Saturday, April 30, 2016

IJB Group 15th Anniversary

Hello everyone,

It's movie time with IJB Group.


So a few days ago, I received an email from IJB 

Dalam rangka perayaan "15th years Anniversary IJB Group", kali ini kami ingin membagi kebahagiaan bersama rekan-rekan yang turut membantu membesarkan nama brand-brand yang berada di bawah naungan IJB Group, PT Interkos Jaya Bhakti dan PT Artdeco Indonesia.

Dimulai pada November 1999 dengan PT Interkos Jaya Bhakti, yang berfokus pada produk consumer goods/ retail beauty products, seperti decorative cosmetics, skin care, body care dan hair care products. Kemudian menyusul PT Artdeco Indonesia, yang turut melengkapi keinginan dan kebutuhan para pencinta beauty di Indonesia dengan menghadirkan perawatan kecantikan, produk skin care, body care hingga makeup seperti Redwin, Beauty Couture, Dr.Jart+, Cottage dan Canmake.

Kami mengundang rekan-rekan sekalian untuk mengikuti pemutaran perdana film "Captain America: Civil War" dalam rangka perayaan "15 tahun IJB Group" yang akan dilangsungkan pada:

Hari/ tanggal:Rabu, 27 April 2016

Pukul:13.30 - selesai

Tempat:CGV*blitz Sweet Box Lounge, Grand Indonesia.

Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta Pusat.

Turut hadir dalam acara antara lain Yenny Maria, Directress IJB Group serta Brand Manager atau Brand Representative di bawah naungan IJB Group seperti Etude House Indonesia, Cottage Indonesia, Redwin Indonesia, Dr.Jart+ Indonesia, Canmake Indonesia dan Beauty Couture.


So IJB Group is a company that distribute many brands  such as Dr. Jart+, Canmake, Redwin and so on. And bloggers has been a part of them for years as well, so we celebrate the 15th anniversary together.


We look at the brands, the products and their collection. Some are still fresh to me while the other bring back memories.

From makeup, skincare, toiletries to products made for very sensitive skin.


Beauty Couture also part of IJB Group. A place where beauty products and beauty treatments met.


I see a lot of my favorite products here and they all look so irresistible, Cottage has many scents that I enjoyed using daily. Canmake has many kawaii makeup, while brands from Korea has tons of products that I would love to try. Seems like they are keep adding new products on daily basis.


Finally, the event begin at around 2.15 PM.


Greetings from IJB Groups, representatives from each brands and it summarizes their thoughts, hopes and appreciation for the wonderful 15 years and the coming years ahead.


It was really hot day and we were all standing under the clear glass with no air conditioning whatsoever. I kinda feel lightheaded during the day. It's a good thing that each brand only share a 5 minute speech.


This is a rare event where we can all meet all the brand managers from each brands, like finally we met people behind Dr.Jart+, Redwin, and especially Cottage.


All of their events always fully crowded with media and bloggers, seems like in this event, not many people came.


After the final words we also get to see that IJB Group is making donation to the people suffering from Lupus.


With purple bow as a symbol of care for those with Lupus, the greetings finally over.


And it's time to watch the movie together, Captain America, here we come.

Finally we can cool off :D


Thank you so much IJB Groups for inviting me, congratulations of the 15th Anniversary, hope to see more of you and success in the following years as well.

The Lens That Changes Everything

Hello lovelies,

Acuvue has been one of my favorite brand in the softlense world. They provide many options with reputable quality and known for it's safety.

Acuvue recently invited bloggers and media for an event to help spreading the words of how Acuvue can help changes everything.


Kampanye Terbaru Johnson & Johnson Vision Care
‘The Lens That Changes Everything’
Jakarta, 27 April 2016 — Johnson & Johnson Vision Care memperkenalkan kampanye
terbaru, “The Lens That Changes Everything” yang bertujuan memberikan makna baru akan
lensa kontak yang merubah cara pandang kita mengenai banyak hal. Tujuan kampanye ini
sepenuhnya akan menginspirasi masyarakat Indonesia, merubah cara pandang, meningkatkan
kepercayaan dan kemampuan diri untuk mengejar setiap cita-cita tanpa ada halangan dengan
bantuan lensa kontak Johnson & Johnson yang diciptakan dengan eye inspired design untuk
setiap kebutuhan konsumen yang berbeda.
Dalam kegiatan istimewa ini, juga bergabung Sasyachi, Blogger & Beauty Enthusiast yang
akan berbagi pandangan tentang bagaimana lensa kontak Johnson & Johnson telah merubah
caranya memandang kehidupannya sendiri.
The New Brand Campaign
Selama dua puluh tahun lebih, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care telah mendedikasikan
keberadaan perusahaan untuk menyediakan manfaat perawatan mata untuk masyarakat dunia
dan berkomitmen memberikan opsi perawatan mata yang terjangkau. Johnson & Johnson
Vision Care tidak pernah berhenti melakukan berbagai riset untuk menemukan cara-cara baru
yang inovatif, membantu masyarakat dunia melihat dengan lebih baik.
Dodi Rukminto, Business Unit Head of Vision Care Division, PT Johnson & Johnson
Indonesia mengatakan :”Johnson & Johnson Vision care telah mendedikasikan diri untuk
memberikan manfaat dari perawatan mata kepada konsumen. Kami menawarkan lebih dari
usaha memperbaiki masalah penglihatan. Setiap produk didisain agar menyerupai kondisi
natural mata untuk memberikan pengalaman yang luar biasa kepada konsumen untuk merubah
cara mereka melihat, cara mereka dilihat, dan cara mereka menjalankan kehidupan mereka.
Melalui visi kami, perkenalkan kampanye brand terbaru kami “The Lens That Changes
Everything”, untuk menginspirasi dan meredefinisi makna lensa kontak yang dapat merubah
segalanya dalam kehidupan konsumen Indonesia. Kami ingin mendorong konsumen kami
untuk mencoba lebih banyak cara melengkapi pengalaman hidup mereka dengan
menggunakan mengenakan lensa kontak. Melalui lensa kontak yang dapat merubah perspektif
hidup, gaya hidup, pelajaran dan pengalaman rekreasi dan semua momen penting dalam hidup
Sebagai bagian dari kampanye terbaru Johnson & Johnson Vision Care akan
menunjukkan bagaimana lensa kontak dapat merubah cara pandang dari setiap sudut
Merubah cara pandang pada kesan pertama: Setiap orang khususnya pelajar mau
pun yang sedang mencari pekerjaan, selalu melihat setiap kesempatan untuk sukses dalam
hidup. Dengan penglihatan yang sehat, Anda dapat mencari cara untuk meningkatkan
kepercayaan diri dan kinerja untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pendidikan dan pekerjaan.
Merubah cara pandang pada cara bertualang dan berwisata: Para petualang dan
wisatawan selalu mencari tujuan baru yang ingin ditaklukkan. Melalui lensa kontak, Anda dapat
menyaksikan berbagai pemandangan luarbiasa dengan kemampuan melihat yang sangat
leluasa dan lebih luas jarak pandangnya.
Merubah cara pandang pada saat Anda berolahraga: Para atlit dan pencinta
olahraga membutuhkan penglihatan yang baik untuk melengkapi penampilan mereka di
lapangan. Dengan penglihatan yang sehat, Anda dapat mengoptimalkan kemampuan melihat
seperti koordinasi tangan dan mata, penglihatan peripheral dan kecepatan tanggap.
“Johnson & Johnson adalah pemimpin terdepan dunia dalam lensa kontak yang dibuat
dengan eye-inspired design dan merek Johnson & Johnson adalah merek yang dipercaya
oleh para Eye Care Professional di seluruh dunia. Kami percaya konsistensi kami melakukan
berbagai terobosan inovasi. Juga tersedia berbagai jenis produk yang sesuai dengan
kebutuhan konsumen termasuk yang memiliki masalah penglihatan dekat, astigmatis, maupun
untuk keindahan mata agar dapat melihat lebih baik, memberi kenyamanan dan penglihatan
yang lebih sehat bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Disain lensa kontak Johnson & Johnson juga
mendukung berbagai kebutuhan penglihatan untuk membantu fungsi dan penampilan mata
konsumen. Pada saat Anda berada di lingkungan yang berbeda seperti di luar ruangan, bekerja
dalam ruang yang ber-AC, semuanya dapat menyebabkan kekeringan pada bagian mata.
Lensa kontak Johnson & Johnson dapat membantu kondisi mata Anda tetap lembab dan
nyaman,” tutur Cheni Lee, Professional Affairs Manager of Vision Care Division PT.
Johnson & Johnson Indonesia.
Cheni Lee selanjutnya menambahkan dengan memberikan tips perawatan bagi para
pemakai lensa kontak,” Banyak faktor yang perlu diperhatikan para pemakai lensa kontak saat
memilih lensa kontak untuk kesehatan mata Anda. Lensa kontak seharusnya memberikan
penglihatan yang lebih jelas untuk Anda, memungkinkan adanya aliran oksigen yang tinggi
melalui mata dan memberikan kelembaban yang cukup sehingga mata Anda terasa nyaman
sepanjang hari. Juga memiliki proteksi UV yang memenuhi standar internasional. Lensa kontak
harian adalah pilihan yang baik untuk kesehatan mata Anda karena dapat digunakan sepanjang
hari, dan dibuang di malam hari sehingga mengurangi resiko infeksi mata dibandingkan
pemakaian lensa kontak bulanan. Juga perlu diperhatikan bagi para pengguna lensa kontak
untuk memilih lensa kontak dengan ukuran yang tepat dengan sudut kornea mata mereka. Jika
salah memilih ukuran, besar atau kecil, lensa kontak dapat bergerak-gerak di apex kornea
mata. Menggunakan lensa kontak dengan ukuran yang tepat sesuai ukuran mata kita sangat
penting utuk memastikan lensa kontak terasa pas dan nyaman bagi pemakai, untuk
memfasilitasi pertukaran air mata, memungkinkan transmisi oksigen dan dapat mengurangi
The Lens That Changes People’s Life
Dalam acara peluncuran kampanye ini, juga hadir Sasyachi, Blogger & Beauty Enthusiast yang
kemudian berbagi cerita dan pengalaman menggunakan lensa kontak Johnson & Johnson
Sasyachi, Blogger & Beauty Enthusiast
“Mata adalah jendela jiwa, yang memberikan kesan pertama dan berhubungan dengan
orang-orang di sekitar kita. Karena kesan pertama dapat diciptakan oleh banyak faktor.
Mengenakan lensa kontak adalah salah satu cara saya melengkapi kepercayaan diri karena
saya harus berkomunikasi dengan banyak orang setiap harinya. Kontak mata sangat penting.
Disamping pakaian, tata rambut, make up, kita juga dapat menggunakan mata untuk
menciptakan kesan pertama yang baik. Saya ingin mendorong Anda semua untuk merubah diri
agar tampil lebih baik dan lebih percaya diri. Tapi khususnya untuk para wanita, saya
rekomendasikan untuk memilih kontak lensa yang tidak saja indah tapi juga sehat. Pilihlah
lensa kontak dengan lapisan pigmen pada materi lensa kontak ada di dalam lensa untuk
mencegah pigmen mencapai bagian permukaan kornea.”
“Penggunaan lensa kontak yang tepat, nyaman, dan sehat memang memberikan dunia
baru bagi para pecinta olahraga dan travelling seperti saya. Dengan mengenakan lensa kontak
saat berolahraga, tidak saja penglihatan lebih jelas tapi juga membantu memperluas perspektif
penglihatan. Juga saat saya travelling, kenyamanan melihat dan bergerak sangat terbantu
dengan mengenakan lensa kontak yang aman, nyaman dan sehat. Seperti menemukan dunia
baru,” Sasyachi menambahkan.
Tentang Johnson & Johnson – Vision Care
Johnson & Johnson adalah perusahaan yang berkomitmen untuk memperhatikan dunia, satu
orang dalam satu waktu. Hal ini dilakukan secara konsisten melalui penelitian dan ilmu
pengetahuan – dengan menghadirkan ide inovatif, produk dan layanan untuk meningkatkan
kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Sejak berdirinya divisi Vision Care, Johnson &
Johnson telah berupaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya perawatan
penglihatan dan menyediakan pilihan untuk alat bantu penglihatan terbaik di dunia. Misi kami
adalah memberikan Penglihatan Sehat untuk Siapapun, Dimanapun, Setiap hari. Untuk
mencapainya, semangat Johnson & Johnson untuk terus berinovasi dan berkomitmen penuh
dalam mencapai kualitas standar tertinggi menjadikan Johnson & Johnson pemimpin dunia
dalam perawatan penglihatan, mentransformasi alat bantu penglihatan pada 1998 dengan
menghadirkan lensa kontak lunak sekali pakai pertama di dunia. Johnson & Johnson adalah
pembuat lensa kontak ACUVUE® luar biasa, yang dikenakan oleh lebih banyak orang
dibanding dengan merek lensa kontak lain di dunia. Johnson & Johnson berkantor pusat di
Jacksonville, Florida.


During the talk show, the information shared is pretty much informative. I personally has been a contact lenses user for 17 years now and has tried many brands, sizes, color, and varieties of the lenses.

I know the tricks, tips, and what I'm looking for in a lenses. So far Acuvue is one of the top 5 brands and products I'm using since it does brings comfort, safety and protection I need on daily basis. Acuvue also comes in several options from bi-weekly, monthly, to daily soft lenses with colors and prescriptions.

On the event, Acuvue team also share the benefits of using Acuvue, it is beyond comfort.

Clarity, water content, thickness, affordable, innovative technologies, options for astigmatism, suitable for first time user, in many well known optics store like Melawai and Optik Tunggal, free trial are available, wide range of prescriptions and of course, now with Acuvue Define especially Vivid, trendy lenses are also available.


Above is the image of how Acuvue put safety first in sync with the trends. The pigment are wrapped in between the lenses, so our cornea remain safe without the fear of pigment irritation.

Overall, I am a happy customer and a loyal Acuvue user, but during the event, seems like the Acuvue team doesn't care less about the bloggers. The presentation itself is well made and the message delivered clearly how the brand would like the bloggers to be their ambassador, but it's like a one way communication.

While the bloggers are seated on the sunny side area where it is becoming hot during the day, the Acuvue team seats quietly and peacefully in the shades on sofas where air cons are their friends. None of them are bothered to talk to the bloggers, making small conversation, or perhaps asking for real life experiences using Acuvue (where actually we were given a pair to be used during the event), they doesn't seem to be actively involved in getting feedback and really shown how they only care about themselves. Which is kinda contrary with the whole concept from Acuvue.

I wish the brand could be more friendlier instead of focusing on themselves. People who are invited has to eat while holding their plates and drinks without tables and the organizer plus people from the brand are having a everything (table, sofas, cool shades), and they want us to be their ambassador, hmm?!

The whole time we were there, most of them never even bothered to greet or even smile to us, like we weren't there at all. I thought they were all customers from the restaurants, until I see they were taking group pictures, and they were all from the brand. This is the first event I've attended where the brand care only about themselves, wow  (and not in a good way).


Overall, great products, so far never been disappointed as a customer, perhaps due to the services made by the optics where I bought their products, but as a brand that invite bloggers and medias, hmm, they are definitely not suitable in the service business.

Message for those who haven't tried soft lenses, you could try Acuvue and they are usually giving free trials. The staffs at optics can guide you on how to use the lenses, first timer can get their eyes check as well to choose which lenses suits them best. I have -6.50 and -4.25, so I'm not really a fan of glasses since it made me dizzy. Using soft lenses are the best option I have (for now). It gives freedom to move around and the trends made by soft lenses also made beauty bloggers appear more attractive.

Using soft lenses comes with responsibility, always cleans your hands before inserting or taking them off, handle with extra care and use only reputable solution as it helps cleans the lenses thoroughly. Some contact lenses user need eye drops while some not, read the instruction clearly and consult with ophthalmologist for just about anything.

Remember that a healthy eyes are a beautiful eyes.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Brighter Skin with Vitacreme B12

Hello everyone,

Recently Sociolla sent me their beauty box, and this time it contain products that help brighten up the skin tone, making them looking fairer, less dark spots and contain sun protection as well to keep fair skin away from skin irritation, sun burn to eventually leads to darker skin.


I've review them one by one some time ago when they are sent by Vitacreme B12.

Here's the post for VitaBlanc:

And the post for the Day Cream:

As both of them play an equal part in helping and keeping the skin fair they are actually work best when used on different time according to my experience.

Vita Blanc are a brightening product that best to be used during the night as it help skin to regenerate, ease out the dark skin spots and eventually with the calming and anti inflammation ingredients that might work best when we sleep.

For me, I prefer using moisturizer with plenty of hydration during the day to keep my skin moist. Jakarta is hot and the air con also contribute making the skin dry, I use a serum that promote hydration, moisturizer with the same function as keeping my skin moist and top it off with the Day Cream as it contain the sunscreen my skin needs during the day. It has SPF 30+++ UVA and UVB solar filters and a good staying power for the day.

I use the Day Cream right before make up.


I'm using Vita Blanc on my body as well, like the arms and legs, or areas that are darker since they are exposed to the sun. It does helps them as well.

For the face, some people may have different reaction to the product, especially Vita Blanc, this is actually pretty common since we do have different skin type, allergies and condition. Do pay attention to the skin and what it needs, when using new product try to see the differences and allergic reaction. Stop when you think it is not comfortable, when you see visible redness, acne or purging.

When using (any) skincare, always use it on a clean skin with clean hands as well.

Bright skin doesn't always means white, it means that you have a clear healthy skin that glows with radiance.

Thank you Sociolla, these babies are available at Sociolla. Use CAR50 during check out for a purchase of Rp.200.000 and above for a Rp.50.000 discount.

Bourjois Little Round Pot

Hello lovelies,

I love blushes, they add color to my cheeks and made a look become more alive, prettier and just too hard to resist.

Our timeless blusher has been around for almost 150 years and have made Bourjois famous worldwide thanks to its amazing texture and packaging.
The baked texture transforms when applied to the skin into an ultra-fine pressed powder, which is easy to apply and blends impeccably. One stroke of the brush reveals the irresistible aroma of the rose scented powder.
Its built-in mirror and brush is perfect for touch-ups on the go!
The Little round pot blush exists in 12 shades to match all skin tones.

For a natural result, smile and apply the blush on your cheekbones with circular movements. Then stretch up to the temples.
If you applied to much, don’t worry; just apply a coat of powder on top of it!


The powder is fine, the rose shade is pretty. Mine is number 34, Rose d'or.

There's a small mirror and brush under the blush, so even thou' it is petite, it got everything we need for application.


The mirror is cute, but the brush is just a bit too harsh for my cheeks.

The powder is fine and the color is just lovely, the rose have a hint of glows. The scent is powdery and I find it a bit too perfumey, perhaps I didn't like the scent and it is personal indeed. It's not strong, it's just not my taste.


I like the fact that it comes in many different shades and small in packaging. I can easily put it inside my tiniest pouch and touch up just about anytime. The powder also doesn't stay as long as I want, around 3-4 hours I need to touch up using the blush again as it fades away.


I think the rose shade fits well to almost any skin type. It was subtle, rosy, and gives the skin just the right amount of pink hue. Elegant and lovely too.


Thank you so much Bourjois Indonesia for the beautiful blush in a cute round pot.

Katy Perry Mad Potion

Hello lovelies,

Katy Perry recently launches another perfume called Mad Potion.

This sexy vanilla - musky composition opens with accords of vanilla orchid, peony and apple musk. The heart includes a mixture of Borbon vanilla, jasmine petals and delicate, soft musk, while the base captures oriental flavors of vanilla, amber and sexy musk.
Available as 15 and 30 ml Eau de Parfum, along with Deo Natural Spray of 75 ml, shower gel and body lotion.
Katy Perry's Mad Potion was created by Stephen Nilsen and Natasha Cote.


The bottle, the color of the stopper, the dot are all in purple and super cute. This is a perfume made for trends and uniqueness. I know that the scent must have be in sync with the design, color and shape of the product.

Definitely suitable for the young or those who are young at heart.


The perfume is bombarded by vanilla. It was wonderful, like a sweet cotton candy dream. Smooth, soft, delicate and intensely girly at the same time.

After a while, it will settle into mild floral and amber with a hint of musk.

On me the scent doesn't last that long, perhaps around 2-3 hours max.


The details on the packaging including ingredients, brand and where it was made is written clearly. The box is a cube with black and silver polka dots. Mad Potion is written in sparkly purple.


The bottle does reminds me of a potion bottle, so cute and whimsical. Like a love potion for themselves.


To appreciate, cherish, honor and feel good about one self.

A perfume that I made me feel very comfortable and sexy. It is definitely not made to last long and I do need to spray quite a bit more than other perfume, perhaps it is due to the vanilla itself that is not about power but intensity.


Thank you so much Katy Perry

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Old Navy Indonesia

Hello lovelies,

last week was full of events, one of the most exciting event is the Grand Opening of Old Navy in Indonesia.


JAKARTA, 22 April 2016 – Global apparel brand Old Navy announced today that it is opening its first store in Indonesia at the Central Park Mall in Jakarta. This new store has a spacious 1,200 square meter layout that provides an incredible shopping experience for customers. Moreover, it becomes one of the first Old Navy stores to feature an updated store design, reflecting Old Navy’s commitment to always bringing something absolutely unique to its customers, with a focus on high-quality on-trend apparel, fashion and value.

Old Navy is focused on making current American fashion essentials accessible for every family. The brand launched in 1994 and quickly became one of the top apparel brands in the United States, making history in 1996 as the first retailer to reach $1 billion in annual sales in less than four years. Old Navy is part of the Gap Inc. portfolio of brands, which also includes Gap, Banana Republic, Athleta and Intermix.

Old Navy’s entry into Indonesia marks another milestone in the brand’s continued global growth strategy. The first Old Navy store will feature the same energizing store environment that the brand has become known for in the United States and will offer apparel and accessories collections for men, women, kids and babies.

This is the sixth franchise market expansion for Old Navy. In March 2014, the brand opened its first franchise-operated stores in the Philippines and has since opened stores in Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. The brand’s move into Southeast Asia builds on the success that Gap and Banana Republic have experienced since entering the market in 2007.

Franchisee partner RSH Limited has a proven track record of successfully delivering seamless brand experiences to customers in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and South Pacific – establishing more than 700 stores and shops-in-shop in 11 countries.


A brief opening from
Michele Chinn Fahey - Senior Director, Franchise Buying, Old Navy. 
She look so stylish using Old Navy from top to toe.


The event also have one of Indonesia's
Ana Octarina - Fashion Influencer
Where she share about some of the looks she made with the current collection from Old Navy from daily, casual, date look to things that she thoughts are the must haves.


And the Grand Opening Ceremonial (left - right): 
    - Michele Chinn Fahey, Senior Director, Franchise Buying, Old Navy
    - Sheilla Agusta, Operation Manager Old Navy Indonesia
    - Benjamin Handradjasa, CEO of Armaan Retail Indonesia


Everyone enjoying the 30% off during the grand opening until the 24th and I personally adore the collection for kids and they also have maternity collection. Oh I wish they were here a few years ago, I need them!!


The changing room is bright, spacious and the decor is just wonderful. It brightens up my mood with the white woods.


And to those who yearns for accessories, look at these, bags, shoes, belts, scarfs and they all look like they are going to be in my wardrobe soon.


Thank you so much Old Navy for being here in Indonesia and everyone who brought them here. I hope the prices is similar to the US :D

Old Navy is perfect as an everyday casual wear that speaks comfort, style and varieties.


I'll soon come back again to the store and try more of their outfits.


Thank you for the invite, it was a full house during the grand opening with a few glitch from the cashier team, hopefully they get a hang of it by now and I fully enjoyed the space and convenience walking around the store. It surely a colorful day for me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Zap Indonesia

Hello lovelies,

Last week bloggers and media are invited for the newly opened branch of Zap at Oria Hotel.


For those who haven't heard or knew Zap may read it here:
ZAP Brand Promise
Sejak tahun 2009, ZAP memulai debut sebagai pionir spesialis perawatan menghilangkan bulu di tubuh secara permanen, cepat, aman, dan tanpa rasa sakit dengan menggunakan teknologi canggih yang sudah sangat populer di berbagai negara di seluruh dunia.
ZAP Experience
Dengan dukungan teknologi yang telah lulus memiliki sertifikasi Internasional (FDA maupun CE), terapis yang profesional, tempat yang nyaman, dan pelayanan yang bersahabat, ZAP telah dipercaya untuk melakukan hampir 300.000 prosedur treatment yang menjadikan ZAP sangat berpengalaman.
ZAP Service
Tidak hanya hair removal, Kini ZAP semakin memperluas pelayanan dengan mengembangkan treatment baru yaitu ZAP Photo Facial dan beberapa produk kecantikan yang sesuai dengan komitmen ZAP untuk memberikan pengalaman treatment kecantikan terbaik.


I personally has try many of Zap treatments since around 3-4 years ago. Start from their hair removal at Bellezza:
Pore & Wrinkle Reduction experience including the one at my tummy area:
Eye Treatment:
and Zap at Alam Sutera branch:


Now, they are keep adding new treatments, products, and opening new branches here and there. It is a real life prove that Zap is doing pretty well on the market.


Upon arrival after registration, I immediately sign up for the Skin Rejuvenation treatment. A quick 15 minute beauty treatment that help boost collagen, even out skin tone, and reducing dark spots.


Before heading to the treatment room, I was having a quick tour to see a bit of everything. Aside from the front desk, there's another waiting room inside. Right in front of consultation room.


Comfy couch, TV, and calming relaxing ambiance.


Soon after, I was escorted to the treatment room in scenic green.


Arrays of medical properties, cleanser, lotions, cottons are set well on the rack. Between each customer are divided using a curtain, perhaps this room suitable for couple as well, just open the curtain and it become one bigger room.


The light is suffice in this room, so the doctors or therapist can perform under a well-lid room.

The face is cleaned, then a cool gel is applied before the doctor enters the room and using the same device for removing the hair.

It was fast, far from pain and suitable for anyone who need an instant rejuvenation so the skin appear fresher.


Since I was alone and it was quite a busy day, no extra staff available to help me took images, plus my eyes are closed during the treatment hence I can't share with you the images during the treatment, sorry.

But I can share the feeling during the treatment, it was super fast and felt like nothing. Forget about painful facials and unnecessary treatments when you can do a skin rejuvenation under 15 minutes. You can simply do it during lunch hour.


At the back side of the long corridor there's a beautiful changing room, complete with hair brush, cottons, and simple toiletries for anyone. Including lockers and shower room too. For those who are doing a hair removal all over their body perhaps can enjoy a cool shower after the treatment if they feel like it.

It was very convenient.


Soon after that I went on to the event, it was held on the restaurant 2 floors above Zap. So Zap is located at the basement or LG of Hotel Oria.


The hashtag of the day is #HappyZapLife, do check out on social medias to see the posts from everyone involved during the event.


Zap has a motto, "Discover Your Confidence", but I think beside from that Zap also in sync with their program where everyone can have beauty treatments in the quickest time without wasting their time and money. A lot of their treatments are affordable.

I do have several opinions though, since I've tried some of their treatments, I do think that the Photo Facials and Skin Rejuvenation worth trying.

While the hair removal is kinda personal, in terms of depends on your hormonal growth and pain tolerance. I'm not a fan of their hair removal treatment since it was kinda painful for me. Each blink is like a sharp ant bites that hurts. I prefer other place since I've tried almost every hair removal offered in the market. But again, it's personal, and I think I have zero tolerance against pain.


Zap believes in investing in your skin. Kinda like my philosophy too, like the best thing I can always flaunt is my skin condition. I love when people kept asking how old I really is, I'm really 35 and my skin looks 27. I do take care my skin on daily basis, using the right product and method too, at least I hope I do.


After a brief welcoming speech from the owner of Zap, a bit of testimonial from Harumi and Q&A's session with the doctor, we are went home with products to try.

Aside from their beauty treatments, Zap also offer some skincare. I was given skincare for acne prone skin. Anyone who knows me must have known that I do not have acne prone skin, never have, never will. I do insist on giving me other set, but the therapist said that the doctor recommend me the acne set.

I have a very dry skin and sensitive too, but I do not have acne. I do have once in a while, like one acne when I'm having my period, but that's it. The dryness are actually visible and a problem that need more attention than a single acne to be prescribed with the whole products for acne which of course are drying and made my skin condition even worse.


The cleanser are perfect for those with oily skin, it was drying and the skin feels tight afterwards. I'm not recommending the cleanser for anyone with dry skin like mine, I think it's too strong.


Do I let the products goes to waste? Never!
My husband has an oily skin and acne prone too, he's been using the products and guess what?! He enjoys using them! He says it was perfect, it doesn't make his skin dry nor oily, it made his skin in the 'right zone' .

All the creams, the morning and nights all feel comfortable on him. He said he has no complains whatsoever. I guess the products are truly made for acne skin prone and those who are oily too.


These are the texture of the facial washes.

The Brightening and Anti-Acne.


The creams are all look similar to me, the texture is a tad different one to another but has the similar consistency. The feeling is comfortable (according to my husband) and doesn't leave his skin greasy nor oily.

It is scentless and I can see that there's expired dates on each container.

These are similar to other 'obat dokter' in terms of packaging and products but the formula perhaps are made specially by Zap using their secret formula.


Aside from the underarm brightening cream which is creamy and only suitable for me to use it during night time (since during day time it made the deodorant becomes icky and just weird), it was mild and comfortable. But when used daily it feels a bit like whitening products that slowly exfoliating the skin and can lead to sensitivity. So I tend to use it around 2 times a week instead of on daily basis.

And this Lip Blush, another 'cute' product from Zap that made the lips appear softer and has that pink hue.


I've seen this kind of products on the market where it was made not just for lips. Perhaps it is similar.

The thing is, I like to see Zap keep adding new items to their collection and I hope they also keep adding treatments that are fast, effective, and affordable too. Aside from that, opening more branches so they become more approachable in so many areas.

Last but not least, do add a line for dry and sensitive skin like mine, so I can also try using your home care products.


Thank you so much Zap for the products, experience and making choices available for regular women like most of us to have beauty treatments that might had been the secret to celebrities and famous people all along.

See you again soon!!