Wednesday, September 21, 2016

REDWIN Blog Writing Competition

Hello lovelies,

I have wonderful news for you who loves REDWIN and also like to win some awesome prizes for 10 winners, yes, you read it correctly, ten winners.

There are tour packages to be won, money, products and more products from REDWIN (hoorayyy!!!). 


As a person who enjoys and using products from REDWIN, I will share with you benefits of using REDWIN.

Their products are known for those with sensitive skin, but even if you happen to be blessed with normal skin, you can still use it as the product does justify those who are with sensitive skin, hence those with normal skin can still enjoy it for sure without worrying that the ingredients might do something that trigger the allergic reaction or any other sensitivity like other conventional products in the market.


I happen to have the Vitamin E, Body Wash, and their moisturizer.

I have reviewed the moisturizer some time ago, and will share with you my say on Sorbolene Body Wash and Vitamin E Cream on my future post. But so far, based on my first experience in using them I did enjoy using the body wash and vitamin E cream on daily basis. My skin has been too dry lately, so using products from REDWIN that offers care and protection gave me a wonderful hydrating seal all over.


REDWIN is a sorbolene type of moisturizer from Australia that are simple (non-complex), non perfumed, no colorant, and no paraben. With the motto "Nothing but goodness for sensitive skin", REDWIN received recommendation from dermatologist to help caring for the skin's moisture and handling sensitive, dry, roughness, and damaged due to the chaps, and peeled off skin due to the lack of skin elasticity.
REDWIN received Halal certificate from AFIC (Australian Federation of Islamic Council) and proven to be safe to be used by baby and toddlers.

REDWIN Sorbolene Moisturizer formulated to help retaining skin's natural moisture and answer skin's problems. REDWIN Sorbolene Moisturizer is rich in Vitamin E, Glycerin, and Sorbitol. Vitamin E from oat seeds oil as anti-oxidant, well-known for it's properties that heals, calms, and give nutrition to a dry, rough and scaly skin.
Do read more at Facebook: Redwin Indonesia or Twitter: @RedwinID


Regarding the competition, here are some of the details:
TIMELINE competition:
SUBMISSION                     15 JANUARI2017

Persyaratan Peserta:
1.       Peserta adalah Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, Parenting, Mom & Family, atau Healthy Blogger Indonesia mengelola blog sendiri dan bukan blog komunitas/blog bersama.  
2.       Peserta wajib memberikan “LIKES” pada Fan Pages Redwin Indonesia terlebih dahulu
3.       Peserta melakukan registrasi dengan mengirimkan data pribadi (nama, no HP, alamat & email address) dan kategory blog ke
4.       Sertakan juga bukti pada saat registrasi, bahwa peserta sudah melakukan point no 2 (LIKES pada Fan page REDWIN - dalam bentuk screenshot).
5.       Peserta akan dikirimkan produk Redwin untuk digunakan dan pengiriman akan dilakukan setelah data registrasi lengkap.

Peraturan Kompetisi:
1.       Kompetisi berlaku secara nasional
2.       Peserta wajib menulis Artikel minimal 800 kata sesuai dengan tema dan harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.
3.       Peserta wajib mempublish artikel pada blog pribadi peserta dan harus mencantumkan back-link ke Fan Page Redwin. (
4.       Peserta wajib mengoptimalkan pencarian artikelnya di google search,  dengan kata kunci “Kulit Sehat dan Lembut dengan Redwin Sorbolene Moisturiser”.
5.       Penilaian artikel berdasarkan tulisan blog yang paling menarik dan penuh inspirasi
6.       Sebagai OPTIIONAL, tambahan posting dalam bentuk video di akun Youtube dapat menambah point bagi peserta untuk memenangkan hadiah
7.       Peserta wajib mengemail URL artikel blog yang dibuat ke (selambat-lambatnya 15 Januari 2017)
8.       Peserta diwajibkan untuk share link URL artikel blog di salah satu akun media sosial peserta (Facebook, Twitter, dan Instagram).
9.       Hadiah yang diterima sudah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu-gugat

Bloggers can simply write about the benefits of REDWIN products they have been using on daily basis, or purchase a product from REDWIN they wish to try. If you're not sure, try from their body wash, I find it to be the easiest to be loved. It has a soothing properties that cleans and refresh my dry skin without making it dry. I let the body wash lathers easily and the kids enjoying it too. It made their skin stays supple.


Testimonial, experience, reviews, to recommendation are the angles for the competition. Take your time, enjoy the product and let your creativity flows. As juicy and bouncy the texture of the creams, different views will be refreshing as well. Surprise the brand with your talents skill and win Tours to Derawan Island or Karimun Java for your and your loved ones.


REDWIN has officially announced the competition, this is the flyers.


So, what are you waiting for, get those creativity juice flowing and compete.


See you there!!!


  1. Makasi infonya Ci Nellin! Pengen ikutan ah.. Kalo menang kan lumayan. Namanya juga mencoba peruntungan. Yaaa..untung-untung berhadiah.hehehe

  2. udah lama join giveaway cici yg cantik bangeeeeet.. mogaaa menangin hadiah yg super duper zuper keren nya :D

    Instagram : rahmitaslimah

    (maap ya cici sya udah spam like&komen di semua kun nya cici) heheh
