Friday, August 16, 2019

Mengerti Kondisi Kulit Kita

Hello lovelies,

Apa khabar semua? I hope everyone is in good condition ya, terutama kita semua yang ada di Jakarta mengingat belakangan ini tema 'polusi udara' sedang hangat-hangatnya. Berhubung memang tingkat polusi sedang tinggi dan kurangnya dukungan dari pemerintah kota untuk menangani masalah polusi udara, ehm, dulu perasaan ada yang janji udara di Jakarta akan sebaik puncak, ada yang tau kah siapa dia? Oh well, buat kita para beauty enthusiast tentunya masalah ini juga pelik dan berakibat buruk untuk kulit kita.

Masalah kesehatan tubuh sangatlah berkaitan dengan kondisi kulit, bukan hanya nutrisi dari dalam, tapi semua produk yang kita gunakan diatas kulit. Banyak sekali skincare yang mengandung antioksidan diciptakan, just to make our skin healthier. Terlepas dari problema ibukota dan polusi udara sehingga kulit membutuhkan extra protection, untuk menemukan skincare yang tepat untuk kulit kita secara general (umum) pun tidak mudah.

Hal ini sudah pernah saya bahas di post-post sebelumnya bahkan di youtube videos ( mengenai bagaimana menemukan jenis serum, pelembab, dan skincare lainnya yang sesuai dengan jenis kulit kita. Namun, semua hal diatas adalah bagaimana kita menempatkan diri dalam pasar atau category yang ada, yang diciptakan oleh brand-brand kecantikan di dunia, tapi masih minim sekali skincare yang dibuat dengan batasam atau kriteria yang menyesuaikan ke kondisi kulit kita. So instead of we adjusting our skin to the brands, what about a skincare that was made following our skin condition.


Hmm, sebelum membaca lebih lanjut, mari kita baca sebuah hasil penelitian dari

Dalam perjalanan seorang konsumen menemukan produk perawatan yang tepat,
dibutuhkan banyak kekeliruan (trial and error) yang berdampak terhadap hilangnya waktu (time
spent). Hal ini umum dikenal di dunia marketing dengan istilah consumer pain points atau
pengalaman yang menyulitkan konsumen, karena memilih produk perawatan yang sesuai
dengan jenis kulit, bukan perkara mudah. Pertama, kita harus terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi
jenis kulit kita. Menurut dr. Leslie Baumann, seorang peneliti dan ahli kecantikan dari Amerika,
jenis kulit sesungguhnya dibagi berdasarkan 4 kategori dasar, yaitu level sebum, sensitifitas,
pigmentasi dan elastisitas. Dari 4 kategori dasar inilah, kita akan mendapatkan 16 jenis kondisi
kulit yang berbeda. Kedua, dalam memilih perawatan yang tepat, ada banyak faktor lain di luar
jenis kulit yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih produk, seperti: Apakah produk menjawab
kebutuhan spesifik kulit (menghilangkan noda hitam); Apakah bahan aktif kandungannya, aman
untuk jenis kulit kita? Dan sebagainya.

DNA merupakan asam nukleat yang menyimpan semua informasi tentang genetika. Tes
DNA  adalah prosedur yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan secara akurat, informasi mengenai
genetik dalam tubuh seperti potensi, risiko dan kebutuhan unik setiap individu yang berkaitan
dengan banyak hal seperti kebutuhan suplemen dan nutrisi, intensitas olahraga yang sesuai,
hingga perawatan kulit yang tepat dan lainnya. Salah satu hal paling mendasar yang bisa
diperoleh dari tes DNA adalah kondisi kulit seseorang. Sebagai organ tubuh paling luar, kulit
merupakan lapisan pelindung yang bekerja 24/7 dan paling rentan terpapar oleh faktor eksternal
seperti matahari dan polusi. Pengecekan DNA kulit bisa memberikan informasi yang akurat
mengenai kualitas kolagen, elastisitas kulit, pigmentasi kulit, dan sebagainya. Tes DNA kulit sudah
umum dilakukan di negara maju, untuk mengenal kondisi kulit dan mendapatkan perawatan
yang tepat dan sesuai.

“JakPat sebagai Platform Online Survei, melihat bahwa DNA sudah menjadi subjek global
yang telah dijajaki oleh para pakar kesehatan kulit, agar menjadi solusi bagi konsumen dalam
memahami kondisi kulit mereka. Untuk itu, JakPat mengadakan survei pada tanggal 5 – 10 July
2019 terhadap 537 responden, mengenai pemahaman responden akan kondisi kulit mereka dan
pendapat mereka akan manfaat teknologi pada konteks perawatan kulit,” jelas Aska Primardi,
Head of Research Jakpat.

Hasil riset yang diadakan JakPat menunjukkan pentingnya tes DNA kulit. Dalam konteks
penggunaan produk perawatan wajah, hanya 15% responden yang mengatakan bahwa kinerja
produk yang mereka gunakan, sesuai dengan harapan. Sisanya mengatakan bahwa mereka masih
menderita masalah yang mengganggu seperti jerawat, iritasi, kulit kering, kulit berminyak, dan
lainnya. 30% Responden juga merasa belum puas dengan kondisi kulit mereka saat ini, kendati
telah menggunakan berbagai macam produk perawatan. Hasil riset lainnya menunjukkan bahwa

para responden sudah selektif dalam mencoba produk perawatan kulit, untuk mencegah
terjadinya masalah kulit dan menghindari terbuangnya uang dan waktu dengan sia-sia. Dalam
konteks menemukan produk perawatan yang tepat, 50% responden setuju untuk
memeriksakan kondisi kulit mereka dan secara umum memilih untuk pergi ke dokter kulit atau
dermatolog. Dalam konteks skin DNA treatment, kecenderungan responden untuk percaya akan
hasil tes DNA kulit, mencapai 85%. Selain itu persentase minat responden untuk mencoba
perawatan kulit dengan teknologi tinggi (hi-tech) mencapai 90%.

Teknologi tes DNA secara global telah memberikan manfaat bagi individu yang ingin
memahami kondisi kulit mereka dengan mudah. Untuk meminimalisir pengalaman pain points
konsumen, teknologi tes DNA bisa menjadi solusi terbaik karena tes DNA dapat menjelaskan
kondisi dan kebutuhan spesifik kulit konsumen yang sesuai dengan hasil tes DNA tersebut.
Informasi yang jelas mengenai teknologi DNA untuk kulit bisa ditemukan di


Nah, dari bacaan diatas, ada beberapa hal yang bisa kita petik, pertama, ada tes yang bisa membantu kita menemukan skincare yang tepat dengan nama Tes DNA. Jadi daripada bingung, frustasi dan spend terlalu banyak uang untuk mencoba-coba skincare mana yang paling tepat (karena memang banyak sekali pilihan di luar sana), mari kita lakukan tes DNA untuk menemukan the right one.

Ibaratnya saat kita melihat banyak bunga diluar sana yang begitu indah, dengan kemasan dan warna yang sungguh mempesona, tapi saat kita beli, belum tentu cocok, tes DNA ini menurut aku akan memudahkan pengguna untuk menemukan lebih dari yang terlihat kasat mata. Aku pribadi hobi bener mencoba skincare, karena selling point mereka yang sangat tinggi. Mulai dari selebritas yang digunakan, tag line, bentuk produk, sampai gimmicks dari diskon dan paket yang menggiurkan. Tapi kalau akhirnya tidak bisa digunakan atau membuat kondisi kulit aku tambah buruk, tentunya it would be a totas waste.


Kita sudah seharusnya nyaman dengan kulit kita sendiri, kita sudah seharusnya menggunakan produk yang memang diciptakan untuk kita pribadi. Pengecekan yang dilakukan secara tepat dan akurat akan membantu menghilangkan satu kekhawatiran diantara begitu banyak hal yang harus kita lakukan dalam sehari.

Banyak dari kita bertanya, aku sudah pakai skincare kok kondisi kulitku masih belum baik? Kok malah tambah kering, kusam atau berjerawat? Kok aku sudah bayar mahal untuk segala jenis perawatan, kulit aku belum semulus dia, dia dan dia? Kita akan terus bertanya-tanya dan merasa tidak puas saat kita sudah berusaha melakukan sesuatu namun belum atau tidak membuahkan hasil. Saat inilah tes DNA diperlukan, agar kita dapat mengerti kondisi kulit kita dari potensi, resiko, sampai kebutuhan unik kulit kita mulai dari suplement, nutrisi, olahraga, dan skincare atau perawatan yang diperlukan. Semua dapat dilakukan secara mudah dan akurat dari rumah untuk mengetahui karakter genetik kulit kita, nyaman sekali bukan?!


Kalian sudah bisa mulai mendaftar di dimana 100 pendaftar pertama akan bisa ikut mencoba secara eksklusif. Jangan tunggu lagi, dan rasakan manfaat tes DNA kulit dengan teknologi terbaik dan manfaat yang maksimal.

See you there!!

Catrice Cosmetics New Collection Light Illusion Loose Powder #instabeautylook for Flawless Finish

Hello lovelies,

this is another post I made for the newest makeup collection called
 #instabeautylook by Catrice Cosmetics.

They are a lot I know, and the are so good, I've made several blog post for them as well, so if you don't find the review here, don't worry, it's here: click me.


And for all of you who happens to be a fans for video only and not really into reading, I also made a youtube video, kinda like a one brand makeup with Catrice Cosmetics since I really like using them all, these babies do compliment each other and easy to be used, more like a beginner friendly cosmetics. Do watch it here:

I know I've been making so many individual posts and video for these cosmetics since they are amazing and I'm impressed, truthfully they are one of the budget friendly beauty items in the drug stores, yet they do deliver. The pigments are real and the result are visible.

Okay now, without delaying, let's start.
I'm using the makeup from the base, Prime And Fine Poreless Blur Primer, the pink tube that promises velvety skin without looking like we have pores at all. It covers imperfection and make the skin appears flawless. 

I know there's been tons of debates around using silicone but as long as you clean them well after you're done, it's okay, just remember to use a good makeup remover and the skin becomes clean.

Similar to the Prime and Fine Poreless Blur Primer, there's this small black container that comes with the title #Insta Blur Stick To Go that can put any difficult complexion become smooth. It's different in terms of texture with the primer in pinkish tube. It's ticker and much more creamier but deliver a smoother finish. Both of them is fine, it's just a matte of personal preference.

On the image below, I'm using Prime and Fine Poreless Blur Primer and the result of using #Insta Blur Stick To Go is somewhat similar. The pores are all hidden and it looks like the products has taken years of my face, I do appear younger in an instant heehee. The fine lines, the large pores, all are covered.


Next I'm using special babies called:

Prime And Fine Make Up Transformer Drops Darkening and Prime And Fine Make Up Transformer Drops Lightening. I've reviewed them on separate post, do look for it (here). There's so much to say about those babies, I couldn't wrap it up in a simple words then, they are a MUST try items. We can use it with our own foundies at home, as contouring or lightening effects for the skin to appear 3D, or to helps adjusting foundation and simply as everything you can imagine as a base.

Next in line is their highlights products (which I also made a separate post, here). It's their
Arctic Glow Highlighting Powder, the one where I said it would make Elsa envy you, heehee, just simply read the post and you'll understand why.

Aside from the highlighting powder, guess what, they also have highlights creams that comes in different tone. Oh this is a must have, a treasured properties that always comes handy, whatever your mood is, the tone you're looking for is here. Easy to be applied, easy to be blended.


Either you're looking for a bronzing glow complexion, white ice queen, golden sensation, white pearls to green hint tinted sparks. They are so irresistible and I love exploring looks with them. I can use it on my face, body, to even eyes. These baby just compliments everything. Glowdoscope Highlighter Palette is something hard to be missed.

The best thing about Glowdoscope is, we can use it on a wet and dry makeup, so even after powder is set, apply it gently also works on the skin and doesn't crumbles up the whole makeup under it, it's so good and light on the skin with maximum reflecting effects. Thinking of becoming the center of attention, you probably should try using Glowdoscope Highlighter Palette.


And another highlight that reminds you of the sun kissed skin, it's Light Correcting Serum Primer in sunlight. The primer can be used before applying powder or dry makeup, mixed it up with our foundation, alone before the foundation, alongside with contour and highlights or as a body glistening lotions. Yes, it can be used on the body too, like when I want those beach bods, I drops some to my usual body lotion and keep adding the drops per section where usually it emphasizing on the legs and arms or perhaps decollete too. The effects caused is surreal.


Forget about hours under the sun and laying out doing nothing, just add this baby on to the skin.

And for sure, can be used on the face too as mentioned. The glow can be as subtle or as hard core as you want it to be, simply keep layering to achieve that goddess phenomena that shines like the sun. It's addictive I know, since they are so fine, tiny, yet the sparkles are real. They are comfortable to be used all around too.


Look at my cheek bones, no surgery has been done to achieve that look.

I know the name is primer serum, but it can be applied at any layer, wet or dry, after the skin is set or as addition, the possibility is endless, I personally love it on the cheeks and on the body. If you happen to find something original, please do leave a comment on how you are using these babies, okay?! Would love to read some comments.


Let's move to the next product which is eye shadow palette, like The Blazing Bronze Collection Eyeshadow Palette. Below is the swatches and I couldn't even remember how many times I'm using them as I'm kinda addicted with how the colors are. They are gorgeous. The sparkles the glow, I know they can be dusty at times and fallout but a simple dusting or baking below the eyes will easily tackle the matter.


They reminds me a lot of fall season, warm and the shades made me easily in love. People even say, autumn colors are the best throughout the year and autumn look makeup is always top hits, since the look itself somehow calm and still mesmerizing.

The pigments are real but don't be scared, they can go as mild as a light brush made, or as thick as a firm brush with slightly dipped into a water spray can do much.

Below is a soft glow look.


And it can goes way deeper and darker as we can simply layered it up. Soft smokey look, creased eye look to anything, and yes it can be used all over too, even on my youtube video, I apply them on my cheeks as a replacement of blush on.


And this baby is Blush Box, and it's sweat and waterproof, amazing right?! A product that we can happily use for outdoor busy activity, either under the sun, beach or water sport. Even thou' they don't really last for a whole day in a waterpark, but they do last longer than most blush on thanks to the particles. The product comes in 6 shades, all pinks, purplish and peach, this is the one in bronze that I'm using and yes, I'm happily using it as a contouring device heehee.


I've been talking about complexion, complexion and color, colors, you think I'll forget the two items Indonesian love the most? Their eyelashes and eyebrows haha! It's literally a money maker nowadays, fake lashes and eyebrow embroidery are everywhere and cost from hundreds of Rupiah to millions, yes, millions.

Brow Colorist Semi-Permanent Brow Mascara

  • Brow Mascara
  • Tint effect
  • Gel formula enriched with fibres

A mascara that colored the brows to a natural colors that enveloped each hair strands and last. The tint effect is never over the top and comes in three shades of browns and greys. 

And there's mascara too in truest black.

The Little Black One Volume Mascara True Black

  • Ellipse-shaped elastomer brush
  • For perfectly separated, voluminous lashes
  • Design in a leather look
The mascara might need some time to set and yes, I do add powders a bit to add volume to the lashes and help ease out the bit of stickiness, but then when it settles, it sets.

The blackness of the mascara is intriguing, I'm using it on my brows too, they look much defined and formed better. Just be careful for not putting to much pressure to avoid block looking brows.


Last but definitely not least, the one that deserve most of the space in this post, the Light Illusion Loose Powder.

Or known mostly as banana powder.

  • Loose powder
  • Captures the light
  • Contains soft yellow clay
  • Vegan


I'm using the powder as baking, dusting, finishing, setting powder, and it's great as a powder that helps setting everything without changing the glow tone, so don't expect a mattefying effects ya, more like beautifying for this one haha!

Use a powder brush to gently dust all the powders to evenly distribute the powders, or using a beauty sponge to dab for baking. It's as easy as using powders and the not so fine particles never ruin or made the makeup under it fade away or hidden from the spotlight, so I consider this powder that help makeup underneath last longer without covering them too much.


On above image, I'm using the powder after wet makeup (liquid foundies, creams and so on), and below after all colors, as a setting powder, and they can works just fine creating a lightweight makeup illusion.


The powder is truly yellow in tone, hence it made the skin appear brighter and away from dullness. The powder contain no smell as most of Catrice Cosmetics, aside from the lippies thou,

Catrice Dewy-ful Lips Conditioning Lip Butter

that contains a hint of berries scent. Which for sure, I'v reviewed it on a separate post heehee. The juicy red glossy lippies that made my lips appear like juicy and seductive.


So there you go, all the reviews for Catrice Cosmetics newest babies in the #Instabeauty collection, and if you're still eager to find more info, like detailed pricing (take note that most of them cost below Rp 100k) or more details regarding shades and tips on usage. Do check them out here on their official social medias channel:

 Facebook: Catrice Indonesia

Or you feel the urgent urge to purchase the babies, do get them here:
a. Matahari Department Store @matahari
b. Guardian Store @guardian_id

Online Store:
b. JDID 

Thank you so much for reading my post, please do leave a comment, and ask for more information that happen to slips your mind.