Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Betadine Feminine Wash and Wipes

Hello lovelies,

Betadine has just launch a new series for feminine care. Adding a new dimension and love to hygiene with comfort.

Being a busy woman myself, with kids, blogging, events and traveling, my lifestyle is surely affected. I've spend hours on the street and outside my home, using public restrooms and of course, the standard could be differ. Like today during the event, a lot of ladies doesn't even flush in the restroom, moreover there are those who step on the loo and disregard all that refers to clean. So everything in the cubicle could be filled with germs thanks to them.

How can we keep our ladies part clean and away from germs or other things that cause pain, discomfort, or even infection? Betadine might have some answer for you.


BETADINE® Meluncurkan BETADINE™ Feminine Wash dan Wipes
Pembersih Kewanitaan Sehari-Hari dengan Prebiotik dan Formula Alami TRI-CARE™ Bantu Pertumbuhan Bakteri Baik dan Jaga Keseimbangan pH Alami Area Kewanitaan 
Jakarta, 24 April 2018 – Area kewanitaan merupakan bagian yang sensitif, intim, dan vital bagi seorang wanita. Maka, kebersihan area kewanitaan merupakan hal penting untuk diperhatikan. Kebersihan area kewanitaan yang tidak baik dapat memicu ketidakseimbangan pH pada area kewanitaan dan menyebabkan infeksi. Infeksi pada area kewanitaan yang berulang dapat menyebabkan infeksi panggul, infeksi saluran kencing, infertilitas, kerusakan sistem imun tubuh, sampai infeksi menyeluruh (sepsis). Faktanya, 7 dari 10 wanita pernah mengalami keputihan yang disebabkan oleh area kewanitaan yang tidak terjaga kebersihannya  dan 5% mengalami infeksi berulang. BETADINE®, brand terpercaya dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan infeksi, melengkapi rangkaian feminine care dengan memperkenalkan BETADINE™ Feminine Wash, produk pembersih khusus kewanitaan sehari-hari.

dr. Mery Sulastri, Educator & Trainer Mundipharma Indonesia menjelaskan, ”Area kewanitaan memiliki tingkat pH alami di angka 3,8 – 4,2. Keseimbangan pH alami perlu dijaga agar bakteri baik atau lactobacillus di area kewanitaan tetap mendominasi.  Bakteri baik ini bisa mencegah area kewanitaan dari berbagai gejala infeksi seperti gatal, bau, dan keputihan berlebih.  Salah satu senyawa yang mampu membantu pertumbuhan bakteri baik di area kewanitaan adalah prebiotik. Prebiotik bisa berfungsi sebagai makanan atau nutrisi bagi perkembangan bakteri baik di area kewanitaan.  Dengan demikian, prebiotik ini bisa tetap menjaga tingkat pH normal di area kewanitaan.“


dr. Mery Sulastri, Educator & Trainer Mundipharma Indonesia menjelaskan, ”Area kewanitaan memiliki tingkat pH alami di angka 3,8 – 4,2. Keseimbangan pH alami perlu dijaga agar bakteri baik atau lactobacillus di area kewanitaan tetap mendominasi.  Bakteri baik ini bisa mencegah area kewanitaan dari berbagai gejala infeksi seperti gatal, bau, dan keputihan berlebih.  Salah satu senyawa yang mampu membantu pertumbuhan bakteri baik di area kewanitaan adalah prebiotik. Prebiotik bisa berfungsi sebagai makanan atau nutrisi bagi perkembangan bakteri baik di area kewanitaan.  Dengan demikian, prebiotik ini bisa tetap menjaga tingkat pH normal di area kewanitaan.“

dr. Mery menambahkan, “Untuk menjaga keseimbangan pH dan flora normal, area kewanitaan perlu dibersihkan setiap hari. Pilihan pembersih yang baik untuk area kewanitaan adalah yang memiliki pH yang sesuai dengan pH alami area kewanitaan.  Salah satu kekeliruan yang sering terjadi dalam membersihkan area kewanitaan adalah dengan menggunakan body wash atau sabun badan. Penggunaan sabun badan kurang disarankan karena pH yang terkandung pada sabun badan berada di angka 9 – 10 dan kurang ideal untuk membersihkan area kewanitaan yang memiliki pH lebih asam. Membersihkan area kewanitaan dengan sabun badan dapat menyebabkan kekeringan pada kulit dan berpotensi menjadi peradangan (vulvar dermatosis) yang bisa mengganggu tingkat pH alami dan flora normal di area kewanitaan. ”

Mundipharma melalui produk BETADINE® berkomitmen untuk memberikan perawatan secara menyeluruh melalui produk-produk yang berguna untuk mencegah dan mengatasi infeksi, salah satunya kesehatan area kewanitaan.

Adi Prabowo, Marketing and Innovation Regional Mundipharma (Asia Pacific, Latin America, Africa, Middle East) mengatakan, “BETADINE® sudah memiliki BETADINE® Feminine Hygiene, yaitu antiseptik untuk mengatasi kuman disaat ada risiko infeksi, seperti pada saat menstruasi. Kini BETADINE® berinovasi dengan mengeluarkan BETADINE™ Feminine Wash sebagai pembersih kewanitaan sehari-hari. Inovasi terbaru dari BETADINE® ini menjawab seluruh kekhawatiran perempuan dalam membersihkan area kewanitaan sehari-hari. BETADINE™ Feminine Wash memiliki kandungan PREBIOTIK dan formula alami TRI-CARE™ yang membantu pertumbuhan bakteri baik serta menjaga keseimbangan pH alami area kewanitaan.”

Prebiotik dalam BETADINE™ Feminine Wash adalah makanan untuk bakteri baik yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan pertumbuhan bakteri baik di area kewanitaan. Sedangkan formula alami TRI-CARE™ terdiri dari Immortelle yang dikenal sebagai bunga abadi, memiliki sifat antimikroba dan antioksidan alami sehingga memberi kelembutan dan mengurangi iritasi pada kulit; Sensiva™, zat aktif yang mampu mengurangi gatal dan kemerahan pada kulit; dan Citrofol™, bahan alami untuk menetralisir bau tak sedap.

BETADINE® menyadari bahwa karakteristik setiap wanita berbeda-beda. Maka, BETADINE™ Feminine Wash hadir dalam 4 varian yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Varian pertama merupakan Gentle Protection yang memberikan perlindungan antioksidan dari bunga Immortelle dan cocok untuk penggunaan di hari-hari normal. Immortelle, yang dikenal sebagai bunga abadi yang memiliki khasiat antimikroba dan merupakan antioksidan alami yang memberi kelembutan dan mengurangi iritasi pada kulit. Fresh and Active dengan tambahan Lemon Verbena untuk sensasi kesegaran lebih lama, cocok digunakan saat berolahraga atau aktivitas yang banyak menimbulkan keringat. Odour Control, dengan ekstrak alami Witch Hazel untuk perlindungan lebih dari bau tak sedap, cocok digunakan saat beraktivitas panjang (pagi sampai malam), juga untuk aktifitas yang berkeringat. Serta, Moisturising dengan ekstrak Calendula Oil untuk kelembapan optimal pada kulit kering di area kewanitaan yang cocok digunakan untuk kondisi kering di area kewanitaan, setelah melahirkan, ataupun menopause.


Adi Prabowo menambahkan, “BETADINE™ Feminine Wash tersedia dalam bentuk busa, cairan, dan tisu pembersih kewanitaan. Cara penggunaannya pun sangat mudah. Untuk BETADINE™ Feminine Wash Foam dan BETADINE™ Feminine Wash Liquid, tuangkan produk ke tangan yang sudah lembab, dan basuhkan pada area kewanitaan dari depan ke belakang, bilas dengan air bersih, dan keringkan. Untuk BETADINE™ Feminine Wipes Gentle Protection, langsung dapat diusapkan ke area kewanitaan dan 100% biodegradable sehingga dapat di-flush.”

Saat ini, BETADINE™ Feminine Wash sudah tersedia di minimarket/supermarket/apotek terdekat dengan harga sekitar Rp 45.000 untuk BETADINE™ Feminine Wash Foam 100 ml, Rp 25.000 untuk BETADINE™ Feminine Wash Liquid 50 ml, dan Rp 12.000 untuk BETADINE™ Feminine Wipes Gentle Protection isi 10 lembar.


All the information shared during the event is full packed, to the point and necessary, all of them. Health and cleanliness in general to our private part. Where disease could go all the way up and even the internal organs, so please do take care your intimate part every day.

These products are great, smells really good, soft, and gentle to be used, but we need to keep in mind that they are made to be used properly. Clean the private area from the front to the back, rinse it well, gently dab them dry and use a good material panties.

We live in Jakarta where it is humid and the heat could be unbearable at times still, keeping them freshly clean becoming more possible thanks to Betadine Feminine Wash and Wipes with all their variants according to our needs.

The self foaming container is easy to be used and create abundant foam, made the feminine area feels clean and still soft, it's not at all drying. The wipes is essential for on the go, never be worry of the dirty tissue filled with germs inside the public restroom anymore and the liquid soap is small enough for when going for a trip and last for weeks.

They have though everything with the variant too, one that gentle for anyone and everyday, one for dry skin, one for very active lifestyle, and one for odor control. Which one is your pick? Mine would be Gentle Protection for everyday and perhaps Odour Control during menstruation.

Oxone Home Made With Love

Hello lovelies,

for those who loves cooking must have know the importance of a good cooking ware. It helps the food to cook better, more evenly, and stay warm longer. Oxone understand that and made a series that helps moms and professionals alike to create a lovely meal at home with ease.


Is this the first time Oxone held an event? Nope, this is their fourth and will continually make it into a routine. On each event, they'll share tips, tricks and sharing ideas with products that are available in Oxone family.

In this event, the chef is using Oxone Cast Iron and Oxone Master Slow Juicer. But I also noticed the must have item, their knife and cutting boards. It's colorful, sharp, matches every venue and season with each board for every kind of food set separately.


Still, these two babies made the highlight that day. Like everyone is goo goo ga ga over the colorful cast irons and the slow juicer that works like a charm.

Perfect Match for That Perfect Dish
OXONE CAST IRON SERIES adalah sebuah inovasi baru dalam peralatan masak yang sempurna karena bisa digunakan untuk menggoreng, menumis, merebus dan memanggang dalam satu peralatan masak.  OXONE CAST IRON SERIES berbahan dasar baja, memiliki kapasitas panas volumetric yang sangat tinggi, sehingga tingkat suhu panasnya stabil dan merata membuat masakan matang dengan sempurna. Didukung dengan material baja dan lapisan enamel yang berkualitas dan tahan lama, masakan pun tidak akan lengket saat dimasak dan lebih sehat. Tersedia dalam 5 jenis dan ukuran yaitu Square Grill Pan (OX-3028SQ), Milk Pot with Lid (OX-3018RO), 21,5 Round Pot (OX-3021RO), 25,5 Round Pot (OX-3025RO) dan Oval Casserole (OX-3030OV). Dengan jaminan kualitas dari OXONE, CAST IRON SERIES ini hadir dengan garansi seumur hidup.

Yuk, mulai gaya hidup sehat dari sekarang. Salah satunya dengan membiasakan mengkonsumsi jus. Dengan OXONE Master Slow Juicer (OX-875N) jus yang enak, sehat dan praktis pun bisa Anda buat dengan mudah. Dengan dua kali proses pemerasan, dan oksidasi yang lebih lambat  membuat ampas buah yang dihasilkan 99 persen lebih kering serta jus yang dihasilkan lebih maksimal dan berwarna cerah alami. Produk ini dilengkapi dengan lubang tabung yang besar berdiameter 86mm yang dapat dimasukan 1 buah apel utuh dan tak lupa dilengkapi dengan system reverse pin yang memudahkan untuk pembilasan untuk pemerasan buah yang berbeda. Daya yang dibutuhkan Oxone Master Slow Juicer (OX-875N) sebesar 150 watt dengan kecepatan putaran 50 RPM sehingga nutrisi vitamin yang terkandung didalam buah tidak hilang. Setiap pembelian Oxone Master Slow Juicer (OX-875) akan mendapatkan 3 jenis saringan, 2 buah wadah (untuk ampas dan jus), hanger untuk mengeringkan, dan sikat untuk memberisihkan.

Produk selengkapnya, kunjungi outlet Oxone di Emporium Pluit Mall, Mall Ciputra Jakarta, Giant Kalibata, Giant CBD Bintaro, Giant Bekasi, dan pameran-pameran Oxone.


The cast iron comes in many sizes and the chef use one that fit for every guests here, the traditional fish soup from Bangka, which I happen to really know and understand since half of my family are from there. My mom makes the best one heehee and the other dish which is fried taro with fish which my mother in law always made it with small silverfish and taste so delicious.

Using Oxone Cast Iron I think both my mom and my mother in law would be so happy since it was deep and wide. Either for soup, pan for deep frying or everyday stir fry, the colorful cast iron can always cheer us up. Just looking at their colors brighten the mood and set the tone to bright in the kitchen room. The chef also mentioned that the shape and product of the cast iron is pretty enough to be on the dining table, and he is right indeed.


Within around 30 minutes everything is done, from the main course, side dish and dessert or the avocado chia pudding.

The guests are so eager to try every dish and the quizzes too where they can win goodies from Oxone. I think I would get some myself, soon I'll purchase their Cast Irons and my family would love it too, it's a great gift that pleases any mom (huge hint*).


Thank you so much Oxone and C Channel for having me at the event and made me want to cook again heehee. The Cast Iron Series looks so pretty and I love how the chef put the details on how the product could make the food stays warm longer and better too. With strong and safety ahead, I can cook without worry.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Heavenly Blush Greek Yogurt

Hello lovelies,

if I was asked about my passion, that would be traveling, specifically to beautiful places around the world that offers better condition from our land. Cleaner, nicer, safer and for sure everything is well planned and well organized. They made me want to be better and learn a thing or two about efficiency while thriving to be the best version of myself.


During traveling, I purchase a lot of things like beauty products and try new delicacies too. From drinks, 5 star food to street snacks, they are famous for reasons too. I've visited Kansai area in Japan and eat a lot of Takoyaki, high fat food like in Horai 551, or something that cooling and refreshing like vanilla blue ice cream.


Or like during my visit in Thailand, exotic food that more often spicy. All of these could make an imbalance effect to my digestion system, hence bringing a supplements, medicine or perhaps something that easier and friendlier, yogurt.


Yogurt itself is known for their feature of naturally healthy. Ancient history goes back to 6000 BC of the Neolithic peoples of Central Asia when details of yogurt was first discovered. In India, yogurt are famous, a lot of their dishes adding yogurt adding nutritional value and benefit to everyday meal. And of course, we can never forget about the Greek.

For millennia, making yogurt was the only known safe method for preserving milk, other than drying it. Yogurt was well known in the Greek and Roman empires, and the Greeks were the first to mention it in written references in 100 BC.

Greek Yogurt itself is a strained, hence it made them thicker, appear fuller and richer.


Regarding the taste, it was actually quite bland and even a bit sour or savory. This may not be suitable for just about everyone, perhaps that's why Heavenly Blush Greek Yogurt is a sweeter and taste more welcoming for us. It's not as sweet as desserts hence we can have it anytime or on the go, before or after meal and even on empty stomach.


This Greek Yogurt is filled with more protein, low in carbohydrate, low in sugar, soft in texture, help keeping the 'full' feeling and perfect for diet without risking the health, and it's the first ready to drink Greek Yogurt in South Asia with it's richness, thickness and less water too.


The packaging is chubby, beautiful in design as the white and the vibrant blue like in Greek. It's so iconic and eye catching, easy to be find in the supermarket.


A picture means a thousand words, look at the image below, the consistency, softness, and the richness of the thick yogurt. They are not just taste good but look good too. It's appetizing.

Aside from being easy to drink and consume with any fruits or other kinds of food, the yogurt also suitable for beauty as a mask, hair mask or face mask, or even body mask as it soften the skin like no other.

Simply apply on a dry skin or dry hair, wait around 30 minutes and take a shower as usual. Appreciate the soft and delicate skin afterwards where nutrition take part.


What do you think? Does this enjoyable, healthy, and delicious drink deserve a spot in your life? I think so, my family and I think so.

Thank you C Chanel for the information regarding Heavenly Blush Greek Yogurt, and now there's a competition too where you can win a trip to Greek, do find out more here:


or directly to Heavenly Blush Greek Yogurt official website:


Thanks for reading my post, hope to see you again soon!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

ECLA Gold and Collastin Beauty

Hello lovelies,

around a week ago, I was invited to an event in Grand Indonesia. Located in Greyhound Cafe, the venue was booked by one of a skincare brand that also carries many other products like healthcare alongside of face care.

There are two serums that caught my eyes and looks so good, ECLA Gold and ECLA C Lite.


In the event there's some other products too like QV (a series of body wash, lotion and cream) that was the answer to sensitive skin. Without scent and helps the skin to heal from dryness.


And of course, on the table are the serums, one packed with 10% vitamin C and the other made for aging skin.


A lot of bloggers came that day, we all listening to the talk by Sales Marketing Manager OTC : Ibu Elvi, Dokter Sugianto, dan Product Manager: Mba Annis.

They share how important it is for anyone to take good care of their skin. Giving the skin a proper routine and supplements too.


Here are some of the details provided by

ECLA C LITE merupakan serum Vitamin C kesehatan yang memiliki 2 kombinasi active ingredients yang mengandung antioksidan Vitamin C yang dapat membantu melindungi kulit dari efek buruk radikal bebas untuk memperoleh kulit tetap sehat

10 g

Aqua Puricata, Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, Propanediol, Trehalose G, Polyacrylate, Crosspolymer-6, Sodium Metabisulfit, Sodium Citrate, Dimethylol Dimethyl Hydantoin

  • Mengandung komponen-komponen alami dan kuat untuk melawan radikal bebas dan polusi 
  • Mengandung 2 Komponen utama yang sangat kuat untuk menjaga kecantikan 
  • Ethyl Ascorbic Acid merupakan bentuk vitamin C yang lebih stabil dan lebih cepat meresap sehingga lebih cepat mencerahkan kulit, merangsang pembentukan kolagen dalam kulit dan menangkal radikal bebas 
  • Trehalose merupakan moisturizing agent untuk melembabkan dan menghaluskan kulit 
  • Sangat baik dikonsumsi untuk wanita agar terhindar dari radikal bebas dan menghambat proses penuaan 
  • Dapat melembabkan, mencerahkan kulit, dan merangsang pembentukan kolagen



It was also said that ECLA Gold able to make the skin firmer in all areas like laughing lines, eyes, mouth lines, forehead and yes, all over.

I was really interested as I do have some areas need for lifting, anyone above 30 should use it. During the event, the talk show did mention start from 20 years old would be a good idea too as collagen start to be less produce than before.


Now, let's see ECLA Gold from up close.

The product comes in pearly white pump bottle. The details is available on the box and I love how simple yet sophisticated the bottle is. The pump assured me of its hygienic feature and practicality.


What is the serum look like? It's clear and looks like a runny gel. There's a faint floral like scent and on the skin, it felt so good and easy to be used. I've been using for quite some time now (more than a week) and I enjoy using it as it made the skin feels tighter.

So far, there's no allergic reaction or redness or any discomfort, the product is wonderful and suitable for my dry and sensitive skin. And I can pair it up with my regular toner and moisturizer.


How about ECLA C Lite?

With 10% Vitamin C, the serum help to heal the skin, as the potent vitamin C induce the collagen to react, the scar, acne marks, to dark spots are getting treated. When the skin is hurt, either from dryness or wound, they'll eventually heal and closing up. But the skin need more collagen to secure the are and heals properly so the skin become as smooth as before.


The below image is different from ECLA Gold but they both have similar texture, color (which is clear) and runny-ness.

The product also easily taken by the skin, it's comfortable and not sticky, both of the serum is pleasant. While ECLA Gold have firming effect, made the skin more moist, ECLA C Lite is lighter, those with oily skin could enjoy this serum more.

But I think, both of the serum works well on any skin type since the serums tolerate the skin really well, or the skin able to tolerate the serums well. Like they are made to pamper the skin.


Aside from the serums, there are photos of more products as seen all over my post, like QV (an Australian made brand) that promises better skin condition.

QV Body is a range of cleansers and moisturisers that won’t irritate and dry out skin or strip away the skin’s natural protective oils. Free from soap, fragrance and common irritants, QV Body products help protect, moisturise and care for the skin from head to toe.


Collastin beauty that contain a special ingredient that even in Japan has been used to treat cancer, Astaxanthin.

Collastin Beauty
Nutrition Formula for Healthy Skin

Deskripsi Produk
Collastin Beauty adalah suplemen kulit yang mengandung kombinasi Kolagen (Collactive), Astaxanthin, Vitamin C, serta Vitamin A untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi kulit

8 Pesona Collastin Beauty :

- Memutihkan kulit
- Mengencangkan kulit
- Mengurangi kerutan
- Menyamarkan noda dan flek hitam
- Menghaluskan kulit
- Melembabkan kulit
- Meremajakan kulit
- Menangkal radikal bebas

Collagen (Collactive), Astaxanthin, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, MCC 102, Croscarmellose Sodium, Silicon Dioxide, Colloidal, Mg. Stearat


If you're interested in any of the product, here are some of the prices available in many stores, these are the range of sales available.
Ecla C Lite: Rp 98.000 -  Rp. 132.000
Ecla Gold: Rp. 390.000 - Rp. 418.275.
Collastin Beauty: Rp. 250.000 - Rp. 329.000
QV: Rp. 175.000 - Rp. 220.000

Or, do get yours in their official website and get 30% discount using my code:

E-voucher 30% off with the code MBFXCARNELLIN (valid until Dec 2018) for purchase in www.mahakamstore.co.id.


As for me, I'll cherish these two babies and thank you Mahakam Beta Farma my skin is looking prettier everyday.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Traveling with ClevaMama and Nuby

Hello lovelies,

first of all, thank you so much for Mothercare Indonesia and KBBV for this wonderful collaboration, since thanks to them, I received these amazing goodies which I found to be really useful and absolutely adores.

The thing is, being a mom of two, I definitely have tried many things in the market, like I have many straw bottles like from so many brands and type, snack cups, and of course, pillows and blankets too, and yet, I still haven't manage to try these babies before (my bad) and it's truly ,y loss since the products are super duper good and beyond any I've tried. I can easily name famous brands here, but I still prefer to say that you'll definitely know these brands as they are kinda sold a lot in the world, yet, Nuby and ClevaMama are far better, and I'll share with you the reasons one by one.


Start with the bottle and snack catcher. These are:

Nuby Sport Bottle Thermos Style 360 ml

Nuby 2-Pack Snack Keepers

Looks so simple right? What so special about them? Here's why.


Begin with Snack Catcher
  • Super soft flaps make it easy to reach into container without spilling snacks
  • Holds 9 ounces of dry snacks that won't spill all over the floor
  • Protective bottom of Snack Keeper keeps tabletops scratch-free
  • Colors may vary. You will receive a total of two Snack Keepers which could be in any of the following four colors: Pink with Green Lid / Light Blue with Purple Lid, Red with Blue Lid/Blue with Green Lid, Green with Yellow Lid / Aqua with Orange Lid, or Red with Blue Lid / Green with Yellow Lid
  • 12 Months + / BPA Free


Look's cute, colorful, have a basic safety and quality of a safe product for kids and with the grip and all the holder, you can be less worry of the possibility tods dropping it off. The rather tinted clear bowl make us know is it finished or not yet without having to open and close it several times.

The anti slip silicone on almost every sides are brilliant, it wont be slippery when put on most surface. It helps minimizing the probability to fall.


And of course, the main attraction is the catcher as the flaps has to be soft, I've had the ones that not so soft and it hurts after several attempts getting the snacks.

No crumbs manage to fall and no delicate hands are hurt, the flaps are really super soft and even after many times putting the hand in and out, the skin are happy and so am I.

When the flaps are off, my girl can use it as a drinking cup too, it's handy and the surface are molded well so there's no sharp edges.


Now, after being so happy about the Snack Keeper, let's move on to the sport bottle that deserve standing ovation from us.


The soft silicone straw is uniquely designed to be delicate and gentle to gums and teeth. The cap is specially engineered to prevent drips and spills when the hygienic cover is closed. The cup is made from break-resistant Tritan" plastic from Eastman.
Fitur dan Benefit untuk Nuby Sport Bottle Thermos Style 360 ml (Assorted Colour)
  • Suitable for 18+ months 
  • Volume: 12oz/360ml
  • Perfect for thirsty kids on the go 
  • Hygienic cover keeps spout clean when closed 
  • Silicone band for easy gripping 
  • No-Spill' when the cap is closed 
  • BPA Free
  • *Designs vary. You will receive one of the combinations shown.

There's several design and colors and we receive this one that we like. It's classy and cute. With a press of a button the lid will open and close tightly when pushed together.

And here's the magic part, remember having that straw bottles that even causing some gums to bleed in between the teeth when you try to suck a drink out of it? This one is far away from that, the water smoothly went out without any hindrance whatsoever, it was so good, like using any straw from a glass. And even so, without that obstacle that tightly holds the straw, still, no spill nor any leakage, no matter how small it is. It's really that good.

I have so many bottles at home that's frustrating, it's difficult to suck it and in the end, we feel even more thirsty than it is, or a bottle that leaks or a bottle that difficult to clean and the list goes on.

Nuby Sport Bottle Thermos is strong, easy to be used and works like a charm. Perfect in size, not too big and not too small and regarding the no leak, no leakage and no need extra sucking power, it's probably the best straw bottle in the market.


For sure, we carried it during our travel to Osaka a while back. It shows how much we are loving it. Mama can stays pretty and happy while the kids are well hydrated.


Last, but definitely not the least, it's the travel pillow/blanket in one. The one that so cute and super soft too, made from material that are light so comfortable to the max. We are using it in the plane where comfort is much needed.


Dengan mudahnya merubah bantal mewah Anda menjadi selimut bulu yang halus.
Fitur dan Benefit untuk ClevaMama Pillow Blanket - Beige
  • sangat lembut dan mewah
  • Extra Large 120 cm x 100 cm
  • dapat diubah dari bantal menjadi selimut
  • dimensi produk: 30 x 10 x 36 cm
  • sangat cocok untuk sofa atau dipakai saat bepergian
  • mudah dan cepat disimpan membuat mobil dan sofa anda rapi saat bantal dan selimut tidak dipakai
Want To Know More?
dengan mudah mengubah bantal mewah anda menjadi selimut bulu yang sangat lembut. cocok untuk berpergian dan untuk si kecil berbaring. About ClevaMama® pada tahun 2003, oleh dua Ibu yang berkerja dan bersaudara, Martina dan Suzanne, ClevaMama® sekarang merupakan perusahaan yang meraih juara internasional dan brand yang sangat cepat menjadi terkenal karena menjadi pelopor produk bayi yang praktis dan memiliki desain yang baik.
ClevaTeam mendengar berbagai pengalaman Anda, untuk memberikan produk pelopor yang memiliki nilai pada hari ini ’s orangtua dari seluruh dunia. kami memiliki passion, berdedikasi, dan sangat senang untuk berbagi produk kami dengan anda! jelajahi mereka dengan dirimu sendiri dan anda akan segera mengetahui mengapa kami dipanggil ClevaMama®.


During our flights it was a 'gruesome' 5 hours, continue with a 4 hours transit and another 3 and a half hours to the final destination. For sure, I have a back and neck-ache, all of us, except this happy girl on the picture, she is fully rested thanks to the pillow and blanket in one which we can easily fold it into a pillow and opened it as a blanket as many times as we please and she stays asleep without being disturbed. The softness of the blanket when turn into pillows are like a charm too, economy seats are a cramp, this pillow that fluffy and doesn't need much space can be use as a pillow that protected the girl's head from the hard arm rests.

When she is cold during transit and inside her stroller, the pillow comes as blanket and she still happily snugged all the way to a long journey.

Again, these trip has been made better and much more comfortable thanks to these goodies from ClevaMama and Nuby.

10 Tahun Bersama Pond's Age Miracle

Hello lovelies,

siapa sih yang tidak tahu mengenai Pond's?! Sepertinya semua orang pasti paling tidak pernah mendengar mengenai brand ini karena sudah ada sejak puluhan tahun yang lalu di Indonesia. Aku pribadi pertama tahu mengenai Pond's dari Cold Cream mereka yang dipakai mama saat aku masih usia SD.

Nah series Age Miracle yang ditujukan untuk kulit dewasa ini, sekarang juga telah genap 10 tahun.


Berikut cuplikan dari Press Release saat event yang dihadiri oleh bintang-bintang ternama seperti Becky Tumewu, Bunga Cinta Lestari dan lainnya.

Jakarta, 21 Februari 2018 - Pond's Age Miracle, produk anti-aging nomor satu di Indonesia produksi PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., hari ini merayakan 10 tahun kehadirannya dalam berinovasi menghadirkan rangkaian perawatan kulit wajah untuk perempuan Indonesia dan menemani setiap momen pencapaian hidupnya. Perayaan ini juga ditandai dengan menghandirkan brand ambassador terbarunya, yaitu Bunga Citra Lestari, Becky Tumewu, dan Jenahara, tiga sosok wanita aspiratif dan inspiratif yang telah banyak membuat keputusan besar dan berpengaruh baik bagi diri mereka maupun lingkungannya.
Amaryllis Esti Wijono selaku Marketing Manager Face Care Category PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., menjelaskan bahwa, “Ketika memasuki usia 30 tahun, perempuan Indonesia akan menghadapi dua perubahan besar dalam hidupnya, yaitu, pertama perlambatan regenerasi kulit. Lalu, kedua, pendewasaan diri. Pada tahap ini mereka cukup rentan mengalami stress yang berpengaruh pada kondisi kulit. Untuk itu, Pond’s Age Miracle telah menjadi sahabat perempuan Indonesia dalam mengatasi penuaan dini lewat inovasi produk yang terdepan.”
Berdasarkan hasil riset dari The Pond’s Institute (2016) dan National Survey dari Accenture terungkap bahwa stress dan kurang tidur dapat melemahkan 70% kolagen kulit dan meningkatkan resiko munculnya keriput pada wajah dan membuat wajah terlihat 2,5 tahun lebih tua.
Dr. Melyawati Hermawan selaku Dermatologis mengungkapkan, kebutuhan nutrisi kulit wajah diusia 30 tahun lebih banyak dibandingkan usia yang lebih muda. Untuk menjaga elastisitas dan kesehatan kulit wajah membutuhkan nutrisi yang tepat sehingga terbebas dari masalah-masalah umum seperti kulit kusam, munculnya garis halus wajah, bahkan vlek hitam.
“Di usia 30 tahun elastisitas kulit wajah perempuan berkurang 0,5% setiap tahunnya. Apalagi data menunjukkan 4 dari 10 perempuan Indonesia bekerja dan beraktivitas di luar ruangan dengan paparan sinar matahari. Paparan sinar matahari ini menyebabkan produksi melanin berlebihan akibat efek buruk sinar UV, serta distribusi melanosit yang tidak merata. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan nutrisi yang tepat adalah solusinya,” tegasnya.
Selama 170 tahun, The Pond's Institute (TPI) telah berkomitmen untuk menganalisis kebutuhan jenis kulit wajah perempuan yang berbeda-beda, salah satunya lewat Pond’s Age Miracle dengan formula anti-aging yang dipatenkan hanya untuk Pond's. Formula yang mampu bekerja selama 24 jam nonstop dikenal dengan Retinol-C Complex yang memiliki kekuatan bahan aktif anti-aging Retinol untuk menyamarkan kerutan dan membuat wajah tampak muda bercahaya.
Momen istimewa satu dekade Pond’s Age Miracle dirayakan dengan menghadirkan Bunga Citra Lestari, Becky Tumewu dan Jenahara sebagai wajah baru Pond’s Age Miracle mewakili perempuan Indonesia yang selalu bersinar.
“Mereka bertiga merupakan perempuan aktif yang tanpa henti berkarya dalam meraih karir dan impiannya tanpa lupa menjadi sosok ibu dalam kehidupan pribadinya. Bunga sebagai penyanyi papan atas Indonesia, artis dan entertainer, Becky Tumewu sukses menjadi seorang MC profesional dan public speaker, sementara Jenahara menjadi leading designer dikalangan komunitas hijabers di Indonesia,” jelas Amarylis.
Ditemui dalam perayaan 10 tahun Pond’s Age Miracle #NeverStopGlowing, Bunga Citra Lestari mengungkapkan “Dari dulu kulit wajahku dijaga Pond’s White Beauty dan Pond’s Flawless White, namun seiring bertambahnya usia tentu saja butuh nutrisi yang tidak hanya mencerahkan melainkan juga mampu membuat kulit bebas vlek hitam dan kerutan agar penampilanku tetap prima dan tetap tampak muda bercahaya. Formula dalam rangkaian Pond’s Age Miracle sangat sesuai dengan kebutuhan kulit wajahku dalam menjaga elastisitas, kecantikan dan kesehatan kulit wajahku ditengah aktivitas yang padat, dirumah sebagai ibu dan istri, panggung dan layar kaca sebagai penyanyi,” ungkapnya.
Becky Tumewu juga berbagi cerita, ”Aku ini adalah bukti nyata akan khasiat dari Pond’s Age Miracle. Selama 8 tahun, aku rajin mengaplikasikan rangkaian produk Pond’s Age Miracle yang mampu menjaga keremajaan kulit wajah selain cerah bersinar, sehat, bebas garis wajah dan vlek hitam. Lihat wajahku, awet muda kan? Aku jadi lebih percaya diri dalam menjalankan aktivitas di tengah kesibukan kerja ataupun saat bersama keluarga.”
Lewat #NeverStopGlowing, Bunga dan Becky serta Pond’s Age Miracle mengajak perempuan Indonesia untuk terus melakukan perawatan kulit wajah mereka dengan produk perawatan yang sesuai dengan usianya agar tidak berhenti bersinar dan menikmati setiap momen bercahaya dalam pencapaian hidupnya.
“Kami percaya, memiliki kulit tampak lebih muda bercahaya dengan kerutan tersamarkan dapat membuat perempuan tampil maksimal dalam menjalani berbagai perannya setiap hari. Kami berharap di perayaan 10 tahun ini, Pond’s Age Miracle dapat terus berinovasi dan menemani perempuan Indonesia dalam menjalani kegiatannya. Tunggu terus terobosan-terbosan kami berikutnya ya!,” tutup Amarylis.


Aku pribadi telah mencoba Pond's Age Miracle, dengan kemasan dan formula baru yang lebih baik dan kandungan yang lebih tinggi akan bahan-bahan yang dikenal dapat membantu mengurangi guratan halus pada kulit ataupun keriput.

Saya harap kedepannya Pond's Age Miracle akan semakin berkembang dan mengemukakan ide-ide brilliant untuk kulit yang lebih segar serta awet muda tanpa efek samping. Produk mereka seperti Night Cream, Day Cream dan Eye Cream ini cukup sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Cukup aplikasikan pada kulit yang bersih sesuai dengan area dan waktunya, Day Cream pada siang hari, Night Cream pada siang hari, dan eye cream pada area mata 2x sehari.

Selain 3 produk ini, Pond's juga mengeluarkan serum dan facial wash Age Miracle.

Bagaimana, sudahkah kamu mencoba Pond's Age Miracle?