Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Fusio Dose Infusion Treatments

Hi everyone,
last week I went to Irwan Team Salon in Central Park Mall to try on the latest treatment from Kerastase, Fusio Dose.

There's a lot of treatment incooperated with Fusio Dose, you may ask the details directly to the salon which have Kerastase's products.

Details of Fusio Dose can be found HERE.

And on that day, I brought my mom, brother and sister as well, all of use has different type of hair and condition. Or so I thought.

It turns out that my mom, sis and me have the exact same Fusio Dose except my brother. The staff also mention that Fusio Dose Treatment can be used for just about any gender. All of us get a hair check before the treatment and the staff that will determine which products suits us best.

Here are our pics:


Above are my mom pictures of the process and after the treatment. Her hair appears stronger and the colors appears shinier than before.

So does my sister and me since all of us has the exact same products used.

Green bottle with the pink cap.

Green bottle: 3. Concentré Vita-Ciment: mengembalikan struktur alami rambut untuk hasil
rambut kuat, ringan dan lentur

Pink cap: Booster Polyphénols: memberikan aksi anti-oksidasi untuk melindungi kilau
rambut diwarnai

But we use different shampoo and conditioner (also from Kerastase).

The staff will also chose the correct range for each hair and scalp condition.

And 2 days later, I'm doing the treatment again and this time the staff gave me a different range for the hair.

Pink bottle and green cap.

Pink bottle: Concentré Pixelist: merawat kilau warna rambut untuk hasil rambut bercahaya
yang tahan lama
Green cap: Booster Céramide: memberikan aksi yang memperkuat daya tahan dari serat
rambut hingga ke lapisan terdalam
Please see the video of my 2nd treatment.

Here's the step by step images.

After the hair check are done, the hair get cleaned

and after dried with towel, apply the Fusio Dose

Under the steamer for a mere 5 minutes and another rinse, followed by conditioner.


The hair is blow dried.

And it's done, below is my before after picture of the 2nd treatment.

The hair condition are getting better and better, the feeling is much more softer and the hair appears healthier. 

All of us who tried the Fusio Dose Infusion Treatment really enjoy this 45 minutes quicky. The hair instantly gets what it need, the colored get boost of colors, the weak become stronger, no more drying hair as well, plus aging? Yes, they got it covered as well.

Thank you Kerastase Indonesia and Irwan Team Salon Central Park!

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