Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Thank You For Your Votes (Giveaways)

Dear all,

Currently I'm in the running to become Laneige Indonesia Beauty Ambassador and I know for sure, a lot of people are not that into vote thingy, so I'm having this giveaway to thank those who votes for me despite the result in the end. I just want to share my gratitude for anyone that vote.

This is the link where you can find me there: My name is Carnellin Yulyanti (just in case you didn't know :D) and this is my image they have selected ^^

The voting period is only from today until 26th of June (yes, a week only) and anyone who votes for me may vote only once a day and every day (1x), so each person can give me 8 votes max during the whole period.

Show me the prove by sending me the print screen or tag me on Facebook, since I think it is connected to Facebook.

The voter that gives me max 8 votes (for 19-26 June 2013) and perhaps ask their friends to votes as well may choose their rewards in these albums (click which one you choose):
1. New items

or if you're okay with pre-loved:
2. Preloved album.

One voter that contributes the most, with votes, share with their friends, referring, etc, I'll give another item which is a brand new UV Under Base Mousse POREraser (Shu Uemura).


*Please provide me the prove ya ^^ (to be fair), the prove can be share by
Tagging me on facebook, or if you want to share via twitter as well: @c13v3rgirl or send me the print screen :
*You may also send how many votes you've done (you and maybe your whole family/friends) on the 26th of June to, how many you refer, tweets, etc, so I can calculate, please be truthful ya, it is based on trust where I can summed up whether is its match to the total votes as well.

*I only provide the prize, not the delivery cost.
*1 person may only choose 1 prize, only the most contributor get 2 prize, the one she/he choose from the album above and Shu Uemura UV Under Base Mousse POREraser. 
*Since the voting period ends at 26th of June, so does this giveaway.
*I'll share the winners on my blog with the priority, so no 1 can choose the prize first and she/he is the winner, followed by no.2, no.3 etc.
*If I there's more than 10 voters participate in this giveaway, no 2 and 3 may choose another prize from the album.
*If there's more than 20 voters participate in this giveaway, no. 2 until no. 5 may choose another prize from the album.

That's all, I hope it is not too complicated, in the end I just want to have a meaningful giveaway for voters here and thank you so much yaaa!!!


  1. yay ! aku ikutan :D
    good luck mbak Carnellin :D

  2. Thank you Devi,

    Nanti kalau kesulitan tunjukkin prove of votes, bisa di email ke ya jumlah votes yang kamu submit dan mungkin teman2 yang kamu refer siapa aja, tweets, etc. Nanti jadi bisa dikalkulasi.

  3. Join ya ci.. good luck!! moga menang kompetisinya:)

  4. udah joint, tapi ga tau cara nunjukin prove of votesnya, soalnya cuma keluar terima kasih doank :(

  5. Dear Winda,

    Dicatat aja, dijumlahin semuanya, nanti pas tanggal 26 Juni 2013, kamu email ke total semua vote/refer/tweet/fb shares/dll yang kamu berikan.

    Misalnya: kamu vote 8x, menggunakan akun saudara/teman vote 16x, tweet 4x, dst. Kamu email aku detail tsb pada tanggal 26, okay :)

    Semoga jelas ya dear.

  6. I'm in too!
    Good luck dear!
    You deserve to be the ambassador!
    Love love your blog <3 ;)

  7. Halo semua,

    hanya untuk memperjelas ya, kalau delivery cost (ongkir) ditanggung pemenang, please read the T&C carefully.

    Thank you.
