Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Derma Crystal at EUROSKINLAB®

Hi everybody,

a few days ago, I was invited by Euromedica to try on some of their signature treatments. Euromedica has Euroskinlab and ESC in shorts for European Slimming Centre. There are several branches in Indonesia, mainly in Jakarta Euroskinlab is focusing on the skin and and ESC as a slimming center for the body. Some branch has both Euroskinlab and ESC, while some only have either one.

Do check on their official website for more information at

I went into their main branch at Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 97
Kebayoran Baru.

And the first treatment I'm going to experience is called Derma Crystal Laser Treatment .


I was told that the treatment can only be done here since this branch has the laser for my treatment. I've tried laser treatment a few times, once in Singapore fora skin rejuvenation that cost around 700 SGD and I remember the smell of a burning skin (or perhaps fine hairs). An anesthetic cream is also put on 30-60 minutes before the treatment to numb the skin's upper layer.

I was mentally prepared for my laser treatment at Euroskinlab.


The waiting room is small but suffice. Everything is made under appointment so perhaps everything is under a complete orderly management, hence a big waiting room is not needed. My kids are having fun thanks to the internet connection and wait patiently during my treatment. The staffs are wonderful, they are very kind and never even once gave me 'that look' when my baby cries. They supported me since I came until I went back. The doctor also so nice, she insisted I look after my baby until she is calm and happy before proceeding to any procedure from consultation to treatment.


In this branch there are two sides, one is Euroskinlab, modern, nifty and contemporary.

The waiting room is in white, cream and solid red.


Several rooms from consultations to treatments are here for a guaranteed privacy.


The doctor (Dr. Cynthia) explained to me about the procedure, from the beginning to the end, what will I feel, what needed to be done, what will be the effects and so on. It was fast and she assured me, nothing can go wrong with the treatment and we can just proceed.


Derma Crystal (DC)
Derma Crystal merupakan treatment laser dari EUROSKINLAB® Laser Centre yang mampu mendorong peremajaan kulit wajah anda (rejuvenation).
Treatment laser DC mengurangi kerutan, mencerahkan kulit wajah, memperbaiki kulit kemerahan (rosacea), pori-pori wajah, dan bercak merah karena pecahnya pembuluh darah (Red Vascular).
Treatment laser DC mendorong menciptakan sel kulit baru, sehingga mampu membuat kulit wajah anda jauh lebih kencang dan lebih muda.

This is their official press release:


And I went into another side now, this is ESC, in the same building with Euroskinlab but on 'the other side' of the door. Look how different here is. The room is dimmed, the ambiance is far more relaxed, calm and feels like home.


And here's the treatment room for everything related to procedure related to laser.


My images is taken for the before treatment to later the team can see and discuss the before-after procedure.


And I have to sign some documents from making sure I understand about the effects to clearance that I'm not pregnant at the moment.


The next step is cleaning my skin completely on the areas that the laser will 'touch'.


I told the staff (Ms. Ani if I wasn't mistaken) that my cheeks are very sensitive hence I need her to really be careful when she cleans the area, and she listen to me. The whole process of cleansing and afterwards, whenever she touches my skin, she done it gently. 


Taking a before picture in every angle is needed.


My nose is slightly crooked, I broke mine when I'm still around 7 years old and it is not as straight as it used to be.


After taking images, the areas where there's hair is covered. My eyebrows are safe under those white tape.


And the laser begin. start with this tingling and slightly warm sensation. A bit like tiny needles touching my skin, some areas like the upper cheeks is felt a bit pain, but everything is still comfortable even thou' I must admit that I'm a little bit scared since no numbing cream has been applied. So the whole procedure is using no anesthesia whatsoever.


There's this burnt smell on areas 'touched' by the laser, this is exactly the same smell whenever a laser treatment is done to me. It's the microscopic wound that later heals and create beautiful layers.


All the lasers are done by the doctor. There are three tools, the first one is the one with burning smell and like tiny needles touching my skin, the second one is heat. Like that wonderful heat grazing on top of the skin.


For me, this is like my favorite part between the three, like the sun on a perfect summer day.


The third and last one is a tool that actually touching the skin. It's like the end of a rounded pen, it's circling around and I think the doctor is paying attention on areas such as acne.


And then it's done. The whole treatment last around 30-45 minutes. From cleansing, laser treatments, soothing mask, moisturizer and sun protection. It is crucial to always use sun protection. Always avoid sun exposure, especially during peak hours 10 AM - 2 PM for around a week, warm and hot water for shower or bath, and excessive exercise. Kinda like after a wax or IPL.


The after effect of the laser is visible around 1-2 days after treatment and there's no downtime.

So you pretty much can do daily activity like normal (except those advice above of avoiding excessive sun, etc).


I'm glad that the whole process doesn't involve pain and no numbing cream is needed.

The procedure also pretty fast and for me, I can see immediate result. My face appear fresher and the skin becomes clearer.


Above is me after treatment, still in the laser room, and below is around 2 hours after the treatment and under the bright light (from the window). No makeup at all. I look super clear :D


And below is me around 5 days after Derma Crystal, the skin appear super clear and flawless. Makeup easily put on and I think on day 3 there's an area on my upper cheek that was coming off, around 5 mm2. But it coming off cleanly and without any pain nor redness.


Oh I love my skin, it look so smooth, spotless, clear and irresistibly fair.


Thank you EUROSKINLAB for the treatment, it was fast, efficient and may I say, spot on!

Check out more about Euroskinlab here:

Web                    :
Instagram            : @ESL_Euroskinlab
Twitter               : @ESL_Euroskinlab
Facebook           : Euroskinlab

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Hello lovelies,

This is a post made for you who are looking for a daily lenses that has both purpose of function and style. 

The product itself comes in several variants, let's see the details from the official website:

Our innovative new contact lenses enhance the natural beauty of the eye, adding natural-looking definition to the limbal ring. Plus, they’re built on the 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® Brand Contact Lenses with LACREON® Technology platform—the #1 selling daily disposable lens in the world.
Available in five effects that uniquely complement each iris: NATURAL SPARKLE®, NATURAL SHIMMER®, NATURAL SHINE®, ACCENT STYLE, and VIVID STYLE.

In Indonesia, I think the product comes in the 1 Day Acuvue Moist, Natural Shine, and Vivid Style.Or at least those are the products that I have and tried.


Acuvue Moist is clear and suitable as a daily lenses. It claims to have more water and more comfortable to be used. I'm agree with the comfort as it doesn't make my eyes feel dry. The lenses also suitable for long hours (like 12 hours) but still, no opthalmologist would recommend using any soft lenses longer than 8 hours.

And for beauty blogger or any beauty enthusiast like me, who loves to change their eye color to be more updated with the trend, these are Vivid Style and Natural Shine.


All of their products comes in many choices for those with myopia and available in normal too.


These are Natural Shine.

The lenses are not heavily tinted, so it is like how they named it, natural. It was made to give the eyes a bit of 'enhancement' without looking too much.


Very comfortable to be used on daily basis and I have been using it for more than 12 hours and more as long as you don't tell my doctor.

This is after all considered as a 'cosmetic lenses' and not really recommended for every day use. So, do use it wisely and on special occasions only.

Now, regarding the size and shape of the lenses, I find it comfortable and I never experience any blurry vision nor discomfort when using them, any of them. But the vision does become darker, especially using Vivid Style.


And below is Natural Shine on the right and Vivid Style on the left.

By pairing them side by side, the differences is quite visible. Natural Shine is more faint in shade and Vivid Style is definitely more vivid and contain more pigment. It has that effect to make the iris seems bigger.


Below are my pictures when I'm using the lenses.


1-DAY Acuvue Moist


1-DAY Acuvue Moist.


Natural Shine.


Vivid Style.


And of course, Vivid Style.

Each of them has their own signature look and benefit. My favorite is Vivid Style since it has the most effect. Still, compared to other cosmetic lenses out there, 1-DAY Acuvue Define is still pretty 'mild' but if you want lenses that provide a natural 'enhancement' and feels very comfortable with assurance from a reputable brand, this is definitely an option for you. 

Amethyst Natural Skincare and Cosmetics

Hello lovelies,

Belakangan ini banyak sekali kosmetik asli buatan Indonesia yang ada di pasaran yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami. Tentunya sebagai pecinta produk yang alami, I love to try any of those items. Sepertinya trend masyarakat saat ini adalah kembali ke produk yang berbahan dasar alami atau paling tidak, memilih opsi yang lebih aman

Nah, Amethyst adalah salah satu 'brand' yang juga memproduksi ksometik dengan bahan-bahan alami, kebetulan mereka mengirimkan beberapa produk mereka ke aku, here they are:


Matcha Smoothie Rejuvenating Mask, Facial Oil Glow Me, Lippy Scrub Tangerine, Luxy Body Scrub, dan Candy Lippy Choco Lip Balm.

My first impression saat menerima produk-produk mereka adalah serius ini design packaging nya simple banget alias homemade sekali. Entah kenapa jadi aga-k-agak underestimate kualitas produknya, belum lagi warna body scrub yang biru muda banget, jadi terlihat seperti produk untuk anak-anak. Menarik sih, tapi bright sekali warnanya.

Namun, pas dicoba, mulai dari yang paling gonjreng warnanya, si biru, ternyata teskturnya enak banget.


Luxy Body Scrub
Our Luxy body scrub is definitely a treat for your skin!
The sugar and apricot seed will gently exfoliate and polish away dead skin cells, while the Cocoa Butter, Sweet almond Oil and other lovely oils will moisture and leave your skin silky smooth, healthy and glowing.
How to use:
Use clean and dry spoon to scoop the scrub in separate bowl.
Use in bath or shower to exfoliate and moisture in one step. Simply rub on damp skin, gently massage and rinse.
Our Luxy body scrub different from regular body scrub!!
We've emulsified our scrub so it turn into lotion-y goodness when combined with water without leaving oily residue.
It gives luxurious shower experience

Detail diatas aku ambil dari Facebook page Amethyst yang masih ada beberapa typos, hope they can fixed it.

Blossom Blue memiliki aroma yang menarik, segar, floral namun tetap lembut. Alias engga norak :D Lalu saat di ambil dan disebar ke seluruh tubuh (setelah kulit dibilas air agar lembab), rasanya cukup menyenangkan. Karena produknya seperti cream, meskipun ada butiran gula, butiran-butiran ini tidak mudah lepas, jadi pas aku pakai di kamar mandi, tidak seberantakan produk dari brand lain yang serupa.

Satu hal utama yang bikin beda adalah pas dipakai, dibilas dan hasil akhirnya kulit terasa moist, lembut dan sama sekali enggak lengket. Awalnya karena pikir tekstur dari scrub ini creamy, aku pikir pasti lengket dan adalah sedikit tidak nyaman, tapi engga tuh, so far nyaman-nyaman aja and jujur ini perhaps probably the best sugar body scrub yang pernah aku coba.

Dan karena ini alami, aku engga khawatir produk ini membuat masalah di lingkungan. Micro beads sudah dilarang di USA karena tercatat sebagai limbah yang sulit 'dicerna', nah karena ini gula, yah setelah lama kena air, pasti mencair, dan tekstur creamy nya juga jadi kaya lotion ringan yang engga bikin lantai kamar mandi lengket. Males banget kan kalau lantai kamar mandi jadi lengket, satu rumah bisa protes saban kita scrub-an.


Produk kedua yang ingin aku bahas ini si Lip Scrub. Udah kenyang deh cobain Lip Scrub berbagai brand dan sayangnya ini bukan favorit karena sticky.

Tekstur gulanya sedikit telalu besar untuk ukuran bibir dan belum semua sel kulit mati di bibir aku keangkat, tapi yang bikin aku ilfil paling mengenai lengketnya itu. Seperti kebanyakan pakai wax atau petroleum jelly (meskipun mereka engga stated mengandung kedua bahan itu secara di ingredients list juga tidak ada tapi hanya untuk menjelaskan the feeling of using the product).

Wangi Tangerine-nya cukup, dalam arti kata sangat soft dan tidak berlebihan, dan karena mungkin banyak virgin olive oil dan virgin coconut oil, bibir memang jadi lembut setelahnya tapi kulit sekitar bibir juga jadi terasa berminyak sekali.


Next item is Face Oil.

Produk ini juga lagi booming, beberapa online community memiliki thread yang khusus membahas mengenai face oil.

Sebenarnya face oil ini sudah cukup lama, sekitar 3-4 tahun yang lalu berbagai brand kosmetik ternama di Korea mengeluarkan trend face oil yang mampu merawat kulit dan memberikan efek glowing atau dewy pada finishing makeup maupun riasan sehari-hari. Kemampuan oil untuk membuat kulit lembab lebih lama sangat disukai mereka yang harus menggunakan makeup pada waktu yang cukup lama.

Oil sendiri sifatnya lebih melembabkan dibanding air, dan aku pribadi telah mencoba berbagai macam oils untuk wajah.

Beberapa jenis dan type oil cocok digunakan kapanpun, dan beberapa lebih tepat hanya pada waktu malam, Face Oil Amethyst bisa digunakan kapanpun.


GLOW ME facial oil
Luxurious blends helps fegenerate skin cells, smooth fine lines, improve skin elasticy and guve healthy glowing skin.
Ingredients :
- Golden Jojoba Oil
- Argan Oil
- Rosehip seed Oil
- Pomegranate seed Oil
- Sea Buckthorn Oil
- Essential oil blends (include Bulgarian Rose Otto, Lavender ,Geranium)
How To use:
After cleansing or misting, apply and press 2-3 drops of oil into damp skin. Massage gently.

Warna face ini kuning cerah, bisa aku gunakan sebagai serum atau campuran foundation untuk hasil yang light glow. Bahannya tidak lengket dan nyaman, kuncinya adalah menggunakan face oil ini pada kulit yang bersih dan lembab. Aku menggunakan face spray atau brumisateur dulu agar kulit lembab dan menaruh beberapa tetes face oil di tangan. Hangatkan dalam telapak lalu dengan perlahan dan gerakan menekan aku menepuk-nepukan produk yang ada di telapak ke kulit wajah.

Untuk campuran pada foundation, cukup gunakan telapak tangan dan teteskan face oil beserta liquid atau creamy foundation, mixed well together pakai brush dan aplikasikan langsung ke wajah yang siap untuk makeup.

Karena ada kandungan oil, saat menggunakan harus bersabar agar face oil memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk terserap, sekitar 10-15 menit biasanya cukup kok, sebelum lanjut ke step selanjutnya (jika skincare, step selanjutnya adalah pelembab, dan jika makeup, step selanjutnya adalah adalah powder atau makeup apapun yang ingin dipakai.

Tips tambahan dari aku, jangan pakai kebanyakan, secara ini oil, kalau kebanyakan jadi bermintak


Produk selanjutnya adalah masker berbentuk powder.

Seperti biasa masker dengan tekstur seperti ini bisa digunakan setelah dicampur dengan cairan, bisa air biasa, air mawar, perasan lemon, sampai air seduhan teh (yang sudah tidak panas please).

Efeknya tambahan dari masing-masing cairan tersebut juga bisa kita nikmati sesuai dengan jenis kulit kita. Karena aku ingin murni efek dari masker ini, aku berikan sedikit air saja.

Ambil beberapa sendok bubuk masker ini pada wadah yang bersih, campurkan air secukupnya dan aduk sampai rata.


Aku pribadi suka tekstur Matcha Smoothie Rejuvenating yang sedikit kental. Semakin banyak air pada 'adonan' semakin cairlah masker tersebut.

Aku gunakan pada wajah yang bersih dan diamkan selama yang aku mau, kadang setengah basah sudah aku bilas, kadang sampai benar-benar kering (15-20 menit).

Kulit terasa bersih (banget) dan secara ini awalnya bubuk, pastinya terasa sampai ke pori-pori. Membersihkannya juga tidak cukup hanya air. Biasanya aku menggunakan kapas yang dibasahi oleh micellar water. Kapas lembab ini mampu mengangkat lebih banyak residue (atau produk sisa) yang menempel di kulit sampai benar-benar bersih.


Gunakan toner, serum dan pelembab setelah maskeran membuat kulit terasa nyaman dan rasanya kulit aku lebih bisa menyerap semua skincare tersebut. Jadi efek yang paling aku rasakan dari masker ini adalah wajah yang benar-benar bersih, kinda like detoxing.


Produk terakhir adalah Lip Balm ini. Maklum, karena aku bukan penggemar lip balm, jadi agak kurang bisa memberikan ulasan yang menyeluruh mengenai produk ini. Aku juga kurang nyaman dengan teksturnya yang balmy, aroma choconya yang kurang lezat serta menurut aku terasa sedikit seperti wax (sekali lagi ini mengenai perasaan saat aku gunakan ya, bukan berarti produknya benar-benar mengandung wax).

Overall, Amethyst dengan kemasan dan desainnya yang simple banget ini memiliki beberapa produk yang menurut aku cukup bagus, Face oil dan body scrub nya nyaman digunakan dan cocok untuk aku yang memiliki kulit kering dan bahkan kadang sensitif. Produk lainnya seperti lip balm dan lip scrub kurang aku sukai karena teksturnya. Maskernya sendiri bisa juga dipakai di tubuh dan bisa membantu membersihkan jerawat di punggung atau untuk bath soak, ini mungkin salah satu produk mereka yang bisa digunakan untuk berbagai hal karena kandungannya yang kaya antioksidan.

In the end, thank you Amethyst untuk semua produk-produk ini dan hopefully I can see more of you.

Anna Sui Gel Foundation Primer

Hello lovelies,

this is a primer from Anna Sui called Gel Foundation Primer.

An ultra hydrating primer inspired by the rich creamy texture of blancmanges. The Anna Sui Gel Foundation Primer spreads like a delectable creame to conceal pores, while the intensely moisturizing properties of the primer instantly hydrates the skin for a supple and dewy complexion.

The resilient gel base instantly hydrates and plumps skin for a supple and dewy complexion.


The water-based gel spreads effortlessly and is formulated to release water upon contact, replenishing the skin with instant hydration. The resilient, pudding-like texture of the gel base gently lifts the skin for a plump and youthful look.

The product is a self restoring gel, water soluble polymer, moisture rich emulsion with shield oil, moist fit oil, film forming ingredients, and ultraviolet absorbing agent. Contain trick powder, clear cover powder, slide powder (for radiance and smooth plate powder), oil absorbing powder and a hint of pigment.


The slightly white, transparent Clear Cover Powder is blended in to conceal pores and skin discolorations. Combined with Trick Powder, it has a soft focus effect and delivers clear, poreless skin. In addition, blending in glossy Slide Powder helps smooth out unevenness on the skin to eliminate any dullness, creating porcelain-smooth skin.

Two ingredients, double the effect.

The light diffusing Trick Powder along with the Clear Cover Powder give a luminous and translucent glow and instantly covers the look of pores so the complexion looks flawless.

Smooth, glossy Slide Powder.

A plate-like powder often used in eye shadow adds smoothness and shine to the complexion.


It has SPF 24 PA++, comes with a black spatula to scoop the pudding gel, and has the most adorable pot with details engraved and in golds.


Anna Sui cosmetics has several primer and this one is made for those with normal to oily skin as the water soluble provide intense moisturizing and the oil absorbing powder also gives immediate result in taking excessive oils from the skin. It made the makeup last longer and better too as applying the gel increase the skin's condition making it smoother and covers the pores for a more flawless finish.


When opened, the product is like this creamy pannacotta, caramel pudding or that gel creamy milky pudding that is so irresistible. Jiggle it a bit and you'll find it wobbling about.


I'm using it on a cleaned and moisturized skin, before any makeup.


The product easily scooped with a spatula and the shape and texture is really like a creamy milky pudding when breaks off. Yet, after a few seconds it will get back to its liquidy form and becomes one again.


It is firm and fun to be played with. I love the texture and always fond of these kinds of formula for the skin. If they make it right, it will become like the most suitable formula for the skin as it gives hydration and firming at the same time.

I need a firming formula for sure anytime of the day.


The gel foundation primer gives a soft focus effect on my skin. The pores seems smaller and much less visible while the formula moisturizes the skin, the oil absorbing powder feels nice too and doesn't cause dryness to the skin.

I use around corn size for the whole face and a bit to the neck too.


Apply foundation and feel the difference as I don't need to use as many as without the primer and the foundation (whether liquid, cream, or powder) glides on easier and better too. Like it create this light, soft yet medium to full coverage finish without the feel of using any makeup.


I can choose a matte or dewy base complexion based on the products used afterwards and it is perfectly fine.


Anna Sui Gel Foundation Primer makes makeup application better, smoother with result that last longer and stays on the skin without making a fuss from cakey, noodling to any other form of misbehavior.


Thank you so much Anna Sui for a makeup that looks and feel better on my skin, the refreshing look never gets old and I love the comforting feeling it brings as well.


Get yours at any Anna Sui counter.