Friday, April 26, 2019

Muka Bersih Banget dengan Garnier Micellar Water

Hello lovelies,

Setelah hiatus kurang lebih 2 minggu karena pergi ke Eropa, dan kembali masih dalam keadaan jetlag parah heehee, baru sekarang bisa kasih kamu bocoran tentang Garnier Micellar Water yang datang dalam kemasan mungil, tapi tetap ampuh seperti biasanya.

Secara Garnier Micellar Water udah terpilih sebagai pembersih nomor 1 di Female Daily Beauty Awards 2017 dan 2018, hayo ngaku, siapa disini yang juga vote buat produk ini karena emang beneran bagus, nyaman dipakai, dan efektif bikin kulit happy tanpa sisa kotoran yang biasa ditinggalkan pembersih lain.


Garnier Micellar Water dengan tagline #1LangkahBersih mengangkat 99% makeup. Apalagi fakta yang perlu kamu ketahui?

◦ Harga Rp 15.000 (harga
eceran yang disarankan
untuk Garnier Micellar
Water 50ml)
◦ Tersedia di minimarket
dan supermarket terdekat
◦ Mudah dibawa
◦ Cocok untuk kulit sensitive
◦ Tidak mengandung

Nah, biar 50ml, isinya tetap nampol kan, dan buat aku, ini sih pas banget buat kapan saja, nah kalau bawa Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water 50ml, cukup sedia kapas, setelah pakai foaming facial wash kita bisa bersihkan muka dengan seksama deh. Setelah itu, silahkan maskeran, skincare-an, dan pas sampe bak abis facial, kulit lembut, halus, lembab, terawat.


Memang benar, ada banyak cara membersihkan wajah, ibaratnya ada banyak jalan ke Roma, tapi gak semuanya lurus lempeng dan ringkas, beberapa ribet, gak nyaman, dan malah bikin kita stress. Kulit yang tadinya kalem malah jadi berangas karena iritasi, gak banget kan?!

Lalu banyak juga kok produk mahal ber tag line 'cleansing oil' tapi pas di double cleanse dengan Garnier Micellar Water 50ml ini, lah kok masih bersisa. Ini jujur pengalaman pribadi, makanya aku selalu double bahkan triple cleansing dimana Micellar Water terakhir, tapi kalau dipikir-pikir, kok boros juga ya? Apakah langkah 1 dan 2 perlu? Kalau ada 1 produk yang bisa bersihkan dengan sekali langkah kan dunia lebih indah. Kita lebih punya banyak waktu untuk bermimpi, sorry, melakukan aktivitas lain maksudnya.

Nah, disinilah aku coba facial foam yang katanya bisa bersihin makeup tuntas. Sebelumnya di tangan aku pakaikan foundation, lip liner, eyeliner, lip cream, lip matte, pokoknya semua yang biasanya susah dibersihkan, waterproof dan berasa tebel di kulit. Tunggu sampai benar-benar set, jadi no cheating ya di test ini.

Setelah kering dan benar-benar set, di rub juga gak goyang, baru deh aku basahkan sedikit dan bubbles up seperti biasa.


Pas di massage dengan sepenuh hati, rasanya semua makeup terangkat kok, kulit pun terasa bersih dan segar, gak ada masalah sama sekali, bahkan kasat mata hanya yang stained product yang memang biasanya ketinggalan karena pigmentnya sudah terserap kulit, sisanya semua terlihat bersih, dan tidak ada sisa. Biasanya banyak orang yang gunakan sabun pencuci muka merasa seperti yang aku rasakan, bersih kok, sudah cukup segar kok, gak keliatan apa-apa lagi kok?!

Really, yuk mari kita wipe off dengan cotton pad yang sudah dilembabkan dengan Garnier Micellar  Water 50ml.


Nah loh, kelihatan masih ada sisa, warna nya belum seperti warna asli kapas yang tadinya putih, bukan pinkish cream begini, berarti membersihkan dengan sabun cuci muka yang notabene katanya bisa untuk menghilangkan makeup, ternyata belum sempurna. Padahal pakai sabun kesannya bersih ya, kesat begitu, eh malah kesatnya kemungkinan karena kandungan deterngent yang ada dalam sabun, sedih deh.

Garnier Micellar Water ini membuka mata kita akan fakta bahwa 1 produk untuk kulit bersih itu mungkin, meski mini dalam ukuran 50ml, Garnier Micellar Water 50ml berisi kemampuan yang lebih dalam hal membersihkan, ekonomis pula dan gak bikin kulit iritasi.


Aku pribadi memang suka kalau kulit bersih tanpa ada sisa makeup atau kotoran, karena akhirnya semua kotoran itu akan menumpuk dan menyumbat pori-pori, jadi masalah baru deh seperti jerawat ataupun komedo. Kalau muka bersih banget, semua itu bisa dihindari dengan santainya kita bersihkan wajah setiap hari dengan Garnier Micellar Water 50ml, mau sedang dimana juga bisa, karena ukurannya travel friendly, tas kecil juga cukup banget.


Do I recommend the product?
Pasti lah ya, kulit jadi terawat juga dimulai dari proses pembersihan yang sempurna, semua skincare bisa bekerja dengan baik, menyerap, karena kulit bersih gak ada yang halangi, makanya mulai sekarang, bersihkan muka sampai banget dengan Garnier Micellar Water 50ml, cobain dehh!!


Berikut foto before after sebelum dan sesudah pembersihan wajah.

Thank you so much for reading this post ya, makasih yang  udah mampir, sampai ketemu lagi.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Inaria Spa at Intercontinental Hotel Jakarta

Hello lovelies,

some time ago, I went to Inaria Spa during their grand and official opening. After a while with the status 'soft opening' now Inaria Spa at Intercontinental Hotel are in full service with every little details taken care of. I see perfection in almost every corner and wish for a perfected one in the near future, but for me so far, Inaria Spa is one of the best hotel spa in Jakarta.


I went here with an invitation from Juara as well, why? Since Juara has their own two signature treatment at Inaria Spa, one for the body (body polish) and one for the face (Juara Signature Facial Treatment) in which I tried on that day. Juara products also sold at the premise.


Jakarta, Indonesia - InterContinental Jakarta Pondok Indah has opened its doors in the affluent
Pondok Indah area in the heart of South Jakarta, marking the latest addition to the InterContinen-
tal® Hotels & Resorts brand in Indonesia.
Guests seeking to revitalise their body, mind and soul are welcome to rejuvenate at Inaria Spa. The
Spa is a true reflection of the rich culture and heritage of Indonesia, with indigenous treatments, uti-
lising the apothecary blend bar and natural botanical and herbal elements. Inaria Spa honours a phi-
losophy rooted in physical, emotional and spiritual balance, inviting guests to experience a journey
through the ancient healing traditions of Indonesia. From the sprawling rice fields of Bali to the rug-
ged peaks of Borneo, each Spa journey reveals a path towards greater harmony. Guiding guests to a
more holistic way of life, Inaria Spa uses recipes and customs handed down through generations to
create authentic remedies from indigenous fruits, herbs and roots.
“We are pleased to introduce Inaria Spa to our guests,” said Anil Pathak, General Man-
ager of InterContinental Jakarta Pondok Indah. “With its holistic treatments, coupled
with our exclusive range of spa and skincare products from Juara, guests can expect a
naturally luxurious journey that rejuvenates the mind, body and soul.”
Creating space for positive transformation, Inaria Spa offers an opportunity for healing and revival
that resonates long after leaving the treatment room. The Spa’s holistic approach is designed to tune
into physical, emotional and spiritual states, promoting an organic healing process.


To enhance the authentic balance between body and soul, Inaria Spa has announced a harmonious
relationship with JUARA, where herbal tradition meets botanical science. Inspired by JAMU, the
herbal healing tradition of Indonesia, JUARA combines ancient beauty rituals and herbal medicinal
practices with the best of modern science to create a luxurious and indulgent problem-solution
range of skincare and body care products.


JUARA has been developed by Metta Murdaya, Yoshiko Roth, Jill Sung and Tami Chuang, who shared a vision to develop an elegant, effective, and socially conscious skincare line combining their Eastern and Western cultures to embody the natural beauty and inner strength of women.
“We chose the name JUARA because it means ‘winner' and ‘champion’ in Bahasa,”
states Ms. Murdaya. “The name embodies our commitment to help women champion
their natural beauty, and it also signifies the spirit and values that compelled us to cre-
ate JUARA: to be champions of our own destiny by being true to who we are. As a di-
verse team of multi-cultural, eternally curious people, we believe that every woman is
born a champion and born naturally beautiful. Our mission is to help empower her to
let her natural beauty and personal confidence shine.”


Featuring high concentrations of powerful and exotic active botanicals, such as turmeric, kombucha,
clove, tamarind, candlenut oil, healing teas and red sandalwood, JUARA combines time-honoured
recipes for skin health and wellbeing with the best modern skin care innovations to deliver treat-
ments of the highest quality. With luscious textures that nourish the skin, captivating scents that de-
light, and products that deliver results while promoting balance and radiance, JUARA provides a lav-
ish Indonesian spa escape. Some of the exclusive treatments of Inaria Spa featuring JUARA
Inspired by Jamu, the herbal healing tradition of Indonesia, this treatment cleanses, lightly exfoliates
and gently massages the skin with a combination of targeted lifting techniques. The use of a precious
rose quartz gem roller encourages cell reparation and skin rejuvenation.
JUARA SIGNATURE body polish | 45 MINUTES | IDR 500.000++
JUARA signature body treatment with Indonesia candlenut scrub for light body exfoliation followed
by candlenut body crème. Leaving your skin clean, smooth and moist.
Last 11 April 2019, Inaria Spa in collaboration with JUARA, hosted an afternoon soiree
at the hotel’s The Studios, featuring multi awarded Indonesian singer and actress Dira
Sugandi as the skincare brand’s ambassador. Ms. Sugandi’s prolific career has spanned
hits in the United Kingdom, Japan and her native Indonesia, and she has also sang duets
with celebrated Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli, as well as American singer/songwriter
Jason Mraz.


Impressive isn't it? From the spa concept and execution it's all well planed. Everything start from the entrance where they have Inaria Spa logo and there's a herb and spices bar where we can see all the ingredients introducing the key factor of their spa. Moreover, everything is chosen by the grades, so they don't just collect any ginger or tumeric on the market, they choose them from reputable supplier for best quality possible.

Is everything great here? For me, almost,
I do have minor suggestion, some tiles at hot and cold bath in the changing room need better finishing as some particles are coming off and it rather weird, like plastic residue here and there wherever I sat. But other than that, it's wonderful. 


I understand that this is their final renovation and it's sometime can be challenging with these tiny details but I'm sure, they'll get it.

And talking about their changing room (which is facility in the Spa which you can freely use with any treatment that you  bought) is amazing. Most 5 stars hotels around the world has these facilities but nowadays they kinda reducing, lowering their budget and so on, well, Inaria Spa is making me excited again, I love all of these extras, like their sauna and steam rooms too along with an ice bath.


Walk further from the changing room (separated from men and women) there's an area where you could just relax and unwind. Before or mostly after a spa, we sometime doesn't want to get back to reality just yet, we like to pause and take a moment or perhaps have a sip of coffee or tea, we can, in a semi private area with dimmed light.


Now, let's go back to Juara since the main reason I'm here is to try their Signature Facial Treatment, all of the showcase are about Juara Beauty products and what they offer to every customer. Yes, there are other treatments also offered by Inaria Spa.

Those who followed by instagram @Carnellin must have known about the IG stories I put where I walked into so many rooms with many treatments offered as well.


The rooms also offered options for certain treatment or situation like there's rooms for singles and 1 room for couple. All of them consist of a shower room and bath room for couple. There's one special bed for Madura's treatment, kinda like a shiatsu where the therapist will hold on on top, so her body weight is contained properly. Some of the staffs said that the treatment is more famous with the male patrons as I think the massage could be more suitable as deep tissue. It does help loosen up those stiff muscles on shoulder areas or others like their back or thighs. Some athletes who prolonged a certain exorcise also need help with their waist, hopefully someday I can try this treatment too.


Below is Juara's body polish and body cream with candle-nut, the smells is so good and somehow calming yet relaxing. I really love their products especially these. They both made my skin feels so smooth and comfortable. First apply the body polish, it will help remove all dead skin cells and then boost micro circulation, rinse everything off after a few circular massaging movement, apply the body cream until absorbed and enjoy the sensual and soft feeling of your feels-like-new skin that also smells so aromatic and fragrant.


Here are the prices and treatments at Inaria Spa, do click on each of the images to see it larger view.


And the prices of each of the products by Juara sold at Inaria Spa.


I do recommend trying Juara Signature Facial Treatment for being so good and super comfortable. My skin feels moist and I'm relaxed from head and toes and it skipped most part of the body heehee. But next time I'll come back to try on their body treatment.


The treatment starts with cleansing the food with massage and scrubs too. And then we moved on to the bed. I look like I'm naked there but no worries, disposable panties is provided along with body robe, shower cap, slippers and everything you possibly need like hair dryer, body lotions, shampoo, conditioner, body shop, and fresh clean towels in your private room.

The face is cleaned, massaged, pampers with deep cleansing, exfoliating, mask and sealed everything off with serum and moisturizer, all by Juara.


Imagine spending a day here, enjoying everything they can offer, unwind, relax and just have your day away from the stress. There's no rush here, no need to worry about when you want to leave, there's relaxing room, there's facilities and locker you could use. Call them and made appointment. You wont regret it! The couple room can be used by anyone from mom and dad to mom and daughter, besties, and so on.


Thank you so much and see you again soon!!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Avoskin Miraculous Refining Serum

Hello semua,

ini produk yang sudah lumayan femes ini, aku pegang sambil deg-deg-an. Karena betapapun terkenalnya, kalau punya kulit sensitif, pasti agak mikir kalau nyobain produk yang bantu exfoliate kulit. Bukan cuma di klinik-klinik, semua produk, treatment yang buat regenerasi, mengelupas, ataupun yang judulnya "mengangkat sel kulit mati" dan sebagainya, yah pasti bikin sedikit mundur. Di elus-elus sedikit aja kadang perih, apalagi di exfoliate terus-menerus, benarkah kulitku bisa?


Avoskin Miraculous Refining Serum yang katanya bisa buat kulit kering bahkan sensitif sekalipun, dan malah katanya lagi, kulit kering malah jadi tidak kering lagi, jadi bersyukur kalau pakai ini, karena jadi nyaman, nah loh, kok bisa, kan kulitnya jadi 'terkelupas', gimana bisa nyaman? Gimana bisa jadi lebih baik?

Nah, mari kita kupas semua secara tuntas setajam silet... eh enak aja, gak maulah setajam silet haha! Mari kupas pelan-pelan kayak bawang bombay satu-satu biar air mata perlahan-lahan menetes.


Semua detailnya ada di kemasannya, mulai dari 10% AHA, 3% BHA, 2% Niacinamide, dan Ceramide. Kebetulan ceramide aku cukup familiar karena sukaaa banget dengan semua skincare yang mengandung ceramide, secara bahan ini bikin kelembaban kulit lebih tahan dan kulit jelas jadi lebih nyaman. Ceramide adalah salah satu bahan andalan yang empunya kulit kering.

Aku hindari semua AHA dan BHA selama ini, tapi tidak menghindari niacinamide. Kenapa aku hindari AHA dan BHA? Karena aku duluuuu pernah pakai, dan merasa tidak cocok, kulitku merah-merah, gatal dengan amat sangat dan langsung aku cuci muka dan swear will never use it again. Lah, kok sekarang mau coba lagi kenapa? Baca yuk semua detail dari Avoskin:


Tentang AHA & BHA dalam Miraculous Refining Serum
Miraculous Refining Serum mengandung 10% AHA (glycolic acid) dan 3% BHA (salicylic acid). Glycolic Acid disebut-sebut sebagai holygrailAHA yang memiliki molekul kecil sehingga dapat menembus kulit lebih mudah. AHA pada serum ini berfungsi sebagai exfoliating agent yang memiliki kemampuan untuk membantu
pengelupasan sel kulit mati sehingga mempercepat regenarasi sel kulit baru. Selain berfungsi sebagai exfoliator, AHA juga memiliki fungsi lain seperti: mencegah jerawat, meratakan warna kulit yang disebabkan oleh bekas luka, bekas jerawat, maupun bintik hitam karena matahari dan faktor usia. Selain itu, AHA dalam serum ini bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kulit untuk meyerap produk skin care selanjutnya. Di samping itu, AHA juga dikenal sebagai kandungan yang mampu memperbaiki kondisi kulit dari tampilan garis halus dan kerutan wajah karena membantu meningkatkan kolagen dalam kulit.
Persentase kandungan AHA dalam Miraculous Refining Serum sebanyak 10% juga telah disesuaikan dengan standar keamanan produk untuk digunakan setiap hari. Meski demikian, disarankan untuk menggunakan AHA 2-3 hari di awal pemakaian agar kulit terbiasa.


Selain AHA, Miraculous Refining Serum juga mengandung 3% BHA
(Salycilic Acid) yang memiliki molekul lebih kecil dibandingkan AHA. BHA
akan menembus kulit lebih dalam untuk mengatasi masalah seperti pori-
pori tersebut, komedo, sekaligus untuk mengurangi pertumbuhan bakteri.
BHA dikenal sebagai acid yang cocok untuk kulit berminyak dan
berjerawat. Bahkan, kandungan ini cenderung baik digunakan saat kondisi
kulit sedang breakout karena BHA berfungsi untuk mencegah peradangan
pada kulit yang disebabkan oleh jerawat. Meski demikian, tetap disarankan
untuk melakukan uji pemakaian produk di sebagian kecil kulit wajah seperti
di bagian rahang untuk memastikan kulitmu tidak bereaksi negatif.


Niacinamide & Ceramide dalam
Miraculous Refining Serum
2% Niacinamide terkandung dalam Miraculous Refining Serum. Kandungan
tersebut termasuk jenis vitamin B yang dikenal baik untuk kulit berjerawat.
Manfaatnya antara lain adalah berfungsi sebagai anti-inflammatory sehingga
bagus untuk mencegah peradangan pada jerawat, mencegah efek kemerahan
karena adanya jerawat di kulit, dan bagus untuk mengontrol minyak di wajah.
Selain itu, niacinamide juga memiliki kemampuan untuk membantu
memudarkan noda di kulit seperti bekas jerawat, membantu mengunci
kelembaban kulit dengan cara meningkatkan produksi ceramide, dan memicu
peningkatan produksi kolagen pada kulit sehingga membantu memperlambat
proses penuaan dini yang ditandai dengan kulit kendur, muncul garis halus,
dan keriput.
Selain Niacinamide, Miraculous Refining Serum juga dilengkapi dengan
kandungan Ceramide. Sesungguha, kulit kita menghasilkan ceramide atau
lipids secara alami. Sayangnya, semakin bertambahnya usia, produksi
ceramide yang berfungsi membantu menjaga barrier kulit, kelembapan, dan
kekenyalan kulit ini akan berkurang sehingga diperlukan skin care yang
mengandung ceramide. Kandungan tersebut bagus untuk menjaga kulit tetap
lembab, kenyal, dan menjaga kulit dari ancaman buruk bakteri.


Komposisi Produk
Water, Propylene Glycol, Glycolic Acid, Niacinamide, Salicylic Acid, Butylene Glycol, Amylopectin, Xanthan gum, Dextrin, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Fucus Vesiculosus Extract, Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Extract, Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) Extract, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Hydroxypropyl Bisstearamide MEA, Polyglutamic Acid, Tetrasodium EDTA, Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate, Triethanolamine, Dipropylene Glycol, Behenyl Alcohol, Ceteareth-20, Cholesteryl Isostearate, Tricaprylin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Squalane, Cholesterol, Stearic Acid, Dimethicone, Phenoxyethanol.


Cara pemakaian
Miraculous Refining Serum mengandung AHA dan BHA yang merupakan
exfoliating agent. Oleh karena itu, disarankan untuk menggunakan produk ini dua hingga tiga kali seminggu pada malam hari di awal pemakaian,
frekuensi pemakaian bisa ditingkatkan bila kulit sudah terbiasa. Dan, frekuensi pemakaian bisa dikurangi bila diperlukan.
• Gunakan dalam kondisi kulit bersih
• Ambil serum sedikit saja dan pijat merata di kulit wajah setelah
menggunakan Miraculous Refining Toner
• Lanjutkan dengan penggunaan hydrating toner atau pelembab
• Wajib menggunakan sunscreen pada siang hari karena penggunaan
serum ini bisa meningkatkan sensitivitas kulit terhadap paparan sinar
• Bisa digunakan malam hari dan pagi hari atau gunakan pada malam
hari saja bila khawatir over exfoliate.
• Disarankan untuk mencoba mengaplikasikannya pada bagian tertentu
wajah, terutama untuk pemilik kulit sensitif.


Asli, panjang kali lebar kali sempit ya detailnya, super lengkap, dan mereka tuh kaya udah mengerti banget kondisi kulit. Btw, aku pernah diagnosa kulit dan dikatakan aktivitas bakteri di kulit yang sensitif dan kering ini tinggi, bayangin, tinggi. Padahal kulit daku ini super kering loh, kalau oily berjerawat yang kelihatan lah, ini mulus-mulus aja cuma butuh pelembab. Disinilah aku berasa ada benernya cobain Avoskin Miraculous Refining Serum dan semua detailsnya gak pernah maksa, malah diminta di adjust dengan kondisi kulit masing-masing. Gak usah ngotot harus sehari 2x, gak usah maksa harus tiap hari, bahkaannn kalau mau campur pakai serum lain supaya gak terlalu pekat juga bisaaa.

Kurang baik apa lagi?! Biasanya brand agak arogan dan gak mau produknya dicampur-campur, tapi ini super pengertian dan apa adanya. Jadilah aku cobain dicampur dengan serum yang pure hyaluronic acid atau yang buat ngelembabin aja. Jangan yang ada AHA, BHA atau retinol. Semua itu aku hindari. Aku pernah coba langsung serum ini aja? Pernah, kulitku langsung merah dan gatel, mau nangis waktu itu dan langsung bilas dan nyaman lagi.

Jadi aku pakenya, 2 tetes Avoskin Miraculous Refining Serum dan 2 tetes serum yang melembabkan, dan aku pakainya pertama hanya 2-3x seminggu (tiap malam saja), lalu minggu kedua mulai berani pakai tiap malam dan seterusnya. Tapi tetep gak pernah pakai 2x sehari, hanya tiap malam dan yang awalnya ada tingling sensation (gak gatel) lama-lama biasa aja.


Nih ya, kulitku di week 2, pas lagi pakai makeup, agak kaget, ini apa yaa kok makin pake bedak, malah makin kelihatan, ini kulit mulai exfoliate gituuu. Tapi gak ada rasa sakit atau gak nyaman, atau apapun, exfoliate aja gitu sedikit-sedikit dan aman jaya. Bukan kaya kulit abis kejemur matahari secara berlebihan dan kelupasnya segede-gede pas maskeran yang peel off ya. Ini super kecil-kecil dan hanya pas minggu kedua sih berasanya. Karena minggu ke 3 dan 4 meski pakai makeup, tidak masalah.


Silahkan dilihat dengan seksama dan cari semua perbedaan di ke-4 kulit akuh ini yang jujur akupun nyari dimana bedanya, apakah kalian sudah bisa menjawab? Yes! dark spots alias freckles, alias noda-noda hitam terutama dibawah mata. Dan yang paling bikin aku senang, dibawah cuping hidung, taukah kalian, susahnya menutup berkas kemerahan diarea tersebut yang terlihat meradang, concealer pun cepet pecah karena pori-porinya terbuka dan itu kelihatan kesumbat (errr radang merah gitu) kalau di facial sih jujur daku sengsara karena sakit pencetnya dan bersihinnya, ini pakai serum, efek banget, radang, merah, mendingan jauhhhh. Area bawah hidung itu juga sensitif dan mudah pecah loh pembuluh darahnya, jadi kalau pas facial dipencet-pencet malah salah besar dan kondisi makin gawat, mending pakai Avoskin Miraculous Refining Serum ini, efek banget dan aman nyaman jaya.

Redness di kulit juga berkurang dan bener yang dikata di detail mereka, kulitku gak berasa sekering dulu malah berasa lebih nyaman dan pelembab juga lebih nempel, yah dari dulu juga nempel sih tapi lebih berasa terserap gak nyantol doank di kulit kaya nebeng jalan-jalan.


Avoskin Miraculous Refining Serum bisa dibeli di website resmi
@avoskinbeauty atau di @tokopedia, aku pribadi jelas rekomen siapa aja buat coba dan bisa disesuaikan cara pemakaiannya sesuai kondisi kulit kamu. Sekarang, aku gak takut lagi pakai AHA dan BHA, asal dari Avoskin.

Thank you so much for reading the blog, semoga berguna buat kamu juga, dan karena ini produk exfoliating, jelas yang punya masalah scar atau bekas luka, ataupun bekas jerawat, bisa banget cobain. Jangan lupa share tips kalian ya yang mungkin bisa bantu orang lain juga saat pakai serum lain.

See you again soon!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Moving Rabbit Hat

Hello lovelies,

remember that cute adorable hat I'm using in my instagram? The one that also available at Disneyland Paris and my daughter just had to have one, heehee, now, you can have it in cheaper price thanks to Charis.


Go to this link and get your promotional price, I promise you, it's cheaper than the one in Disneyland Paris.

It's Rp. 135k and you can choose between the white or the pink one.


I know, I know, it can be too adorable, but you can use it when going traveling, or even to the mall, hanging out with your friends, it made you look cuter and perhaps not really suitable for adults haha!


Thanks for reading this post!

Celleanser Rainbow Relaxing Plus Mask, Yellow Repair Plus Mask

Hello lovelies,

I'm actually not preparing myself to do this post, the images are all hideous, low quality, and I'm ashamed. But the products are super good, hence, I need to do this, give you just of the products. It's a mask I happen to buy accidentally since Larva is just too idiotic not to be bought haha! I love them, seriously and their mask? Well, just like them, underrated.


Microfiber fabric is firmly attached to the skin and provides rich nutrition, moisturizing gloss, whitening and wrinkle to help firm elasticity
Larva Yellow Repair Mask 
Jeju orange and Rapeseed extract, including Yellow colored natural ingredients, beautiful skin that makes healthy in your skin.

That's the only details I got from the official website.
And here from e-commerce:
This mask contains a dual functioning ample with whitening and wrinkles to help moisturize, calm and regenerate the skin.
What is Tencel Sheet good for skin?
The surface of the tencel is much smoother and more flexible than the surface on the rough surface, giving the skin softness and pleasant feeling and excellent skin adhesion.
Main ingredient
Rapeseed in Jeju Island

Oh don't let the foolish yellow larva fooled you, the quality of the mask is really good, in fact, it was the first mask that in cotton sheet (or perhaps any sheet) that I actually really like and would recommend to anyone. The size is perfect, the material is springy and the elastic feeling is addictive. The formula is like creamy, but sticks to the skin like butter to your perfect toast, the scent is mild and the effects on the skin is just lovely. My skin loves it, I love it!


The moist effect last, it stays there on the skin for the whole day and it's not that kind of runny, watery and too light that the skin (or even you) would notice any differences on the skin, this one is visible and I love how it stays on the skin for 20 minutes or so and still moistly good, not patchy dry.

I'm using it like I'm using any other face mask, on a cleaned and toned skin.


All the details are in Korean and sorry, no help from google too, but you can always google translate from the image, it's pretty much plus minus gives you ideas of what is it.


Seems like they embarked the whole idea of Larva into a lot of other cosmetics they have, I didn't try other things than this, but I immediately regretted so, after knowing how good these babies are, they do come in higher price than most mask, like from the Face Shop, and so on, they are a bit higher, well around twice to thrice the price actually, but I think it's worth the price.


And this is Rainbow Relaxing Plus Mask, which is too much for me, the snail there give it all away. I have very low expectation and turns out it was soooo good too.


Microfiber fabric is adhered to the skin without hesitation, rich water supply, quick soothing effect

Larva Rainbow Relaxing Mask 
Jeju Green tea and Centella Asiatica Leaf extract, including Pink colored natural ingredients, beautiful skin that makes healthy in your skin.
What is Tencel Sheet good for skin?
The surface of the tencel is much smoother and more flexible than the surface on the rough surface, giving the skin softness and pleasant feeling and excellent skin adhesion.
Main ingredient
Green tea in Jeju Island

Look how blue the mask is, but it came in the exact same material as the yellow one and fit snugly on me. Loving it. Love the feeling on the skin, the creamy formula, the material, how it is so smooth and lovable. I can still play around with the mask after 20 minutes or so, it is still very moist and flexible.


Again, all the details is in Korean, if you happen to doesn't know any Korean, well, you simply just have to take it from me, the product is really good, I feel like it does take good care my skin, unlike most (Korean) face mask in the market which does as little as like an ordinary toner or face mist, this one is a real deal.


Thank you so much for reading, sorry for the mini information

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Althea Makeup Sunrise & Moonrise, Watercolor Cream Tint, and Flawless Creamy Concealers

Hello lovelies,

after about a month or two trying their makeup set, here they are, the reviews of the products. I did made a youtube video (here) where I'm using all of their products, including an acne gel and sparkly gel eyeliner.


On the photos here, I'm using the makeup too from Althea. From Eyeshadow, concealers, liquid lips and glittery eyes. My theme was a Glistening Red Valentine Makeup with Althea. The skin itself looks flawlessly glistening, perhaps thanks to all the concealers applied and cover all imperfections. The products are easy to be used and simple as it is. Their pigments also not bad, pretty much bold and daring.


I know the red lips can be intimidating, but they also have the coral too, don't worry, since the theme is red valentine, I just had to use the red one and I love it, it's perfect for red lovers.

The eyeshadow itself is pretty creamy and easy to be blend, when doing makeup for indoor photoshoot I can imagine myself adding some vaseline for a watery lids and how charming it would be.


Okay, let's start again from the base, from the concealers creams, they are creamy alright and comes in 4 shades. I know that they are pretty mild and bright in terms of shade, no visible darkness here, just vanilla, ginger, honey, and mocha. I can't even use the darkest one as contouring but they work like a charm in hiding imperfections.

Dab, dab, dab on the area needed, doesn't have to be the whole face, but you can if you want, and then blend it using a brush or sponge, or even finger. It will stay, puff it out with a bit of powder to set the concealing power.


Flawless Creamy Concealer

Bintik-bintik, kantung mata hitam dan noda lain mengganggu Anda? Lumasi dan lapisi dengan Concealer Creamy Flawless Althea yang berpigmen, dapat bercampur dan yang akan membuat semua masalah itu pergi! Formula yang dapat dibentuk ini terbuat dari Aquaxyl untuk melembabkan dan memperbaiki kesehatan kulit secara menyeluruh dimana sifatnya yang tahan lama memastikan agar ia tetap berada di wajah Anda sepanjang hari. Anda akan terlihat dan juga merasa hebat dalam singkat waktu!


Eye Palette Sunrise & Moonrise BCL X ALTHEA

Tambahkan beberapa keajaiban langit ke dalam rutinitas kecantikan Anda dengan palet eye shadow Althea yang pertama: Sunrise & Moonrise! Dibuat bekerja sama dengan Bunga Cintra Lestari, 8 warna ini akan membawa Anda dari siang hari yang indah ke waktu malam yang panas, memberi Anda gaya feminin yang glamor dan mudah dicemari oleh Bunga. Dalam shimmers, mattes dan glitter, bayangan berpigmen ini meluncur dengan mudah ke kulit dan menyatu seperti mimpi, memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat serangkaian penampilan yang cocok untuk setiap kesempatan.
Bunga Citra Lestari adalah penyanyi dan aktris Indonesia yang telah menghiasi layar banyak orang di Asia Tenggara. Dikenal oleh penggemarnya sebagai BCL, ia juga merupakan ikon kecantikan dan mode yang memancarkan gaya, keindahan, dan femininitas.


And these are the eyeshadows, the one that can be used as highlights on any part of the face and body too. My cheeks are using them on the top part, hence you can see the glistening, it just add a sparkly dimension on the face. There are some fall outs but it was bearable, do some baking before applying eyeshadow for a cleaner finish.


Dapatkan bibir lembab yang menggoda dengan Watercolor Cream Tints Althea! Tabung cantik ini memberi Anda yang terbaik di dunia dengan pewarnaan lipstik, kekuatan untuk bertahan lama dan formula pelembab dari sebuah gloss. Berani, berpigmen dan dilengkapi dengan kilau yang cantik, lippies ini mengandung asam hialuronat dan squalene untuk mencegah bibir pecah-pecah, sempurna untuk disimpan di dompet Anda agar mudah disentuh dan dipakai dengan nyaman. Pilih dari 4 warna berbeda yang sesuai dengan suasana hati Anda!

Plum, strawberry, peach and marron, they are all so gorgeous and staining too, so your lips wont ever be naked when using the cream tint, there's always a flush, and I'm using it for my cheeks too on these photos.


The product smells like berry, not really heavily scented but it was noticeable. The creamy formula is comfortable and pleasant, kinda slippery and wet, and it does stays wet for a long time, you can simply dab a bit with tissue to ease the 'wet' sensation so they'll become more comfortable. But if you prefer a wet glass lips, just leave it on. The cream tint also easy to be reapply as it wont be noodling.


Spotlight Eye Glitter

Buat semua mata memandang Anda dengan Spotlight Eye Glitter Althea! Barang gemerlap ini berfungsi ganda sebagai eyeshadow dan liner untuk menerangi mata bagi beberapa orang yang aktif dan glamor. Apakah Anda suka cahaya halus atau kilau penuh, produk ini memiliki formula hidrasi yang meluncur seperti mentega di atas kelopak mata, memungkinkan campuran yang mudah. Jangan menunggu terlalu lama, setelah digunakan, ia tidak akan mudah ditanggalkan. Pilih dari dua warna cantik yang sesuai dengan penampilan Anda!

Last but not least, the glistening on the inner corner of my eyes are the spotlight eye glitter and the swatches are below the lippies on the picture above. There's one in gold and pink, we can use it as a glitters for the mid of the lids, or inner corner of the eyes, or waterlines, or even on other places the body.

The product does last and have a good staying power, but not really rub proof. It resist water too but not completely as in it will gradually lessen and lessen as in it will fall off little by little.


So, what do you think about these babies, I still think that they worth having. On the image below, did you noticed that the lips is different? That's when the product has been lifted off using facial tissue, so the stained lips look itself is pretty amazing and suitable for daily use, in the end, it is pretty kiss-proof for a romantic valentine night.

Thanks for reading the post and don't forget to watch the video as you can clearly see the difference of before after makeup.
Here is the link:

See you there!!