Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lush Kinky Hot Oil Treatment

Hello everyone,

I'm a big fan of Lush. I was one of the people who shed tiny tears when they are closing in Indonesia. It was a short fling, I met them abroad, jumping in joy when I see them here and when they have to leave, I continued being loyal and buy them every time I have the chance, like when I'm overseas.

Their scents is just amazing, passing by the store without stopping is impossible.


If you want enviously silky, hydrated curls, stick with us. Made with protective lanolin to strengthen natural curls, this restorative treatment delivers intense moisture without diminishing your bounce and volume. With uplifting ylang ylang and rosewood, its exotic fragrance will take your senses for a whirl too.
Place your treatment into a suitable container (we like to use an empty black pot) and pop the kettle on. We recommend taking this opportunity to prepare a nice cup of tea as well!
Slowly add a small amount of hot water to the solid treatment - and begin to stir gently. Take your time, adding water as needed, allowing the product to thicken slowly until you are left with an empty stick and a rich, creamy treatment (this can take around five minutes, just long enough for you to finish your tea!).
Apply to dry hair and leave for around 20 minutes before shampooing, to allow the ingredients to get to work, hydrating and replenishing your crowning glory.

List of ingredients

Yes, I read it correctly, and the staff also told me that it was made for curly hair, I don't care. I want a hot oil and that's it. This is the only one in the store. Curly or not, I'm pampering my hair. And I love the scent too, it's irresistible, what am I talking about, the whole store smell amazing.


The details on how to use it and bla bla bla already written above clearly as clear as the ones in the paper wrapping the lollipop product.


It looks like a lollipop, right?!

Pop it inside anything you want, add hot water little by little and it does take a while to melt, I use a fork to split it little by little so it'll melt faster.


Once it breaks and keep on breaking, I keep on stirring and stirring and stirring, it took me a good 5-10 minutes to become creamy and fluffy like a liquid spongy 


After keep on adding hot water and trying to make them melt just nice. I was finally done, or perhaps somewhat done.

It becomes creamy, silky and definitely usable since it has this spreadable texture compared to a hard solid one as before.


So I start applying the creams on the ends first and everywhere I can. It is enough for every part of my hair. But for those with longer and thicker hair may need more than one.


After spreading them as fast as I could in my cold room, perhaps due to the coldness of the temperature outside my room in a hotel in Hong Kong, it dries up pretty fast. My hair become stiff.

Before 20 minutes I rush into the shower and let warm water runs through every strand to help once again melts the dried creams on my hair.

Once the creams loosen, I massage the hair while keep the shower on. Gently, so I don't pull out any hair while getting them off.


And the hair feels soft, fragrant and bouncy, I don't exactly know how I can describe this than bouncy. It made my wavy hair feels springy and loose and comfortable at the same time. So soft to the touch, moisturized and appear so much healthier too.


I can't help but keep on touching them plus smelling them too, it smells so good, like coconut mixed with flowers and other delightful aroma. Definitely recommended for anyone with hair :D


  1. I tried the Damaged hot oil treatment and it took SO long for it to melt! I gave up after 20 minutes and just used it whilst it was lumpy!

  2. Hi PRSKVS

    Haha! Completely understood the situation, I used boiling water, not just hot water from the tap, and crush it as hard as I can so they become little pieces and melt easier. Couldn't let them melt by itself, oh perhaps next time, microwave them first for about a minute :D
