Also another event last Saturday,
a very busy day to me, invitation from Clinique Indonesia come for me to share testimonial in using RepairWear Laser Focus Eye Cream (HERE) and Chubby Sticks (HERE).

All who came received minis from Clinique which can be used during travelings.

All who came received minis from Clinique which can be used during travelings.

The event held in front of SOGO dept. store at Plaza Senayan.
Before the event, I have a quick touch up using Clinique makeup ^__^
The white and simple design of Clinique has been their signature for decades. Over the years Clinique not just rooting in skincare but makeup too.
Here are the chubby sticks \^0^/ highlights for the day. I love all their colors and wished I have all of them heehee, they are like grown up 'coloring crayons'.
Ms. Tia, the MC has started. I better join her in the stage. She asked about my experience in using Repair Wear Laser Focus Eye Cream and the Chubby Sticks. Two sensitive area on our face which require special attention. Both get a wonderful feed back from me. The eye cream feels smooth on the skin and able to reduce fine lines in a matter of weeks and the lip balm with colors aka Chubby Sticks is a delightful balm for the lips. Cheerful colors and hydrating effect unlike other balms which in the long run will actually cause chapped skin.
Then, we take a spin around the counter and I give a final tips for everyone, please do a skin check up or consultation before purchasing any beauty products so the beauty adviser may advice you the correct product for your skin and how to treat it, care for it and enhance the beauty of the skin.
A demonstration of how the process goes, anyone may come to the counter and ask for a free skin consultation. Then, like my sister on the above image, the beauty adviser will ask her several question regarding her skin's condition, habit, etc.
With that famous chart from Clinique, the type can be determined. But, it doesn't stop there.
Get ready to be magnified ^0^
A thorough skin check including putting the skin under the spot lights, touched by the staff and make the skin looks bigger so the pores looks obvious.
A series of products will be suggested just for her skin type, you can have yours too and don't forget to check your skin on yearly basis, since sometime the skin does evolve.
Thank you Clinique Indoensia.
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