Royal Jelly. Berfungsi melembabkan

dan menutrisi rambut, menambah kekuatan dan elastisitas serta merawat rambut yang rusak

dan kering menjadi tetap sehat, lebih indah dan lembut alami.

Cara pakai : Bersihkan rambut, dan aplikasikan Makarizo Hair Mask pada rambut yang

setengah basah. Diamkan selama 2-3 menit, bilas hingga bersih. Jika terkena mata, bilas

dengan air segera. Gunakan minimal 2 kali dalam seminggu, atau sesuai dengan kebutuhan

Tersedia dalam :

kemasan tube : 45ml (Rp.12.500)

kemasan sachet : 15 ml (Rp. 4.000)

It's the product that has been used by many saloons all over Indonesia to treat damaged hair. The yellow-orange cream is a bit like pudding mousse in terms of texture and smells pleasant, even if ones doesn't like it the smell will easily fades within 2 hours. Used on shampooed hair and a quick 2-3 minutes will help repairing hair condition. I noticed it the most on my coarse hair parts. Like the cream and nourishment inside it fills in the 'empty' parts on hair strands.

This product need to be rinse out. And even thou' it is said 2-3 minutes is enough, sometime I like to leave it on longer like 5-10 minutes. The whole tube for my long hair can be use 2 times. The thing about this product or any of hair products here is that they can be used as often as needed and when the hair already gets better and healthy again, use it sparingly just to keep it healthy and nourished.


Makarizo Anti Frizz

adalah suatu produk vitamin rambut yang mengandung provitamin B5 yang dapat menjaga

kelembaban rambut dan menutrisi rambut. Menjadikan rambut ringan dan lentur serta

membuat rambut terlihat indah dan mudah ditata. Produk ini dapat juga memperbaiki

penampilan rambut yang telah terkena proses kimia seperti cat rambut, proses pelurusan,

maupun pengkritingan dan menjaga rambut tetap lembab dan kuat. Rambut menjadi elastis

Cara Pakai : Sangat disarankan untuk memakai Makarizo Anti Frizz setelah berkeramas

dalam proses pelurusan rambut. Makarizo anti Frizz dapat juga pada rambut yang kering

dan rusak, cukup menyemprotkan ke seluruh bagian rambut dalam keadaan kering atau

setengah basah, tidak perlu membilas setelah pemakaian.

Tersedia dalam :

Botol 50 ML : Rp. 20.000,-

Botol 265 ML : Rp. 50.000,- 

Note : Produk bisa didapat di Alfamart, Indomart, Giant, Carrefour, Hypermart, outlet-outlet seperti

Century, Guardian, Charmant dan Watson, toko kosmetik.

The Anti-Frizz for me doesn't do the job as said, for me it gives the hair some strength and vitality instead of anti frizz. The usage is very easy, using the spray, apply them deliberately all over the hair wherever needed and add some more on the most broken parts, which is at the end of the hair. But for me is in the middle part due to over processed chemicals. This one can be used almost anytime, unlike the serum which is used only during drying/styling the hair.

But I didn't experience the hair become more flexible, instead it feels like there's a contradict of being slick. It does making the hair stronger thou' and I think that is it's best feature.

Next is the fun products since they are developed with more 'attitudes' with the scents and 'colorful' features.

Tentang Hair Energy – SAMPO Sachet


• Karena Bahan dasar Hair energy shampoo mengandung Jaguar, yaitu material conditioning

yang berfungsi untuk menempelkan ekstrak shampoo dan conditioner pada rambut dengan

lebih baik

• Karena Variant Hair energy masing-masing kaya akan manfaat dan belum ada di produk



Mengandung ekstrak royal jelly yang kaya akan antioksidant dan vitamin,fungsinya sebagai

moisturizing. Untuk merawat rambut rusak, rontok, kering pecah-pecah.


Mengandung ekstrak buah kiwi yang kaya akan antioksidant dan vitamin. Untuk Rambut yang

diwarnai tampak sehat dan lebih berkilau


Untuk membuat rambut tampak lembut dan lurus


Green Lemon : Melembutkan , mencerahkan


Avocado: Menutrisi dengan gizi yang tinggi

Fenugreek :Melembutkan dan mengandung sebum (untuk menggantikan minyak/kelembaban

yang hilang)

Harga eceran : Rp. 400,- per sachet


Hair energy, serangkaian perawatan rambut untuk membersihkan dan melembutkan

rambut ,memberikan wangi yang tahan lama.

Since it was only sachets and I can only gives a quick short review. The milky colored shampoo smells really good, I think it's the signature from Hair Energy range. It was a moderately fine shampoo for dry hair but I still see it like a 'fun' product instead of a 'serious' product that will help the hair to recover, at least in a short period of time. The shampoo had to be used with other products for the hair such as mask, serum and conditioner.


Honey Dew, Solusi Tepat untuk Rambut Sehat

Rambut kering, kusam, bercabang, dan kasar ketika disentuh adalah indikasi bahwa rambut

mulai tidak sehat . Faktor penyebab rambut tidak sehat ada banyak ;seperti paparan sinar

matahari yang berlebihan, kekurangan nutrisi , dan yang paling sering adalah proses kimiawi

seperti pewarnaan, pelurusan atau pengeritingan.

adalah produk perawatan rambut yang sangat direkomendasikan untuk

mengatasi masalah kerusakan rambut . Rangkaian produk Honey Dew terdiri dari 2 product

dengan fungsi dan keunggulan masing masing:

1. Honey Dew Repair Mask – Menutrisi Korteks

Honey Dew Repair Mask, menambah kelembaban dan memberikan Nutrisi Alami

terbaik bagi batang rambut, menggantikan protein yang hilang pada batang rambut

serta memperkuat batang rambut, mencegah rambut patah ditengah akibat proses

kimia atau pengeringan (blow dry & catok) yang berlebihan.

HONEY DEW Repair Mask mengandung Royal Jelly yang berfungsi sebagai “Hair

Moisturizer”, merupakan salah satu Nutrisi Alami terbaik yang membantu memberikan

kelembutan “ekstra maksimal” pada setiap helai rambut Anda. Rambut pun terasa

lebih halus dan elastis. Sedangkan kandungan “Phytantriol”-nya yang mampu

menjaga keseimbangan kelembaban air pada rambut.

2. Honey Dew Nutriv Serum – Melindungi Kutikula

HONEY DEW Nutriv Serum diperkaya akan vitamin (A,C dan E),, mineral dan

amino acid, merupakan salah satu Nutrisi Alami terbaik yang berfungsi sebagai “hair


Kandungan “ekstrak madu”-nya yang mampu memperbaiki dan menutrisi rambut

yang sangat kering, rusak dan pecah/bercabang, memberikan kelembutan yang

maksimal pada rambut sehingga rambut terasa lebih halus-lembut.

Penggunaan Honey Dew Nutriv serum akan membentuk heat shield yang akan

melindungi kutikula rambut dari panas matahari , polusi , blow dry, rotating, maupun

alat catok.

Gunakan setiap kali habis keramas (towel dry) maupun sebelum styling . Rambut

menjadi lebih lembut, tidak mudah kusut dan berkilau. Penggunaan HONEY DEW

NUTRIV SERUM tidak perlu dibilas.

The Honey  Dew serum looks really like a dripped honey and again as other serum, not to be used too much as it will give the hair a weight. The smell is somewhat like sweet musk, the color is like honey, the texture is also like honey and I'm glad it's not sticky as honey does. It gives my hair shines and softness. Compared to the Hair Recovery serum, Honey Dew gives more 'weight' to the hair and silkiness. It's like if you choose lighter serum Hair Recovery is the better option, but if the hair is coarse and needed more protection (like mine) Honey Dew is the choice to go.

Makarizo Texture Experience (Mint Sorbet, Black Chocolate, Strawberry Yoghurt and Seaweed)

Dear everyone, 

ladies and gents ^__^ since all of these items may be used unisex, this post is open unisex as well!

Makarizo has done a big campaign lately and Indonesian Beauty Blogger are invited for this particular ceremonial to greet the new hair extravaganza in style and their latest products range Texture Experience.

Here are the full products from Texture Experience:

Hair Massage Cream:

  1. Black Chocolate
Diperkaya ekstrak Cocoa murni yang diformulasi untuk kerusakan rambut dengan mengontrol tingkat kelembaban kulit kepala.

  1. Vanilla Milk
Diperkaya ekstrak susu yang diformulasikan untuk melembabkan sekaligus mempertahankan elastisitas rambut. Ekstrak asli Vanilla berkhasiat untuk menenangkan saraf dan membangkitkan mood positif serta menjadikan lebih bergairah

  1. Cinnamon Coffe
Penemuan terbaru menyatakan bahwa kopi sangat bermanfaat dalam merawat rambut. Ekstrak kopi mempunyai sifat anti oksidan yang dapat mencegah penuaan dini pada batang rambut dan rambut patah.

  1. Strawberry Yoghurt
Diperkaya ekstrak Strawberry dan Yoghurt yang diformulasi untuk menyegarkan, menutrisi dan melindungi rambut

  1. Green Tea Butter
Diperkaya ekstrak Teh Hijau yang diformulasi untuk mempertahankan vitalitas rambut untuk kilau yang sempurna

  1. Mint Sorbet
Formulasi ekstrak Mint serta bahan Sorbet dapat mengembalikan vitalitas rambut dan mencegah ketombe

Body Scrub

  1. Seaweed
Body Scrub lembut yang diperkaya dengan Seaweed Extract (ekstrak ganggang laut) yang berfungsi melembabkan kulit.  Microscrubnya mampu mengangkat kotoran dari kulit mati sehingga kulit menjadi bersih, tampak cerah dan terasa halus.

  1. Black Rice
Body Scrub lembut yang diperkaya dengan Ekstrak beras (Black Rice) yang memberi nutrisi pada kulit. Microscrubnya mampu mengangkat kotoran dari kulit mati sehingga kulit menjadi bersih, segar dan harum.

  1. Deep Sea Mineral
Body Scrub lembut yang diperkaya dengan Color Clay Cocoa, mineral dasar laut. Mengandung Microscrub yang berfungsi sebagai scrub lembut untuk mengangkat kotoran dari kulit mati sehingga kulit menjadi bersih dan lembut
 And today I'm going to share some of them which I have at home and have tried it for the review.



First, is the Mint Sorbet shampoo, I'm very excited to see this one since I've been looking for minty shampoo for normal hair. Yes, the details said to prevent dandruff as well, prevent is not the same like other over the counter products which is definitely for occurring dandruff.

I wish for a cold breeze but receive a slightly tingling and cool reaction. My husband said he needs something more mint than these shampoos, but perhaps he is used with the very cold shampoo ^__^

Let's do the chart:

minty feeling: 2 out of 5
cleaning service: 4 out of 5
soften the hair: 3 out of 5

Overall, a good shampoo which cleanse the hair and scalp with a mild mint flavour.


So you want something minty, huh?! This one does it, hubby approved! ^__^ A serious mint in given with a very wonderful scent. I love the mint refreshing scent which stays on like perfume for the whole day.

We use the Mint Sorbet Hair Messag Cream after the shampoo and towel dried hair. 3/4 of the palm is enough for me and 1/3 of palm for hubby. I prefer the cream to be all over my hair and avoiding the scalp, while he is all over with the scalp involved too, he experienced more frosting mint while I enjoy the scent only. So if used all the way from the scalp, you'll experience the mints as well.

After usage: The normal hair will become so soft, smooth and glossy too, while my damaged hair will looks tangled free, smoother  (but still not as smooth as those with normal hair) and enjoy smelling good like normal hair do too.


The funny thing is that in the cream have these tiny beads (baby blue colored) which looks and feel like a scrub. I thought they will burst when massage into the hair or at the palms, but they don't. So is it a scalp/hair scrubber? Perhaps. I'm clueless heehee.


Next is the black chocolate, ooohhhhh \^0^/ I've tried the shampoo before (Click: HERE) which gives me a soft and smooth hair, (but still needed some conditioner) now, here are the conditioner. A light chocolate cream which looks like liquid chocolate literally and smells like liquid chocolate too. It was a unique experience, the exterior features really encourage me to lick them, which I didn't, hello, self control O.O Careful thou' you've been warned.

The result of using the conditioner is a softer hair, here's the chart:

Tangle-free: 3 out of 5
shine added: 3 out of 5
healed broken hair: 2 out of 5
revitalize the hair : 3 out of 5
unique experience plus texture: 5 out of 5

Overall, it's a good product with natural ingredients which gives the hair a softer and smoother feeling and a whole lotta chocolate.

Still think the conditioner not chocolate enough?

This one will!


A super duper dose of chocolate is seriously found here. It's not just chocolate mousse texture but heavy pudding chocolate mousse with density and thickness and dose ^__^ Pulled it out of the jar need a bit effort since the opening is small and a bit sharp on the edges, I wish it came in bigger 'mouth'.


I put the chocolate paste on my shampooed and toweled dry hair, the sensation it created is indulging and for any chocolate lover it will be an experience they longed for. Imagine a hard day at work and get back in a pampering routine with the most famous ingredients in the world that gives relaxing effect. I even crave some chocolate just buy smelling it.

I leave it on like any other hair treatment products, using a shower cap, I leave it on for 15-2o minutes and rinse it well. The after effect is an all day long chocolate scent with soft, detangled hair and fuller feeling. Like they just added some body to the hair.


Now, we moved on to the next level, a Body Scrub Seaweed. A muddy light green scrub with very tiny beads, even the Minty Sorbet Hair Massage Cream have bigger beads ^__-- and the scent is almost like seaweed too, so it would be something like sea breeze.

The opening is super small, I can only put a finger in to get the scrub out. The texture is thick but not as thick as Black Chocolate Hair Massage Cream. I use it on a damp skin and the light scrubbing action able to clean the skin and not overdo it. Instead of dry skin, the Seaweed Scrub gives me a plump dewy skin afterwards.


 The skin become softer and gently removed dead skin with no harshness. Suitable to be used several times a week. I've used it after and without shower gel/foam the result is just the same, a bouncy and happy skin after usage.

 Last, it's the item which I recently use, the Strawberry Yoghurt.


The scent is just like any strawberry yoghurt I found in supermarkets. The clear gel texture is cleaning the hair and gives a silky finish. I do need a conditioner afterwards. Suitable for those who are looking for a strawberry yoghurt scent but I think the overall effect can be found in the Hair Message Cream.

So far I've been experimenting and mixed a bit, the chocolate and mint can be mixed, the mint sorbet for the scalp and chocolate for the dry hair, the result is like a well blended choco-mint ice cream, delicious!!! The scalp get energized with the minty feeling and the hair become smooth and nourished with the black chocolate.

Thank you Makarizo Indonesia.
Stay tune for more juicilicious hair and body products.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shu Uemura Whitefficient Whitening Emulsion/Essence

Hi everyone,

a short introduction on whitefficient, a product from shu uemura's family for brighter, clearer and later on, fairer skin.


details from


advanced bio-science whitening based on intelligence of nature
each skin cell is "purely bright" when it's just "born"
inspired by bright secret of the new cells, with over 40 years of extensive research and expertise on Asian women's skin, shu uemura research center in Tokyo has developed a brand new whitening approach focused on mitochondria, the energy factory of the skin, and combined it with powerful whitening actives for healthy, plumped, illuminating skin.

formulated with the 1st Mito-White Complex and Whitening Actives, whitefficient*1 is designed not only to limit*2 melanin production and transfer, but also to help boost*2 the creation of the brighter newborn skin cells by improving*2 the metabolism of epidermal cells and protecting*1 mitochondria against oxidative stress caused by UV for visibly illuminating skin in 7 days and less visible spots in 4 weeks*3.

*1 in vitro tests
*2 intense whitening essence
*3 consumer test on 50 Asian women, using the product twice a day for 8 weeks
*4 instrumental evaluation for melanin content. consumer test on 50 Asian women using the product twice a day for 8 weeks


The texture is light and delightful, I love the faint musky floral scent which is actually common in lotions. The skin react to the emulsion/essence quite fast, giving the skin a light hydrating effect and healthier look. Not sticky, a moisturizer may be used on top of it or when the day is super humid, use it instead of moisturizer (told by a representative from shu uemura in Seibu's branch).

The emulsion/essence doesn't cause skin irritation, allergy, or any kind of discomfort on my skin.

Like any brightening products please do use a sun protection during the day to help protecting the skin from sun rays.

I'll need more time in accessing the product for it's overall benefits, for now, that's all ^__^

Clinique Event Invitation March 2013

Also another event last Saturday,

a very busy day to me, invitation from Clinique Indonesia come for me to share testimonial in using RepairWear Laser Focus Eye Cream (HERE) and Chubby Sticks (HERE).


All who came received minis from Clinique which can be used during travelings.


The event held in front of SOGO dept. store at Plaza Senayan.


Before the event, I have a quick touch up using Clinique makeup ^__^


The white and simple design of Clinique has been their signature for decades. Over the years Clinique not just rooting in skincare but makeup too.


Here are the chubby sticks \^0^/ highlights for the day. I love all their colors and wished I have all of them heehee, they are like grown up 'coloring crayons'.


Ms. Tia, the MC has started. I better join her in the stage. She asked about my experience in using Repair Wear Laser Focus Eye Cream and the Chubby Sticks. Two sensitive area on our face which require special attention. Both get a wonderful feed back from me. The eye cream feels smooth on the skin and able to reduce fine lines in a matter of weeks and the lip balm with colors aka Chubby Sticks is a delightful balm for the lips. Cheerful colors and hydrating effect unlike other balms which in the long run will actually cause chapped skin.


Then, we take a spin around the counter and I give a final tips for everyone, please do a skin check up or consultation before purchasing any beauty products so the beauty adviser may advice you the correct product for your skin and how to treat it, care for it and enhance the beauty of the skin.


A demonstration of how the process goes, anyone may come to the counter and ask for a free skin consultation. Then, like my sister on the above image, the beauty adviser will ask her several question regarding her skin's condition, habit, etc.


With that famous chart from Clinique, the type can be determined. But, it doesn't stop there.


Get ready to be magnified ^0^


A thorough skin check including putting the skin under the spot lights, touched by the staff and make the skin looks bigger so the pores looks obvious.


A series of products will be suggested just for her skin type, you can have yours too and don't forget to check your skin on yearly basis, since sometime the skin does evolve.

Thank you Clinique Indoensia.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Earth Hour with The Body Shop March 2013

On the 23rd of March 2013,

we all celebrated Earth Hour, people all over the world turn off their lights and any form of electricity just for an hour.

And some of us gathered at The Body Shop store in Grand Indonesia.


The media and me are here so we can experience the live presentation and real action of the team from The Body Shop Indonesia. Personally, I feel like the Earth Hour is not 'celebrated' as much as the years before. We need to take actions in preserving our home planet and Earth Hour is one of it.


The warmth greetings from the the staff behind events and events of The Body Shop are there and they are excited, we all should. The earth has been our home for thousands and thousands of years, keeping them a place to be called a home for future generations is something has ti be done and due to the ticking of the times, act fast is the solution.


By saying No to plastic, The Body Shop Indonesia starts a campaign in the urge of priorities. There are other issues that will help our mother earth, recycle, reducing waste, reducing energy, savings energy, use alternate fuel, and many more. But now, in Indonesia alone, plastic is our 'enemy'.

Not just any plastic, those disposable plastic bags.


Before the event started, I have a chance to take pictures with Amanda and Laura, they are amongst the people who happen to be celebrity and care about Earth Hour.


Me and Melissa, the MC. She looks so lovely with her puffy skirt and have you noticed that all of them are using an Earth Hour T-shirt, all the media also get one, mine is inside that TBS bag ^__^


Soon Ms. Maya called us to get into the store, it is about to start. While they are thanking us for coming to the event, we are thanking them for inviting us. I feel different there, like good things does meant to be shared and doing good things together do makes it better as more people participate and hand in hand 'do' something for the earth to be healed.


One by one they all get to share their version in doing what's right. Maybe next time, all of us can say one thing we want or already done to save the planet. Who knows, maybe one of our ideas can easily be applied to someone else's life and feel related one to another.


The CEO also have something to share with all of us, Ibu Suzy, 'the mother' of The Body Shop for her share on Earth Hour. Changes in The Body Shop stores such as using only LED lights, engaging with customer for participating in Earth Hour and any social benefit actions are some of her ideas in giving back for the nature.


By the time the clock strike 7.ooPM the lights are turn of and words appeared : No To Plastic.

I'm leaving you with some thoughts from The Body Shop Indonesia:

Dear Rekan Media,
The Body Shop® sebagai role model dalam dunia bisnis dengan kepedulian tinggi terhadap isu-isu lingkungan untuk melindungi planet bumi, menjadikan momen Earth Hour (23 Maret) hingga Hari Bumi (22 April) untuk melaksanakan Green Month Campaign. Dengan mengambil tema “Say No to Plastic”, The Body Shop® mengajak masyarakat untuk tidak menggunakan kantong plastik dan botol plastik kemasan.

Selain tetap bekerjasama dengan WWF pada program Earth Hour tahun ini, The Body Shop® juga akan melibatkan sejumlah selebritis untuk memberikan aksi nyata mereka kepada Bumi. The Body Shop® mengajak para selebritis ini untuk turut mensosialisasikan ancaman sampah plastik bagi kelestarian Bumi kepada para penggemarnya. Selain itu, seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya The Body Shop® juga akan memadamkan lampu di seluruh tokonya sebagai aksi nyata melindungi Bumi.

So, what did you do to protect the earth?