Sunday, June 11, 2017

Hatomugi Skin Conditioner

Hello lovelies,

since my last trip abroad, Hatomugi has been seen almost everywhere. Actually, I heard about Hatomugi the first time was in Indonesia, I'm meeting several people who works at Aeon and they told me about this amazing beauty product called Hatomugi Skin Conditioner. Knowing that I'm a beauty blogger, they urge me to try one immediately.

After looking for quite some time, I finally found one at Guardian and so happy with my purchase. Soon after, during a visit to Singapore, I found some more goodies from Hatomugi, it's their gel.

But, let's just focus on the one item that started the rave.


Here are some details from Hatomugi Indonesia:

Apa itu Hatomugi?

• "Hatomugi" (“Job’s tears” dalam Bahasa Inggris) telah lama disebut ‘tanaman bagi kehidupan

dan kesehatan’, populer dikonsumsi sebagai teh untuk kesehatan atau jamu (Jali-Jali).

• Hatomugi adalah skin conditioner (penyejuk kulit) yang mengandung extract herbal, dalam

kemasan botol besar dengan harga terjangkau, yang berguna untuk melembutkan dan

menyejukkan kulit.

• Kegunaan Hatomugi adalah sebagai penyejuk kulit dan menormalkan siklus sel-sel kulit.

Mengandung bahan yang efektif untuk mencegah timbulnya jerawat, menghilangkan bintik-
bintik noda dan penuaan kulit.

• Hatomugi Skin Conditioner merupakan produk yang serba guna, dapat digunakan untuk

wajah dan tubuh.

• Dapat digunakan pada tubuh setelah mandi. Supaya lebih terasa segar, gunakan Hatomugi

yang telah disimpan di dalam kulkas.

• Selain itu Hatomugi bisa membantu merawat kulit yang terbakar matahari karena

kandungannya yang dapat mendinginkan dan memperbaiki sel kulit yang terbakar.

• Harga retail IDR 98,500. Tersedia di SOGO, Guardian, Papaya atau bisa dibeli via online di

VIP Plaza, Perfect Beauty, Nihonmart, Elevenia, dan Sociolla.

Product Knowledge

• Hatomugi Skin Conditioner membuat kulit selalu tampak segar, lebih kenyal, halus, dan


• Teksturnya ringan, tidak lengket di kulit dan tidak membuat kulit menjadi berminyak.

• Menghidrasi dan menjaga kelembaban kulit secara maksimal.

• Fragrance free.


As wonderful as the benefits of using the product, it is important to know how to use it well.
There's so many ways of using Hatomugi Skin Conditioner, it's a very easy and practical product, the key is to let the watery content have time to be soaked by the skin, 3-5 minutes is more than enough for that plump, moist and supple skin.

What's great about Hatomugi Skin Conditioner is that they provide moisture to the level where it provide hydration without being oily nor any grease felt. So the product is definitely suitable for all skin type, even the oiliest one.


Now, as I mentioned earlier, there's several ways in using the products, here's number one, with your hands, just pour some of the liquid onto the palm, around half the palm and close the palms together before pressing them onto the face. Start from both cheeks, forehead and chin and then repeat for maximum absorption.

The second method, which is my favorite also, is using a face mask. I got mine from a beauty shop, they shaped like a round tablet. This dried mask which need to be moisten, drop some liquid onto the 'tablet' and they'll immediately expand and release it's true form, keep dripping some liquid until the mask completely unfold, they'll be pretty damp and ready to be used. I can simply add more if I want the mask to contain more liquid.


I love to use Hatomugi Skin Conditioner on a clean skin right after taking a shower, when the skin is till moist and really clean from the shower, usually the skin still very soft and can take the moisture better. I sit back and relax, enjoying the mask for around 3-5 minutes and took them off.

The skin feel moist and supple and it stays that way without being greasy nor oily until the next shower time or at least the half day for me. My t-zone is rather oily where the cheeks are awfully dry, the product works wonders on both side of my skin. It made the oily parts hydrated hence it stays good without the overcompensating oils and the cheeks stays happy and moist, so it helps balancing the skin conditioning right from the beginning.

I'm still using my usual serums after the skin conditioner and before moisturizer, oil base for my cheeks and water based for my tzone, Hatomugi Skin Conditioner seems to be perfecting my skincare.


The third way is using a cotton pad, similar to the dried mask, just drip some skin conditioner on the pads and let them soak the liquid, until they are damp or more to the transparent, they are ready to be used on the skin. Let them stick well on the skin well on any sides you want them to be.

During my period, my chin usually has several acne and it is bothering me due to the hormonal imbalance, but nowadays, with Hatomugi Skin Conditioner, they seems to be gone faster than the usual 5-6 days.


One more thing, put the liquid inside a spray bottle, and spray them anytime. As a toner, as a freshener during the day, or whenever the skin needs a perk up. And it literately can be used on any part of the body, for the skin when it needs a cool off, or for the hair too, it works great when it's need moisture. I imagine using it on the plane and it would relieves me for sure from many discomforts from dryness. Just make sure you put into a small container less than 100 ml.


Here's my naked skin looking happy and supple. It felt so good to be comfortable at my own skin. It is the most amazing feeling, it add confident and boost self esteem to feel the love for ourselves, because, if we don't, who else, it has to start from oneself.


Hatomugi Skin Conditioner, a liquid that can be used in many forms and for many benefits for the skin all over. Spray them, with the warmth of the palms, as a mask, as a pack, however you please and let the skin enjoy the goodness from the herbs.


Thank you so much Hatomugi Indonesia and Kawaii Beauty Japan.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Mustika Ratu Duo Face Care

Hello lovelies,

around a week ago, I was invited by Sociolla to one of their Soiree, unfortunately I was unwell that day and unable to come. However, these babies made it safely to my home so I can review them.

Mustika Ratu is one of Indonesia most famous local brand. Using natural heritage and ingredients Mustika Ratu continues to strive and now, they are ready to embark the new generations with their new products called Duo Face Care.

Along side with,
Duo Face Care Glow & Tight: Face Peeling Gel dan Peel Off Mask
Sociolla also sent me some other new products from Mustika Ratu not to be missed.


Before reviewing the main items, I would like to start according to the routine, start from cleaning the skin, using these Face Wash.

Looking at the image above, the set does come in two variants, Lemon and Green Tea. Each of the product such as Face Wash, Face Peeling Gel and Peel Off Mask respectively.


Here are the details from on steps in using the products.

Langkah #1: Face Peeling Gel Lemon / Green Tea
Pertama-tama, bersihkan pori-porimu dari kotoran dan make up dengan menggunakan pembersih wajah atau cleanser. Setelah wajahmu bersih, lanjutkan dengan penggunaan Face Peeling Gel Lemon / Green Tea untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati.  Kedua variannya sama-sama bermanfaat untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati, membersihkan pori-pori secara optimal, mengecilkan pori-pori,  dan merevitalisasi kulit sehingga kulitmu akan terlihat lebih sehat, cerah, halus, dan poreless. Bonusnya, face peeling gel ini juga bisa membantu membersihkan komedo.
Perbedaan pada kedua variant hanya terletak pada kandungan bahan alaminya yaitu lemon dan green tea. Untuk varian lemon, formulanya kaya akan vitamin C yang bisa mencerahkan dan warna kulitmu. Sementara varian green tea lebih kaya akan kandungan antioksidan yang bermanfaat untuk merawat kulit dan mencegah penuaan dini akibat racun dan radikal bebas yang mengendap di kulitmu.
Untuk cara penggunaannya, bersihkan wajahmu terlebih dahulu dengan face cleanser. Lalu, oleskan Face Peeling Gel secukupnya pada wajah dan pijat lembut kulit wajahmu selama 3-5 menit. Hindari area sekitar mata ya. Kemudian, bilas wajahmu dengan air hangat. Untuk kulit normal cenderung berminyak, gunakan produk ini dia kali seminggu, dan untuk kulit normal cenderung kering kamu bisa menggunakannya sebanyak satu kali seminggu.
Langkah #2: Peel Off Mask Lemon / Green Tea
Next, langkah perawatan selanjutnya adalah mengaplikasikan Peel Off Mask Lemon / Green Tea ke seluruh wajah. Kedua masker peel off ini sama-sama mengandung Tanin yang bisa membuat kulit wajahmu menjadi lebih kencang sehingga bisa terbebas dari keriput dan garis halus. Bedanya, Peel Off Mask Lemon diperkaya dengan kandungan vitamin C yang dapat mencerahkan kulit, sementara Peel Off Mask Green Tea mengandung ekstrak daun teh hijau yang kaya akan antioksidan dan ekstrak lidah buaya untuk menenangkan kulit. Hasilnya, kulitmu akan menjadi lebih sehat, kencang, cerah, halus dan terlihat flawless.
Cara penggunaannya juga sangat praktis. Kamu hanya perlu mengaplikasikan maskernya ke seluruh wajahmu secara merata setelah menggunakan Face Peeling Gel sebelumnya. Hindari kontak dengan daerah wajah yang sensitif seperti area sekitar alis, mata, dan juga bibir. Setelah itu, tunggu hingga mengering dan kelupas masker secara perlahan. Bilas menggunakan air hangat dan lakukan perawatan ini secara rutin sebanyak 2-3 kali seminggu ya untuk hasil yang maksimal. 
Bagi kamu yang ingin mencoba langkah perawatannya, kamu bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan produknya di seluruh minimarket,supermarket, atau department store terdekat dengan harga sekitar Rp32.400.

After reading on the information given, the products seems so easy to be used and practical, right?! Let's go back to the face wash for now and have them reviewed one by one.

This is the close up look of the Face Wash, the ones with red and yellow dots is Lemon and the one with green dots is Green Tea. They look so cute, the texture is gooey clear gel that lathers on so easy on the skin and it cleans the skin lightly with a mild tingling fresh feeling.


And the scent, it was wonderful, they are light, definitely not overwhelming and I find myself enjoying it. They doesn't last after being rinsed off, but when I'm washing, I took my time to enjoy the process. And the beads, they are pretty soft and I don't feel them much as to say it is a product that scrub, it's too faint or mild to be described as a scrub.


And as mentioned on the steps, after cleaning the skin, it's time for the Face Peeling Gel, below are the texture. As in sync as they are with each other, the one with green dots is Green Tea variant and the next is the Lemon. Both are similar on terms of function and benefit. The texture, feeling of the product and everything is the same for me, just the slightly differ in scent.


They both did they job well and within 3 minutes the dead skin are peeled off. The skin remains comfortable during the process, but for those with lots of hair may felt a bit of a pull when cleaning the dead skin.

After the peeling process, the skin felt so much softer and comfortable. This is good for those with dull skin or aging as well as it speed up the turnover, but I think it is still best to use products when needed so we don't over-exfoliate the skin


Continues with the Peel Off Mask, (do mind the mixed up images to show the varieties of the product), it comes in a similar packaging but different details written and product inside.


The Peel Off Mask is clear, they both are and there's no telling which is which. It has a sticky consistency and kinda like a glue. Within a few minutes, they started to dries up and slowly, on the thinnest part, they'll easily peeled off.


After all of the part has become dry, peel them off completely and reveal the clean skin beneath.


Last but not least, it's Hand & Body Lotion White Care from Mustika Ratu, it's like the end of the skin routine, same goes with the face (only it's moisturizer and not body lotion), the skin should be pampered after being thoroughly clean and the dead skin is off.


As the skin no longer have barrier from the dead skin, the products used afterwards can be absorbed by the skin better. On the face, products such as serum and moisturizer becomes lighter and doesn't create that noodling that happens when there's tons of dead skin cells on the surface. It felt good.


Thank you so much Mustika Ratu and Sociolla fo the wonderful opportunities in reviewing these babies.


See you again soon!!