Thursday, September 29, 2016

Shinzu'i Body Lotion

Hi everyone,

terutama kamu-kamu yang ingin sekali memiliki kulit yang terlihat lebih putih dan cerah, Shinzu'i belum lama ini launching beberapa produk yang bisa kamu coba.


Shinzu'i sendiri cukup terkenal di Indonesia dengan sabun pembersih kulitnya yang dapat digunakan setiap hari, serta telah menjadi produk favorit masyarakat Indonesia. Melengkapi produk-produk yang sudah ada seperti body scrub juga, kini Shinzu'i memiliki body lotion.


Shinzu'i Body Lotion tersedia dalam 6 variant, namun semuanya tetap mengandung ekstrak bunga sakura yang fungsinya meregenerasi sel kulit mati dan herba matsu oil dari jamur matsutake yang fungsinya untuk mencerahkan kulit secara alami. Kedua ingredients ini sangat terkenal di Jepang. Kamu bisa membaca detailsnya di atau check them out on their social medias:

- Facebook:

- Twitter:

- Instagram:

(cukup copy paste alamat diatas di browser kamu).


Kebetulan aku memiliki 2 variants, yaitu: Hana dan Myori.

Aroma Hana yang segar dan sedikit manis, cocok untuk digunakan pada pagi hari. Dan Myori dengan aroma bunga yang anggun, sesuai untuk sore atau malam hari. Tentunya dengan wangi yang semerbak, Shinzu'i bisa menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi penggunanya.


Lalu bagaimana dengan texturnya? Body lotion yang berwarna putih ini cenderung creamy tapi tidak lengket. Aromanya bertahan cukup lama dan demikian juga dengan daya tahannya dalam melembutkan kulit. Pantasnya, produk ini dikenal dengan nama perfumed body lotion karena sangat wangi.


Dengan rajin menggunakan Shinzu'i Body Lotion, menghindari matahari dari jam-jam yang terik, menjaga kebersihan kulit dengan rajin luluran (menggunakan Shinzu'i Body Scrub) maka kulit yang cerah bukanlah hal yang mustahil.

Herba Matsu Oil membantu mengubah pigmen melanin penyebab warna kulit gelap, menjadi leukomelanin yang lebih cerah, sehingga kulit tampak lebih putih dan cerah. Main ingredients ini dimiliki Shinzu'i dan sudah dipatenkan.


Ekstrak bunga sakura dalam produk membantu proses regenerasi sel kulit sehingga kulit tidak kusam dan tampak bening.

Sakura merupakan bunga favorit orang Jepang karena bentuknya yang cantik, warnanya dan bahkan pada setiap musim sakura berbunga, dirayakan oleh orang Jepang sebagai suatu moment yang membahagiakan. Banyak sekali inspirasi yang didapat dari bunga tersebut.


Kembali ke Shinzu'i dengan body lotionnya yang semuanya terinspirasi dari bunga-bunga. Kamu dapat menikmati berbagai macam aroma bunga dari masing-masing lotion.

Dan tentunya, selain kulit yang lembab dan wangi, kulitpun akan terlihat lebih cerah, putih dan bersih.

Berikut beberapa tips dari aku:
Gunakan Shinzu'i Body Lotion setiap hari setelah kulit dibersihkan (mandi). Pilihlah aroma Shinzu'i Body Lotion yang kamu suka dan gunakan saat kulit masih terasa lembab. Nikmati aroma kesukaanmu dan jangan lupa untuk rajin luluran seminggu sekali untuk hasil yang lebih baik, hindari matahari pada saat sangat terik, yaitu pukul 11-2 siang. Banyak mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah juga membantu tubuh membersihkan diri 'dari dalam' dan kulitpun akan terlihat lebih segar dan bercahaya. Pastinya kulit yang sehat akan selalu terlihat cantik.

Semua produk Shinzu'i bisa dibeli di bit.yl/belishinzuionline

Terima kasih Shinzu'i.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

IOMA Moisturizing Cleansing Milk

Hello lovelies,

this is a lovely product from IOMA Indonesia that I have been using for the past few weeks. It's a Moisturizing Cleansing Milk from their hydrating series number 1.


Proven Results

  • Provides gentle cleansing and make-up removal
  • Maintains and strengthens your moisture level

Texture Benefit

A gel that melts for an easier make-up removal

Beauty Advice

Gently apply a small amount of IOMA Moisturizing Cleansing Milk over the whole face and neck with your hands. Dissolve make-up and impurities by moving in circular motions over the entire face. Rinse with clear water. The IOMA Moisturizing Cleansing Milk ensures a high tolerance make-up removal, all while being extremely gentle.


For someone who owns dry skin like me, cleaning the skin is not just about effectiveness. Yes, there are a lot of cleaning products out there that can clean waterproof, though as ever makeup that need an effective cleanser. But I can't just stop there, I need one that effective and still care for my dry skin as sometime strong powerful cleanser can make my skin suffer as it was very much drying.

So when IOMA gave me their Cleansing Milk from their moisturizing series, for sure I said yes. Here's a few more why's they are so good:

IOMA Active Ingredients

HYALURONIC ACID (biotechnology)

  • Plays an important role in the structure and the organization of the dermis.
  • Contibutes to skin’s firmness and elasticity.

VITAMIN C (vegetal)

  • Provides an antioxidant function.

MALIC ACID  (vegetal)

Active ingredient extracted from apples.
  • Restores the hydrolipidic film, skin’s natural protective barrier.
  • Removes make-up residue and impurities from skin.
  • Provides a keratolytic action.


So I tested on my hand using all the hardcore makeup from eyeliner, mascara, lips color that are all waterproof, water resistant, sweat proof, and so on. It is not easy, but someone got to do it. And put a pump on them. The milky texture turns gel-water like consistency and as seen on these images, start breaking the particles of the makeup on the skin.

I then, massage the area a bit and then take a cotton pad, swipe them off and as seen on the image below, the strong waterproof product like mascara still have some left on the skin.


So I apply a bit more, and like before, gently massaged the area and then wiped them off again with a clean cotton pad.


There's no rubbing needed, no force whatsoever needed and the formula is just wonderful. It is liquid hence pumping it on a pump is better before then using fingers to gently massage the skin. They need a bit of time to break the particles hence don't rush during cleansing. Massage the skin especially on areas like the sides of the nose to the pores that perhaps needs attention so the bb cream or hardcore foundation can took off from the skin.

Strong waterproof products like mascara might need a bit more time, just close your eyes until they are cleaned or used eye makeup remover for better effects.


And IOMA Moisturizing Cleansing Milk will removes everything off. It might takes 1 or two go but they get the job done plus, my skin is very much happy since no dryness felt. In fact, it was really comfortable and still moist, I can use a cleansing foam to removes any leftovers of just use the cleansing milk again and then a softening toner to 'seal the deal' before moving on to my skincare routine.



another great product from IOMA not to be missed. Very much works well on my skin and gives nothing but perfection.

JPP Skin Laser Clinic with Avene

Hello lovelies,

yesterday, I went to JPP Skin Laser Clinic to try on one of their signature treatment. The location of the clinic is at Central Park Mall lower ground area.

The place is near every other beauty treatments on that same floor.


JPP itself has 5 clinics in Jakarta, from Emporium Mall, Kota Kasablanca, Lippo Mal Kemang, Mal Kelapa Gading, and here, Central Park Mall in west Jakarta.

The clinic has a white luxurious minimalist design, sleek and looks pretty with a dash of red.

On the right side near the entrance, there's a place specially reserved for Avene.


The treatment today will be Avene with non-invansive laser treatment for me. The name of the treatment is Laser & Light Skin Rejuvenation.

Laser & Light Skin Rejuvenation

As we age, collagen breaks down, causing lines and wrinkles. Sun exposure damages collagen too and can cause pigment problems (brown spots), uneven tone and rought or leathery texture.

JPP laser treatement helps to remove dirt, bacteria and fine dust particles on your skin surface and pores. Through the PhotoAcoustic energy, the laser would remove the dark melanin, clear the pores without leaving marks or skin peeling. The treatment would stimulate collagen building, tighten your skin and minimize the fine line on your skin surface.
The result, your skin would have even tone, brighter and radient. A pure natural beauty.


The first thing need to be done before the treatment start is that the therapist ask me some questions and there's consultation time where they explained everything from how safe it is, no downtime, fast, and what I'll experience during the treatment. It was pretty clear and they explain everything well, hence anyone who come can rest assured that the staffs will deliberate all the necessary information regarding the treatment.

There are several treatment you can choose in the clinic, and they also have invasive treatment for those who have scar issues or other problems, so do consult with the doctors first before proceeding Appointment also needed to make sure the efficiency of everyone's time.


After all the details are passed, they let me in and I have my own bed. My skin was cleansed using products from Avene before the procedure is done. The therapist repeatedly commented on my acne, yes, that one acne that happen to emerge during my PMS and she made a huge deal out of it on how I needed the whole Avene Cleanance set for that one acne.

Friends, one acne during one time of a month doesn't meant you have acne prone skin, so if someone suggest or insist you have a certain type of skin when it is not your everyday problem, don't listen to them.

The way the therapist kept focusing on that one acne made me feel very uncomfortable, I hope they can improve on that part.


Nevertheless, the rest of the treatment went well, the doctor is very kind and gentle, she hears me when I said I can't really tolerate paint and she reduce the level for the laser, which made the laser
treatment comfortable.

The light treatment is done by that same therapist again and she still doesn't leave my acne alone. And even after I said my skin is really dry, she is focusing on that one single acne (frustrating, I know), and in the end when the light therapy is done, she only want to give me sunscreen, without any moisturizer, when I ask for a moisturizer, she asked the doctor first, when the doctor said yes, she then gave me some (oh dear).

I wish the therapist could be a bit more sensitive and observing, she can learn it from the doctor on how to deal with clients and how to appear more caring to their needs instead of ehm, selling the products.

Avene itself is a brand with products that doesn't really need to be advertise thanks to it's quality, linked to the treatment, Avene products calmed the skin immediately and the spray helps cools down the skin too.


Overall, was it a good experience, hmm, the laser and light treatment itself is good and the doctor is very nice, there are rooms for improvements for the therapist.

Laser treatment has become a huge trend in Jakarta and the world too, it give people faster results and visible too. So there's a lot of competition there and customers will surely choose the ones that best for them in terms of budget, quality and experience.


Thank you JPP Skin Laser Clinic, hope to see you again soon being better and eventually the best Skin Laser Clinic in Jakarta.

Shine Like Stars with Ellips

Hello lovelies,

around a week ago, I was invited by Ellips to witness, try and feel the differences of using the products made by Ellips. Their hair essences.


Overly styled hair, air pollution, to sun exposure could make the hair loose it's gorgeous locks. Nutrition provided by Ellips could help the hair to stay healthy, beautiful, soft and shiny.

There are many problems that was caused by daily lifestyle such as using hair dryer and hot tools. Curler, straightener and chemicals too like hair colorant and chemically processed hair made the hair damaged. Ellips has several variants that matches the needs from Hair Repair series with Pro Keratin Complex, Jojoba Oil in Ellips Hair Repair Pro Keratin Complex (in pink) that gives nutrition to damaged hair. This is perfect for the hair that has gone through chemical process like curling, smoothing, coloring, and so on.

Smooth and Silky, with Pro Keratin Complex and Aloe Vera Oil that made the hair soft and silky. Perfect for a dull and dry looking hair.

Silky Black, Pro Keratin Complex (Kemiri) from Candlenut for that irresistible black shiny hair.

Milkshake Conditioner Leave On with Milk Protein, Wheat Protein, Pro-Vit B5, a leave in conditioner for an everyday use for no more bad hair day. It made the hair moist just by spraying them on.


And Ellips still has many other variants that I find to be complete. There's also Ellips hair mask for one minute care once a week.

Ellips is a brand that continue focusing on the hair care, they are well known for those cute beads and their light oil formula. Now, consistent to their values, Ellips develops more variants for simply everyone.


We all have different needs, different style and different favorite things, hence Ellips assured us that anyone can shine like stars.

Hair itself has become one of the beauty statement for men and women. We know Lady Di for her short hair cut, Penelope Cruz with her thick dark long hair, Tailor Swift with her blonde curls, Beyonce with her wavy and always light colored hair. Like they have their own signature look. But everyone has the same idea of a shiny and healthy looking hair like stars. That's what Ellips is aiming for, us, regular people, to shine like stars, with gorgeous locks.


So on the event, we have the chance to witness many influencer from hair stylist, celebrity and well known bloggers on how they use and enjoy using Ellips. How easy it is to use Ellips and how practical the product is on every angle.

Whether they who are looking for a bit of shine and moisture, to like me, bleached and severely damaged hair can use Ellips in different variant. When dying my hair, I can add a bit of Ellips on the mixture too, as it helps caring for the hair during coloring, neat right?!


Going home, Ellips gave me more than a handful of products and in so many variants. I can choose the ones I prefer and my family also enjoying the products too. Everyone has their own favorite and I really love their new aromatic oils that smells so good.

Now, if you are wondering about Ellips, do check out their official website

The main variant is natural or Pro Keratin Complex, and then from there, they'll divide more products.

And don't forget to get your hair analyze at their Hair Analysis section, read about Hairpedia and get more product information too.

It's a one stop info for a hair that shine like stars.


The capsules are so pretty and easy to be carried anywhere I please. I always have one in my purse or bag they are very handy. Like whenever my hair has flyaway or frizz, just pop one and it took care of those nasty flyaway plus, it gave my hair shine and aroma too, they smells so good. Like using fragrance made for the hair, but unlike most fragrance that made the hair dry, this one actually made the hair healthier.

I can simply choose one according to my mood too. It has floral scent, fruity, to aromatic too.


I can use one right after taking a shower, on a damp but cleaned hair, before hair drying as the nutrients in Ellips helps care for the hair. Or right before using hair tools. The oils is clear and has a very light texture, I was afraid of it becomes sticky and greasy, but it is so not true. Ellips Hair Vitamin is airy and absorbed by the hair so fast. It doesn't even feel sticky on the hands.

For my short hair, I only need 1/3 of the capsule on each use and the vitamins effect stays for the whole day. I can use it again in the afternoon to add more shine and aroma for my hair. For those who have thick hair may use the whole capsule or for those with long hair.

The differences is immediate, dry hair become supple and looks healthy instantly. No tangles, frizz nor seems damaged too.


My hair constantly changed, hence every 2-3 months I'll have new hair color, or texture or even both. I love hair makeover and yes, they do make my hair suffer, but I still love the trends I'm making with my bright colored hair or when they are in different texture. And thanks to Ellips, my hair always looks shiny and healthy too.


Just twist the small tip to open the capsule, drop some on my palm, work it through the palms and distribute the products on the hair starts from the mid length to the ends. Enjoy the scent while gently combing the hair using the fingers and palms. Finish it off by using a brush to evenly spread the oils. The hair will 'obey', looks so much relaxed, and the shine is just irresistible. Using Ellips was an experience that both aromatic and pleasant. Like a mini spa for the hair in an instant.


How about you? Have you try Ellips today?


Make your hair shine like stars with Ellips.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

REDWIN Blog Writing Competition

Hello lovelies,

I have wonderful news for you who loves REDWIN and also like to win some awesome prizes for 10 winners, yes, you read it correctly, ten winners.

There are tour packages to be won, money, products and more products from REDWIN (hoorayyy!!!). 


As a person who enjoys and using products from REDWIN, I will share with you benefits of using REDWIN.

Their products are known for those with sensitive skin, but even if you happen to be blessed with normal skin, you can still use it as the product does justify those who are with sensitive skin, hence those with normal skin can still enjoy it for sure without worrying that the ingredients might do something that trigger the allergic reaction or any other sensitivity like other conventional products in the market.


I happen to have the Vitamin E, Body Wash, and their moisturizer.

I have reviewed the moisturizer some time ago, and will share with you my say on Sorbolene Body Wash and Vitamin E Cream on my future post. But so far, based on my first experience in using them I did enjoy using the body wash and vitamin E cream on daily basis. My skin has been too dry lately, so using products from REDWIN that offers care and protection gave me a wonderful hydrating seal all over.


REDWIN is a sorbolene type of moisturizer from Australia that are simple (non-complex), non perfumed, no colorant, and no paraben. With the motto "Nothing but goodness for sensitive skin", REDWIN received recommendation from dermatologist to help caring for the skin's moisture and handling sensitive, dry, roughness, and damaged due to the chaps, and peeled off skin due to the lack of skin elasticity.
REDWIN received Halal certificate from AFIC (Australian Federation of Islamic Council) and proven to be safe to be used by baby and toddlers.

REDWIN Sorbolene Moisturizer formulated to help retaining skin's natural moisture and answer skin's problems. REDWIN Sorbolene Moisturizer is rich in Vitamin E, Glycerin, and Sorbitol. Vitamin E from oat seeds oil as anti-oxidant, well-known for it's properties that heals, calms, and give nutrition to a dry, rough and scaly skin.
Do read more at Facebook: Redwin Indonesia or Twitter: @RedwinID


Regarding the competition, here are some of the details:
TIMELINE competition:
SUBMISSION                     15 JANUARI2017

Persyaratan Peserta:
1.       Peserta adalah Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, Parenting, Mom & Family, atau Healthy Blogger Indonesia mengelola blog sendiri dan bukan blog komunitas/blog bersama.  
2.       Peserta wajib memberikan “LIKES” pada Fan Pages Redwin Indonesia terlebih dahulu
3.       Peserta melakukan registrasi dengan mengirimkan data pribadi (nama, no HP, alamat & email address) dan kategory blog ke
4.       Sertakan juga bukti pada saat registrasi, bahwa peserta sudah melakukan point no 2 (LIKES pada Fan page REDWIN - dalam bentuk screenshot).
5.       Peserta akan dikirimkan produk Redwin untuk digunakan dan pengiriman akan dilakukan setelah data registrasi lengkap.

Peraturan Kompetisi:
1.       Kompetisi berlaku secara nasional
2.       Peserta wajib menulis Artikel minimal 800 kata sesuai dengan tema dan harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia.
3.       Peserta wajib mempublish artikel pada blog pribadi peserta dan harus mencantumkan back-link ke Fan Page Redwin. (
4.       Peserta wajib mengoptimalkan pencarian artikelnya di google search,  dengan kata kunci “Kulit Sehat dan Lembut dengan Redwin Sorbolene Moisturiser”.
5.       Penilaian artikel berdasarkan tulisan blog yang paling menarik dan penuh inspirasi
6.       Sebagai OPTIIONAL, tambahan posting dalam bentuk video di akun Youtube dapat menambah point bagi peserta untuk memenangkan hadiah
7.       Peserta wajib mengemail URL artikel blog yang dibuat ke (selambat-lambatnya 15 Januari 2017)
8.       Peserta diwajibkan untuk share link URL artikel blog di salah satu akun media sosial peserta (Facebook, Twitter, dan Instagram).
9.       Hadiah yang diterima sudah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu-gugat

Bloggers can simply write about the benefits of REDWIN products they have been using on daily basis, or purchase a product from REDWIN they wish to try. If you're not sure, try from their body wash, I find it to be the easiest to be loved. It has a soothing properties that cleans and refresh my dry skin without making it dry. I let the body wash lathers easily and the kids enjoying it too. It made their skin stays supple.


Testimonial, experience, reviews, to recommendation are the angles for the competition. Take your time, enjoy the product and let your creativity flows. As juicy and bouncy the texture of the creams, different views will be refreshing as well. Surprise the brand with your talents skill and win Tours to Derawan Island or Karimun Java for your and your loved ones.


REDWIN has officially announced the competition, this is the flyers.


So, what are you waiting for, get those creativity juice flowing and compete.


See you there!!!

Monday, September 19, 2016


Hello lovelies,

a few days ago, I was invited by Pixy to witness the journey of 10 beauty bloggers competing with each other to win a trip of a lifetime, Pixy Tokyo Beauty Trip.


This is the second time Pixy held this kind of competition and the whole procedure is similar from the first. There's blogging, vlogging, voting and then live competition.  Winners has been selected from blogging and now it's the vloggers turn.

Their quests is easy, showing how they use Pixy products on their makeup routine. The toughest part is the voting where hmm, I don't think it's pretty fair since it doesn't really show quality but how much they can get those votes (no matter how).

During the event, 10 finalist has to do a live makeup, being interviewed like any beauty pageant, and then 2 winners will join the other two to Tokyo.


After 4 long hours, finally here are the winners for Pixy Tokyo Beauty Trip 'season' 2. They look so happy and one of the winner even shed tears when she knew she is one of the winner, congratulations!! I hope they all have a wonderful time in Tokyo with Pixy, representing Indonesia and the brand itself.


I personally haven't try PIxy Cosmetics and they gave us a bunch of products inside the goodie bag. I took this opportunity as a chance to try on the cosmetics. There's the BB Cream, compact powder, eyeliners, blush on, mascara, eyeliner and lip stick plus some lip creams which I'm so keen to try.

Every product comes with box with details written on it. A few instruction and tips with ingredients.


The box and packaging clearly seen a bit flimsy, it was made as a budget friendly brand but it works. The product does works well. So even thou' it comes in a low price products, they still deliver a relatively good products to be used.


The variety of the shades are presentable too. It has the basic and some trendy addition. Customer can easily pick at least one that they'll like. Seems like Mandom has done a lot of research in Indonesia to make it work, clearly bloggers are raving their products too, especially the new Lip Cream.


But during the event, the product being highlighted is their new compact powder, the Cover Smooth.


The product comes in a white and blue details. Simple yet lovely indeed.


And of course, among the first product I've tried is their Lip Cream. I have the one in red and fuchsia.

The formula is light and dry in the end, it has a matte finish and feels so thin on the lips. But as seen on the images below, the color is there.


(me using fuchsia)
It has a distinct vanilla cupcake kinda scent, easy to glide on the lips, doesn't bleed, waterproof but doesn't stand a chance against oil, hence, cleaning it with a oil base cleanser wont be a problem, doesn't stain, and again, as long as they don't touch any oils, it stays on the lips.


(me using the red tone).

The packaging is pretty, the container comes with a pink top and at the bottom, it shows us the color of the shade inside.

Bottom line, their products are not something we can easily forget. They are cute, colorful, bright, some are bold, user friendly, and I'll definitely share more reviews on their products soon on my blog.

Thank you Pixy Indonesia.