a 30 something blogger who can't get enough of skincare, makeup and everything related to beauty.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Lux White on Facebook
Hi all!
Lux is back with more contest goin' on \^o^/ it is fun indeed to join a contest.
The contest is held in Lux Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LUXBeautyLounge and please do read their T&C and how you can win:
Cara Untuk Menang
dengan tiga langkah mudah.
Langkah 1
Pilih 3 elemen untuk membuat ceritamu!
Langkah 2
Share ceritamu dan kumpulkan vote sebanyak-banyaknya!
Langkah 3
Raih kesempatan lebih besar untuk menang!
Wow! That's a lot, right?
But in reality, all you have to do is post a beautiful picture of yourself, get a frame (choose 1/3), choose a place (castle, beach, or jet plane) and choose a guy (artist, Hollywood star, or mysterious guy). Mine is sparkels, jet plane and mysterious guy. After those clicking LUX will create a story for you, so all those writings, is LUX alright :)
Share Momenmu!
Semakin banyak jumlah vote, semakin besar peluang untuk menang!
Hadiah Utama
1 hari dimanjakan dengan perawatan VIP ala bintang di Pulau Dewata
untuk kamu dan 2 orang temanmu + hadiah kejutan khusus menanti!
Hadiah Kedua
Sembilan finalis kedua akan memenangkan cincin
berlian senilai Rp10 juta dan 10 finalis berikutnya akan memenangkan
voucher belanja senilai Rp5 juta.
Hadiah Mingguan
Setiap minggunya, LUX White akan memberikan 2 iPad 2
16GB dan 3 Blackberry Onix untuk lima peserta dengan suara terbanyak.
Pemenang mingguan dapat mengikuti undian hadiah utama
Bottom line, voting is crucial in winning the super duper wonderful prizes, but where is the line between real and unrealistic? Share with me, is it possible within 1-2 days the top Star Wall get votes more than 2000 likes?
If it is possible, show me how.
I've join this kind of contest last year and many people suddenly send me emails saying they are able to give me hundreds and hundreds of 'like' with some incentive.
I guess it can only means two thing, if the company seems open to 'options' then I guess there's no point for 'real' human to join these contest, but if they begin to step up with the rules, I say, let's join in a sportive spirit of winning ^__^
waa... mau dong!! hehee