Monday, December 24, 2018

NIVEA #SentuhanIbu dan Dongeng Pohon Impian

Halo semua,

weekend yang lalu, Nivea mempersembahkan sebuah acara yang menurut aku cukup fenomemal, breakthrough and inspiring. #SentuhanIbu dan Dongeng Pohon Impian yang mungkin buat kamu yang sering banget nonton Youtube sudah berkali-kali lihat iklannya.

Ya, benar, Nivea menginsipirasi kita semua untuk kembali berimajinasi dan menaruh harapan kita setinggi mungkin tanpa takut direbut oleh siapapun.


‘NIVEA #SentuhanIbu: Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian’
Hadir Besok di Ciputra Artpreneur dalam Rangka Hari Ibu

Jakarta, 21 Desember 2018 – NIVEA, melalui kampanye #SentuhanIbu, mempersembahkan ‘NIVEA #SentuhanIbu: Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian’ yang akan digelar pada tanggal 22 Desember 2018 di Ciputra Artpreneur Theater. Drama musikal ini merupakan bentuk komitmen NIVEA untuk meningkatkan kualitas kebersamaan ibu dan anak.

Arum Nurhandayani, Brand Manager NIVEA Creme, PT Beiersdorf Indonesia, menjelaskan, “Drama musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian adalah bagian dari kampanye NIVEA #SentuhanIbu yang menggambarkan apresiasi kami terhadap para ibu dengan menghadirkan momen bonding istimewa bagi ibu dan si kecil, sekaligus merayakan Hari Ibu melalui Pesta Kostum Karakter Dongeng Pohon Impian dan berbagai permainan di area sekitar teater.”

‘NIVEA #SentuhanIbu: Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian’ menceritakan seorang anak bernama Angan yang berpetualang mencari sang ibu, Imaji, demi mendapatkan kembali Pohon Impian milik mereka dari Tuan Pongah. Di tengah perjalanan, Angan dibantu oleh teman-temannya yaitu Angin si Kupu Kupu, Mei Mei si Merak, Kimo si Komodo, dan Tara si Tarsius yang membekali benda-benda ajaib untuk menghadapi berbagai rintangan.

Nurul Susantono, Sutradara ‘NIVEA #SentuhanIbu: Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian’ mengatakan, “Saya sangat bangga dapat menjadi bagian dari pertunjukan istimewa ini, karena NIVEA #SentuhanIbu: Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian diangkat dari cerita orisinil dan sarat makna sentuhan kasih sayang ibu kepada anaknya. Selain cerita  mendalam, tata panggung penuh warna, kostum unik, dan lagu-lagu ceria akan membawa penonton memasuki dunia imajinasi yang tidak terlupakan.”

Dania Najmi, pemeran Imaji dalam ‘NIVEA #SentuhanIbu: Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian’, mengungkapkan, “Imaji menggambarkan sosok ibu yang selalu memberikan cinta kasih tulus dan upaya untuk kebahagiaan sang anak, Angan. Dia tidak pernah menyerah untuk melindungi Angan dan percaya bahwa kebersamaan mereka dapat melalui segala rintangan. Petualangan Angan dan teman-temannya yang setia mendampingi juga akan menjadi keseruan yang tidak boleh terlewatkan!”
Media Day hari ini akan menampilkan dua cuplikan adegan ‘NIVEA #SentuhanIbu: Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian’. Adegan pertama mengisahkan tentang seorang ibu yang tengah membacakan dongeng untuk anaknya, kemudian beralih ke suasana yang menggambarkan kisah dongeng yang dibawakan. Adegan kedua menampilkan Pohon Impian dan kedai jamu milik Imaji yang ramai dengan pelanggannya. 

Arum Nurhandayani menambahkan, “Dalam rangka Hari Ibu, NIVEA juga meluncurkan buku cerita ‘NIVEA #SentuhanIbu : Dongeng Pohon Impian’ yang diadaptasi dari versi drama musikal. Buku ini akan tersedia di toko buku Gramedia terdekat pada awal tahun 2019. Kami berharap melalui drama musikal dan buku ini, NIVEA dapat terus menginspirasi para ibu dalam memaksimalkan berbagai manfaat mendongeng dan memperkuat ikatan dengan si kecil.”

‘NIVEA Sentuhan Ibu: Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian’ akan diadakan pada tanggal 22 Desember 2018 di Ciputra Artpreneur dengan 2 jadwal pertunjukan yaitu pukul 14.00 dan 19.00 WIB. Penukaran tiket dapat dilakukan di Ciputra Artpreneur Lantai 11 mulai 21 Desember 2018 pukul 10.00 – 21.00 dan 22 Desember 2018 pukul 10.00 – pertunjukan dimulai. Keterangan lebih lanjut dapat segera akses akun Instagram resmi NIVEA @NIVEA_ID dan situs

Demikian press release resmi dari Nivea.


Ki-ka :
1. Nurul Susantono - Sutradara 'NIVEA Sentuhan Ibu : Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian'
2. Dania Najmi - Pemeran Imaji 'NIVEA Sentuhan Ibu : Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian'
3. Maisha Kanna - Pemeran Angan 'NIVEA Sentuhan Ibu : Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian'
4. Nijma Syahira - Pemeran Angin 'NIVEA Sentuhan Ibu : Drama Musikal Dongeng Pohon Impian'
5. Arum Nurhandayani - Brand Manager NIVEA Creme PT Beiersdorf Indonesia

Melalui press conference dan press release, aku mendapat semua informasi yang diperlukan, mulai dari kesiapan para pemain yang berlatih sejak Oktober 2018 dan team yang memang sudah dibentuk sejak drama musikal "Petualangan Sherina", tapi yang buat aku benar-benar tertarik hanya satu, pelaksanaanya. Memang benar, konsep telah digodok dengan matang, ide dan visi, misi Nivea sangatlah baik, dan tepat, dimana, gadget dan kesibukan sudah mendominasi, kita perlu kembalikan kebersamaan dalam keluarga. Tapi bagaimana pelaksanaan dalam acaranya?


Ternyata sangat indah, rapi dan bagus sekali. Dengan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia seutuhnya, putriku yang sebenarnya belum fasih pun sangat tertarik untuk menikmati drama musikal tersebut. Panggung, kostum, para pemain, dan semua props dipersiapkan dengan baik. Memang ada sedikit hambatan dari team sound system, tapi agaknya dari sisi Nivea dan para pemain sudah nyaris sempurna. Kami bisa mengerti dan mendapatkan pesan yang ingin disampaikan dan tetap menarik serta memukau. Dari awal sampai akhir acara kami semua bisa menikmati.


Jika kalian mengikuti akun Instagram aku @Carnellin, insta story aku penuh dengan jahitan pada hari tersebut, aku menayangkan cerita dan drama musikal hampir secara keseluruhan. Selain drama musikal, kami juga menikmati design, dekorasi dan tema interaktif di luar ruangan theater. Semua dibuat untuk mempersiapkan kami menuju acara, luar biasa!


Terlihat sekali, putriku menikmati semua kerja keras team Nivea, orang tua pun diingatkan perlunya menghabiskan waktu bersama anak-anak, bukan hanya untuk memberi nasehat dan wejangan, tapi kembali mengenal mereka entah betapa 'sibuknya' kita sehari-hari. Kebersamaan merupakan harta paling berharga pada masa ini, sudahkah kau meluangkan waktu untuk bersama keluarga hari ini? Kalau belum yuk, mulai dari 30 menit, 1 jam, mari kita berbicara dari hati ke hati, tanpa gadget, tanpa distraksi apapun, tapi menghabiskan waktu bersama untuk saling mengenal tanpa tuntutan apapun.


Mari kita isi mimpi-mimpi anak-anak kita dengan angan-angan yang penuh makna, kita bisa memberi pesan yang baik, harapan-harapan dalam setiap dongeng sebelum tidur, agar pikiran mereka tenang dan damai, mengingat kita selalu menempatkan mereka di tempat yang penting dalam kehidupan kita. Anak-anak pun ingin dikenal oleh orang tuanya, seperti Angan yang rindu ibunya tau apa yang dia suka dan tidak suka, demikian pun anak-anak kita.

Terima kasih Nivea atas acara yang luar biasa, semoga semakin banyak yang terinspirasi dan salam #SentuhanIbu


Selamat bermimpi.


Hello lovelies,

I got an awesome news from Althea, here it is:

We are so thrilled to share with you Althea's FIRST celebrity collaboration and it's none other than with Titi Kamal who is not only beautiful but also a talented movie star and singer from Jakarta, Indonesia! And on top of that, she is as enthusiastic about beauty as we are. We would like to introduce to you our collaboration with Titi Kamal (also, Althea's first body mist), the Stay Fresh Body Sparkling Mist 💖
What's good with Stay Fresh Body Sparkling Mist? We worked very closely with Titi Kamal to produce this new baby because of her enthusiasm for beauty trends across Southeast Asia and her passion for understanding what consumers love.
  • This mist is a lightweight body fragrance with Titi Kamal's favourite fruity and floral scents: Orange, Peach, and Rose.
  • The combination of these beautiful scents will give you that fresh feeling you need to seize the day.
  • The bottle is perfectly sized to fit in your handbag or travel carry-on so you'll always be ready to impress.


The product itself is very simple, it's a body mist that comes in a light pinkis color with roses all over, Which is also show the scent itself which is pretty much floral but with fruity delight that is fresh, beautiful and easy to be used. The scent itself is sharp at first, settled down to an aromatic rose aroma.

I guess the first thing was Orange and Peach, slightly sweet but mostly bursting with freshness like fruits in the spring, so yummy and addictive. Then romance come in the air with the rose.

Here are the Key Ingredients:

Damask rose water - Menjaga kulit dari dehidrasi dan memberikan keharuman lembut

Minyak jeruk manis - Menyegarkan indera

Ekstrak bunga Elder - Mendinginkan dan menenangkan kulit sementara memberikan aroma feminin

And yes, the product is safe to be used directly onto the skin.


The container itself is not too big and not too small. 100 ml is the size allowed into a flight and easy to be carry anywhere for a quick touch up of the fragrance. The scent does last for around 2 hours or so and I can spray it on my hair too.

So it has been a top to toe mist for me, that made me feel alive every time with an invigorating fruity floral note. Light enough for daily use and still make a lovely impact to everyone surround you.

Thank you so much Althea for this lovely product and you for reading my post.

Althea Angel First Box

Hello lovelies,

The beauty box has reached me some time ago and I did share with everyone through my Instagram post @Carnellin. I also share with everyone on my It's been so much easier to make videos nowadays and share it live in Instagram too heehee, I guess I did neglect my blog recently, oops sorry.

So, here it is, a new post for Althea, made specially available thanks to Althea Angels program which I love and do spread our wings.


A beauty box as a welcome gift consist of 3 loose powder in beige, bright white translucent and pink lavender. There's also Milk Peel and Petal Velvet Sunaway which I made a post here (click me). I did make a video too for Milk Peel (click me), and on this post, I would like to share about my experience with all of their products.

Start from the cleansing that does help my skin to feel cleaner, smoother and does remove dull skin without pain nor discomfort. It's pretty much addictive with the bubbling effects. They kept on bursting and bubbling for endless minutes before I rinsed everything off.


The sunscreen are also helpful in terms of living in a big city like Jakarta, where it  is sunny most of the time. Heat become unbearable at times hence we need a sun protection that doesn't glare back to the sun. So being velvety, matte and naturally looking like our own skin has officially trending now. Most sun protection nowadays are alike and Althea is keeping themselves up to date and not just that, they are showing that having they own brand can actually works! Their stuffs are amazing and raved by many, including the loose powders too, some are even sold out due to high demands.


People are looking for a non boring, non conventional loose powder, now they want something that was adjustable to their skin condition, either use it alone or mix and match. Like anyone with pale skin would love a pink touch, or dull skin with lavender, and those who yearn for brighter skin could go to white translucent and the best thing about the loose powders are they are made mostly by natural ingredients with effectiveness that fight sebum.


They all come in affordable prices, free delivery and discounted price here:

Thanks for reading my post and see you again soon with more of Althea goodies ahead!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Herborist Body Lotion Zaitun

Halo semua yang cantik-cantik,

apa khabar? I hope semua kalian dalam keadaan sehat ya dan 'gak kekeringan kaya kulit akuh haha. Kayaknya kulit kering tuh udah jadi hal umum belakangan ini, lucu ya, padahal tinggal di Indonesia yang kelembabannya tinggi, harusnya kulit kita bagus-bagus aja. Tapiii gara-gara sering berada di ruangan ber AC yang bikin udara kering, nah kulit jadi ikut-ikutan kering. Kan kita udah kepanasan gara-gara matahari, masuk ke ruangan yang ber AC memang kulit berasa adem, tapi kering. Nah ini bisa bikin cepat keriput loh.

Banyak banget produk kecantikan kulit di pasaran, rata-rata buat muka kan yang kita invest tiap hari. Skincare muka wajib, kulit tubuh, kadang banyak yang "ntar-ntar-an" aja, abis yang penting muka sih.... salah loh, kulit muka sama kulit tubuh sama-sama penting. Gak mau kan atas mulus bawah keriput, hiks banget deh.

Kulit area tumit dan mungkin yang paling terlihat (sama orang lain) itu sikut, ihh sering deh lihat perempuan cakeppp banget di mall-mall, keren, bajunya fashionista sangat, tapiii, sikutnya hitam dan super kering kaya putih-putih berkerak gitu. Yah, kalau tumit kaki berkerak, tanda kerja keras ya, kalau sikut bagaimana donk?! Penting kan supaya dirawat semua tanpa terkecuali biar orang yang melihat kita gak kasian, hehe, cantik itu selalu berarti terawat loh.

Mulai dari wajah, rambut, sampai kulit tubuh, gak usah berlebihan makeup sebadan-badan, cukup perawatan yang menampilkan kulit sehat aja udah baguuusss banget.

Inilah pentingnya perawatan tubuh seperti body lotion yang digunakan sehari-hari, terutama sehabis mandi saat kulit masih lembab, cukup 2x sehari dan lihat perbedaannya.


Carilah body lotion yang mengandung nutrisi yang baik untuk kulit seperti bahan dasar alami dan multi fungsi. Dalam post kali ini, aku mau memperkenalkan Herborist Body Lotion Zaituin yang memiliki kandungan minyak zaitun, Vit E, whitening, dan UV Filter.

Herborist Body Lotion Zaitun adalah pelembap tubuh (tangan, kaki, dan
badan) dengan kandungan Minyak Zaitun yang membantu
melembapkan, menutrisi, dan menghaluskan kulit.
Diperkaya Vitamin E yang berfungsi sebagai anti-oksidan, membantu
memperlambat penuaan dini pada kulit. Selain itu, kandungan UV Filter
& Whitening membantu melindungi kulit dari sinar matahari, dan
membuat kulit tampak lebih cerah.
Tekstur yang lembut dan tidak lengket mudah meresap di kulit.
Dengan menggunakan Herborist Body Lotion Zaitun secara rutin, kulit
menjadi terjaga elastisitasnya (kenyal), lembut, tetap lembap, dan
tampak lebih cerah.


Herborist Body Lotion Zaitun dijual di Indomaret dan Omah Geulis ( dalam kemasan 145 ml dengan harga amat ekonomis Rp.17.000. Botolnya berwarna hijau daun, tulisan putih dan detail yang jelas dari segala sisi.

Komposisi materi juga ada di kemasan, nah yang aku suka dari botolnya itu pump bottle, alias ada pompanya yang bisa di tutup dan buka, cocok deh buat dibawa kemanapun. Ada "kenop" yang bisa dipasang juga, jadi saat bepergian, gak usah khawatir akan 'kepencet' dan buyar deh konsentrasi kita.


Apa sih yang isitimewa dari Herborist Body Lotion Zaitun selain kemasannya yang ciamik.
✓ Mengandung Minyak Zaitun yang baik untuk melembapkan,
menutrisi , dan menghaluskan kulit
✓ Mengandung Vit E yang tinggi, berfungsi sebagai anti-oksidan alami
untuk memperlambat penuaan dini pada kulit
✓ Diperkaya Whitening Extract, membuat kulit tampak lebih cerah
✓ Mengandung UV Filter yang melindungi kulit dari paparan sinar
✓ Tekstur yang ringan dan lembut, sehingga cepat meresap di kulit,
dan tidak lengket
✓ Dengan keharuman alami yang tahan lama
Keunggulan Herborist Body Lotion Zaitun


Ini nih isi produknya. Warnanya hijau lembut milky gitu, wangiii banget, wanginya asli seger, kaya bunga di padang bunga... yah begitu memang. Teksturnya enggak lengket, jadi gak berasa ilfil, gak berminyak juga, karena jarang banget orang Indonesia yang suka kulit berminyak, semua iklan di TV basmi minyak kan?! Nah, Herborist Body Lotion Zaitun mengerti banget kesukaan orang Indonesia makanya dibuat lotion yang adem aja dan nyaman di kulit tanpa efek kepleset gorengan.


Gimana? Jadi pengen coba kan?! Nah aku ada tips nih buat kamu yang pengen banget memaksimalkan fungsi body lotion. Buat kulitnya yang super kering, mau gak mau, awalnya pakai sesering mungkin saat butuh. Jadi sediakan satu di rumah, satu di kantor atau di tas, buat di pakai saat kulit udah kelihatan kering.

Sebelum tidur, pakai juga, biar kulit terjaga semalaman. Khusus tumit, bisa loh pakai lotionnya agak banyakan, lalu bungkus dengan kaos kaki, pagi-pagi saat bangun, tumit lebih terasa lembut.

Bisa juga, pas habis sauna atau steam, buat yang tidak terdaftar dalam gym manapun dan gak punya mesin steamer, tidak apa-apa, jangan sedih, matiin aja semua ac, dalam ruangan yang agak panas, duduk dekat sebaskom air panas sekali yang beruap, sambil nikmati uapnya untuk pernapasan, pori-pori kulit terbuka, campurkan lotion dengan gula atau oats, bikin lulur sendiri, balurkan seluruh tubuh, pijat lembut dengan gerakan memutar di bagian tubuh manapun, mandi dengan bersih, pakai lotionnya lagi, rasakan kulit yang terasa amat sangat lembut dan lembab.


Nah, jadi ingin mencoba kan?! Silahkan buktikan sendiri ya.

Terima kasih Herborist Body Lotion Zaitun.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Althea Christmas Wish List

Hello everyone,

it is indeed the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is almost here and what Christmas is without presents and beautiful gifts, either the gift we give ourselves or to others we love. It's all about love and giving.

Now, I want to share with you 10 beauty products I wish the most upon this festive season, since it will give my skin the love and care it deserved.


I personally enjoy a lot of Althea's products since they do work well and come with affordable prices. The products also varied from famous brands to local from Korea that deliver good result, like their skincare products.

One of the most famous brand and the one that I adore the most is Belif. I love the fact that they so into the skin and with herbal philosophy that care and protect the skin in so many ways.


Chamomile itself is famous for caring, calming and soothing the skin, and look at the ingredients, no synthetic dyes, no animal origins, so pure plants, no mineral oils, no fake fragrance, and proven efficacy that only Belif can deliver. Comes in bottle that really make you feel you're from an apothecary back in the old days.


Next is Flawless Creamy Concelaer, like who doesn't need one, we always need a concealer, even one can help create a flawless look more than any base makeup. Use it on areas needed or to help covers all the sin our skin ever have.

You can also get one with free delivery for all Althea's goodies, that's amazing right?! And we love how they really work without fail. Comes in 4 fully function-able tone that fit most skin. Psst!! You can also mix and match the tones.


What are these? Okay, okay, I have to admit, I'm a skincare addict, I love skincare so much that I can't seem to resist when I see one and they come in these beautiful oldies packaging and called Beauty of Joseon.

Joseon itself is an era in Korea where it's like the princesses used to lived.

Above image is their moisturizer and below is the sleeping cream. Say it with me, they look so goooood!!

And they are packed with natural goodies like ginseng, orchid, black soybean, honey, and many more. Ohhh, how I wonder how they must smell so good.


And now, where in modern day with this irresistible mask that shape like a drink container and baby face.

This product is from Dr. Jart+ collection and so cute since it will become that rubbery mask. Varieties according to skin type also available the picture I'm showing below and the product link itself is different, why? So you can see that there's more than meet the eyes and I want to try them all haha! They all looks so adorable. There's brightening and hydrating that I want to try, I wish to try them this Christmas please, please Althea.


And this is one of the most sought after product I've been looking for from Nacific is available at Althea, won so many reviews and rave by a lot of beauty enthusiast too.

Who can resist abundant moistness, fresh oil, and many patent ingredients that provide antioxidant, my dry skin is craving for it.

I want to try the mask like effect on a moisturizer and here it is, alive and real, ready to be used.

And behold, below is Huxley, a product that I've been hearing about as well and so tempted to try one soon, it's an essence oil in one.
  1. New type oil essence developed with optimal combination of oil and essence
  2. Smooth texture like oil but absorbing faster and providing fresh feel
  3. Maintaining lively skin all day long

Antioxidant oil essence which was made by supplementing the disadvantages and adding the advantages of existing oil and essence provides fresh and vibrant skin all day long.

Indications and Usage:
After toner, take an appropriate amount on the face and gently press the face with your palms for absorption.

So easy to be used, right?! And many say that it works like a charm. I do have dry skin, so I think this baby will works like a charm for me.


Long day? Just before you sink slumber deep into your bed, remember to remove all that makeup and dirt from your skin with Perfect Facial Deep Cleansing Oil. Made with a mix of nourishing plant oils and extracts, this oil reaches deep into the pores and pulls out impurities from the skin without drying it out, leaving you with fresh, supple skin. Plus, we love this refreshing jasmine scent it comes with too!

Back to Nacific heehee, back to their skincare which is a cleansing oil that deep cleanse and comes with a refreshing jasmine scent, oh I want it so bad, please Althea, always keep this product on stock!


The packaging is so pretty, pure and clear, like they got nothing to hide. I love how they put everything so simple yet effective. And the calendula toner below, I always opt for a fresh toner with calendule since it helps my skin in so many ways. Like calming sensitive skin, and have that long term effect on the skin too, plus somehow their herbal scent is amazing.


Make springtime and all year round affair with Natural Pacific's Real Calendula Floral Toner! This pretty bottle contains a formula made with Centella Asiatic extracts and infused with real calendula flower petals. Made with 91% real calendula flower water, this removes dirt, impurities and leftover residue while soothing irritations and hydrating the skin. The result is clean, fresh skin that's soft and supple to the touch, ready to take on the rest of your skincare regime.

Last but definitely not last, I've been wanting them since I saw them reviewed by many influencer, they look so raw, real, and contain natural ingredients from rose and green tea.

My skin like longing for these baby as they detox the skin from bad radicals and made them happy again with hydration and it's all within 10 seconds, amazing! One for night and the other is morning care routine.

Thank you so much Althea for giving me a chance to try these wonderful items and hopefully soon, I'll have that Christmas wonders from Althea.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Althea Petal Velvet Sunaway SPF 50+ PA+++++

Hello lovelies,

the sun can be unbearable at times in Jakarta, and even thou' we stayed indoor, the sun still pretty hard to avoid. Reflection is part of the thing right now where the ray are still affecting our skin. So using sun protection every day is crucial whether you're outdoor or indoor.

And for those who are still saying hey, it's raining, so there's no need to use sunscreen or when it is cloudy, oh hohohoho, you're so wrong, the sun ray are still there, even can 'bounce' from cloud to cloud, so when it is still day time, do use sun protection at all cost.


Another excuse for not using sun protection is the thing that called white cast, inconvenience, greasy, thick feeling to the unbearable texture. I have good news for you!! Althea is here with their Althea's Petal Velvet Sunaway.

Shield your skin from the sun's rays and give it some petal protection with Althea's Petal Velvet Sunaway! Ultra lightweight, this invisible sunscreen is formulated with hyaluronic acid and Damask rose extracts, ensuring that your skin stays fresh and hydrated throughout the day without any streakiness or a white cast. It has an SPF of 50+ and PA++++, so your skin'll be kept protected all day. As part of the Petal Velvet line, it also contains micro-powder particles that give you a smooth, petal-like complexion.


What does all those ingredients means?

Damask rose extract - Deeply hydrating and soothes irritations, leaving the skin feeling healthy

Hyaluronic acid - A humectant that attracts moisture to the skin, preventing dehydration

Geranium oil - Gives the skin a radiant boost and heals acne


The texture in real life photo? At first, it was white cream, and when distribute it will be a bit white and then it will be so transparent and velvety feeling. After a minute or so it become powdery and loving it. Using it alone or with makeup is no problem, the final texture on the skin is just superb. I love and how it turns out.

Some sun protection remains greasy hence using it before makeup can make makeup appear oily and some even make it look awful with noodling and creating cakey base. But Petal Velvet Sunaway is just perfect as a makeup base too. I love how it made my skin feels, I can use it on my face anytime during the day and for touch ups too.


The packaging and container is looking so pretty with pink and white with matte duff that gives the skin that almost same experience only powderer.

The details are simple and most of them in Korean, so you'll be happy to read my review, right?! Heehee all the details in English are here.


So there you go, all the details, the feeling of using the product, the love and affection I gave to this review are purely thanks to the amazing texture and experience in using it.

Thank you so much Althea, if you really want to have this goody, do check out here:

You'll get 20% off for your purchase.


Thank's for reading the post, see you again soon!

Update on 27th of December 2018, the product doesn't contain any hyaluronic acid*. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Absolute Daily Feminine Hygiene Hypoallergenic

Hello lovelies,

a few days ago, I have an opportunity to try on feminine cleanser by Absolute.


Modern active women lifestyles is really dynamic; moving, running, and doing physical moves has been a daily demand. Sadly, bacterial and fungal disturbance that causes vaginal discharge and unpleasant odors could make our activities uncomfortable. Moist and uncomfortable vaginal area could later cause itching and irritation problem that can not be simply ignored. For this problem, women need a companion with the best solution because their deepest secret is kept in the vaginal area.

Like a true friend, only trusted product can faithfully accompany women in solving vaginal problems. And it matters to choose a product wisely for the vaginal area. Choose a cleansing product with a mild sensation that would give you all day comfort, like an antiseptic soap with natural pH value of 3,5 that fits with women’s vaginal acidity for a balanced moisture.

Absolute Feminine Wash understands the most private needs from a woman because it contains Biolacto Active Formula from milk extract that proves to prevent bacterial and fungal infection that causes vaginal discharge. As a companion that understands women, use Absolute according to the recommended dose regularly for a comfortable, clean, and healthy vaginal area all day.

I personally know and use Absolute many years ago and now they launch a new variant called the Hypoallergenic series. The product comes in two types and two variants.


Let's read the details provided by

Absolute Hypoallergenic is Hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested, suitable for sensitive skin. Formulated with Biolacto ActiveTM Milk Extract with pH 3.5 to maintain good balance of bacteria in feminine area and protect the feminine area from harmful bacteria that can cause itching and odor. Vivid Youth Revitalize, enriched with Collagen that can take care of skin softness. Variant Naturally Soothing, enriched Aloe Vera that can keep skin moist.

Available :

Bottle 60 ml, 150 ml (1 carton: 36 bottles)


As mentioned above, the product comes in two types and two variants, they are Youth Revitalize (pink) and Naturally Soothing (green), and both comes in a liquid form where we need to lather by our self before using and one in Cleansing Foamy where it is inside a self foamed container. Just pump it once and we get a perfectly foamed up daily feminine hygiene ready to be used.


Look how fluffy the foam is and looks very comfortable to be used. The foam is so gentle and soft to the touch. There's a mild powdery scent as well, never overwhelming, so it is still very much subtle. Youth Revitalize is the first variant that I tried, since it is in pink heehee, and I'm more into pink.

The cleanser feels good on the skin and does not irritate the feminine area. I found them mostly useful during my period. It's clean without any fuss and unlike those awful products that is too fragrant, it means that too much perfume inside, so we need to find one with the subtlest aroma possible.


The liquid type from both variant are also very comfortable and comes in a smaller packaging. Even thou' they are smaller, but since we can use it less than the foam, usually they last longer too, like if perhaps the pump variant for 2 weeks or so, the liquid one in same ml can last a month. So the 150 cleansing foamy last longer than the liquid cleanser.

But no worries, both have the same properties and benefit, it's just one is more convenient and practical, but still, the liquid cleanser is fine for me too.


Naturally Soothing has a fresher scent, like a fresh green meadow that I also like. It's clean and refreshing, since both cleans really well, the feminine are feels comfortable again, especially after a long day under the sun or filled with activity.

The humidity in Jakarta can be unbearable at times, and using a sanitary pad can be challenging too, some even says it's not really advisable especially when we don't change it often enough (like every 3-4 hours), so to keep our feminine area clean and fresh, we kinda need to rewash it several times a day. It doesn't need to go all the way, just the outer part will do.

This is what seems to be a misconception to some people, daily feminine cleanser are made to be used for outer part only, the inner part can self cleanse. But when the outer part (where pubic hair is) is too humid, sweaty, and ehm, dirty, it can affect the inner part, so this is where daily feminine hygiene product works with pH 3.5 a perfect ambiance for the area.


What I also like about the product and brand also, is the clarity of all the information given on the container and box given. From information details to direction on how to use. Simply put it on a clean palm, add water (for liquid cleanser) and lather up. Apply to the feminine area and leave it for a while, like a few seconds will do. then rinse thoroughly with water.

For Cleansing Foamy, press pump to dispense foam, apply on feminine area using a clean hand, leave a few seconds also and rinse properly with clean water.

Since most restroom in Jakarta have water spray, this is also convenient for us, we can clean it almost at any restroom when needed. Just changing underwear or pads wont give us much freshness as cleansing them with these cleanser. Don't forget to dry them using a  soft tissue or towels or any cotton made possible.


You can click on any image to see more details, like the ingredients.

Aqua, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Chloride, Betaine, Lactic acid, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methyllisothiazolinone, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, TEA-Lauryl Sulfate, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin, Glycerin, Sodium Lactate, Propylene Glycol, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract (this is the aloe), Potassium Lactate, Fragrance, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Collagen, Sodium Benzoate, Whey, Hexamide Diisethionate, Sodium PCA, Fructose, Glycine, Niacinamide, Urea, Inositol.


I know for most of you who study chemical and learn about ingredients must have feel a bit concern regarding the ingredients. Especially the liquid cleanser that contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate, hence do use the cleanser wisely and as needed. The packaging clearly says on external use only, means it can only be used for outer part and when needed. So never overused a product.


All of the products is like said on the box, they are paraben free, that's one concern we can stripe off.

The cleanser itself is made locally in Sukabumi, I'm happy to see that the it was exported to many surrounding countries. Hence it has made the safety standard on multinational level. 


Now, whether to choose the variant in Youth Revitalize or Naturally Soothing is personally up to you. I can use them in any variant since they works somewhat similar to each other and offer the convenience and softness that bring clean feeling to the feminine area.

Sometime I can use them a few times a day, since it help me feeling like the area down there is soft and cooler also, like the heat have been taken off. I know it might sound a bit silly, but imagine having to wear tight pants or jeans, or skirt that below the knee, it can be a bit warm down there. Some time it can effect the pH too, making them uncomfortable, like odor and a bit damp. If it happen like at the end of the day, I'm still fine and can hold a little, but if in a middle of the day, it would be worst, I don't feel confident as well. So bringing the smallest one (in 60ml) inside my bag can help for that time in need.

Wash up a bit and if possible, bring a fresh pair of underwear for a better freshness.

Remember to rinse properly and always wipe with a motion from the feminine area to the back to avoid infection.


Thank you so much Absolute Daily Feminine Hygiene in Hypoallergenic, for a freshness and softness without the irritation.

And thank you for reading my blog, hopefully you gain some knowledge and benefit from it and do let me know when you tried using the cleanser too.


See you again soon, I'm ready for my day now with Absolute Daily Feminine Hygiene Hypoallergenic.

PS: if you still want to know more, do check out their official accounts

- at Facebook: (AbsolutelywomenID and Instagram Absolute (@absolute_women